A 溫偉耀 Sermon Summary Since the apostle Peter’s time, Christians have suffered at the hands of non-believers. How should we face it (1Peter 4)?
First, we accept suffering, decay, and death as inevitable, and we persevere (1 Peter 4:12). Sometimes the end of suffering comes slowly. The world focuses on efficiency and instant gratification. But as in Walter Mischel’s marshmallow experiment, five-year-old kids who could resist eating marshmallows for fifteen minutes typically were more successful later in life than those who couldn’t. Don’t let food, sex, or other idols control you (1 Peter 4:3), but practice self-control (Proverbs 25:28). Suffering can come from those around us, specifically when we choose not to indulge in the same excesses of dissipation. Persevere, as Christ has persevered (1Peter 4:4-6). Second, trust and depend on God. Wait for Him in faith (Isaiah 40:31). God didn’t cause your suffering, but He knows and has His plans. Have faith and follow Him (1 Peter 4:19). Jesus is the author and perfector of faith, sitting at the right hand of the Father (Hebrew 12:2). He was also human, having been through tremendous suffering. We should pray unceasingly to Him and trust His affirmations that everything will be fine; and we should trust His tears, assuring that He cares for us and won’t forget us. Third, focus on the upcoming rewards. This will help us endure suffering. Our pain on earth is temporal, but our future glory will be eternal (2 Corinthians 4:17-18). Don’t envy the wicked, for judgment waits for them. In Mischel’s experiment, children practiced better self-control when they found distractions, such as running around, singing, and looking at things other than the enticing marshmallows. Christ experienced tremendous suffering. But He persevered, focusing on following the Father’s will and the destiny He was given (1 Peter 4:1-2). Likewise, we should turn our eyes upon Christ, and arm ourselves with His purpose to endure suffering. Don’t be afraid of it. Also, we should love one another fervently; use our gifts to serve each other, as good stewards of God’s grace; and be hospitable to one another without grumbling. This includes accepting care from others. Bear our burdens together. In all things, glorify God through Christ (1 Peter 4:7-11). Summary of a sermon by 溫偉耀, titled “Flourish from Our Suffering” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luX0icW0s1k
A Charles Spurgeon Sermon Summary The Holy Spirit has attributes like a person. For example, we are baptized in the name (not the names) of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; Christian services close with the blessing of having the fellowship of the Holy Spirit (2Corinthians 13:14); and the Holy Spirit has understanding and a will of its own (1Corinthians 2:9, 12:11). We can lie to, resist, and reject the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:3, 7:51, 5:9). And the Holy Spirit has feelings and can be grieved (Ephesians 4:30, Isaiah 63:10).
The Holy Spirit is powerful (Romans 15:13). For example, the Holy Spirit brought order out of confusion (Genesis 1). He influences and enables us to do right, to be wise and speak the word of God, as shown in David’s Psalms, Solomon’s words of wisdom, and the fire touching Isaiah’s lips. He generated the hands in the Book of Daniel. He calls people to do certain work (Acts 13:2), such as telling Peter to go to the centurion (Acts 10:19). He took Philip away (Acts 8:39). He gave Spurgeon power to preach. He convinces us of our sins and gives us life when we are dead in sins (Ephesians 2:5). The Holy Spirit lives in us forever, with us becoming God’s temple (John 14:17). Though we can’t see the Holy Spirit, we feel His presence and experience His power. But those not selected by God don’t know, haven’t experienced, and reject the Holy Spirit (John 14:17). The Holy Spirit deeply cares about us. We are made in the image of the Holy Trinity, or in Their (not His) image (Genesis 1:26). The Holy Trinity loves us and works together for our salvation. The Son intercedes for us; the Father listens and sends the Holy Spirit; and the Holy Spirit teaches us the truth, and comforts and helps us (John 14:16). So, Christians, pray seriously to the Holy Spirit. Ask the Holy Spirit to help and bless us. Ask the Holy Spirit to own what we are working on, and revive the church, with the world sharing the benefits. Summary of a sermon by Charles Spurgeon, titled “The Personality of the Holy Spirit.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aSZP6kfrmc&t=95s A 高銘謙 Sermon Summary Mistakes have consequences, and sometimes those consequences bring pain and suffering that last for a long time. When that happens, what should we do? How should we react? Let’s learn from the book of Zephaniah.
In the twelve minor prophet books, the prophets didn’t always explain things chronologically, but instead went from topic to topic. Most of the books start with God’s judgment and end with God’s mercy and love. Zephaniah follows this pattern; its first two chapters focus on judgment and punishment, with the third on mercy and love. The Israelites disobeyed God, ignored His corrections, and ran away from Him. They depended on wealth, army, political alliance, and worshipping false gods. Their officials were fierce and cruel. Their religious leaders distorted the law for their own benefit. And so, they were punished. Chapter 3 starts with judgment and punishment (3:1-8). The prophet Zephaniah predicted that God’s wrath would come and didn’t sugarcoat the severity of the pains and sufferings (1:15-18). The prophet also predicted the day of salvation (3:11-13). Zephaniah told them to fear God, accept correction, and actively wait for salvation from the Lord. If they did so, their lips would be purified (3:9). This purification extended to their actions and hearts (Isaiah 29:13). In other words, they would be internally and externally consistent, with their hearts and actions reflecting their pure lips. In His love, God would no longer rebuke them but would rejoice over them (3:15-17). This was the mercy that would come after punishment. Zephaniah tightly coupled future salvation to current punishment. This faith and hope helped the Israelites endure and actively wait for their deliverance. Deuteronomy 28 describes both blessing and curse. One main purpose of God’s curse and punishment is to bring us back from our mistakes; they are for our good. When we suffer because of our mistakes, we must accept His correction and repent. Hold onto and patiently wait for His promise. Have faith that one day, God’s love will return, and He will not recount our sins. Instead, He will greatly rejoice over us. Summary of a sermon by 高銘謙, titled “The Worship in Zephaniah.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKN6PIB_RoU A N. T. Wright Sermon Summary As stated in the Lord’s prayer, God wants His Kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as in heaven (Matthew 6:9-10). Note that it focuses on earth, instead of somewhere above.
When Christ returns, He will transform the world back to what it was meant to be, the world God created and considered good (Genesis 1, 2). And we will be raised as Christ was raised (1 Corinthian 15:20-28). What God did for Christ at Easter is what He will do to all creation, utterly renewed, with no more corruption and decay and with God above all (1 Corinthians 15:20-28). But currently, we are living in a transition period. Today, people want to play their own games, worshiping and pursuing pleasure in what the world provides, while ignoring the future. We see chaos and destruction around us. The world is in pain. Creation is groaning (Romans 8:18-26). Fortunately, we are integrated with Christ and have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. We are heaven’s citizens following heaven’s ways. This is like Roman citizens living outside of Rome but following Rome’s ways. Don’t despair. Instead, we should share Christ’s suffering and carry our cross (Romans 8:26-27). Our hope is in things we don’t see. Wait patiently. With the love of God, pray agonizingly. As the Father sent Christ, Christ sent us to the world. Having said that, we shouldn’t try to change the world just with our own intellect and capability. We are weak, but God’s power is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9-10). Only God can build His kingdom. We rely on God to bring order to His creation and make the world flourish. One day, the creation will be liberated. Our work in the Lord will not be in vain, and we will see how our little effort fits into the Kingdom (1 Corinthians 15:58). Because of God’s love, we will reign through Christ and share His glory (Romans 5:17, 8:31-39). Today, we follow His guidance and do our small parts. Be faithful in your calling and cheerful in your service for Him, so that you may be fruitful for His Kingdom. Summary of a sermon by N. T. Wright, titled, “The Future of the World.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWNKp3jYyRo A 高銘謙 Sermon Summary Let’s learn from God’s promise and examples after examples of God fulfilling them in 2 Chronicles.
In Chapter 6, Solomon prayed to God about His promise in Deuteronomy 28. God responded, affirming that rebellion led to curses, but that forgiveness would come if they humbled themselves, prayed and sought God’s face, and turned from wickedness (2 Chronicles 7:12-16). Humility means to accept ourselves as God’s creation. Praying to God is an act of humility. We don’t pray if we think we can handle everything. Seeking God’s face means following God’s commands, where seeking with all your heart being similar to loving God with all your heart in Deuteronomy (2Chronicles 15:12). In the bible, to love God isn’t just a feeling, but a commitment to follow His command as an expression of that love (John 14:21). Solomon’s prayer concludes with God’s promised love (2 Chronicles 6:42). 2 Chronicles repeats the refrain: “He is good; his love endures forever,” a reminder that God will always keep His promise, specifically the promise in 7:14 (2 Chronicles 5:13). 2 Chronicles 7:14 is on admitting sin, repenting, and receiving forgiveness, like salvation through faith (1 John 1:9). In the Old Testament, prayers went through the temple. Later, John identified Christ as the temple, which Christ rebuilt in three days. So, prayers now go through Christ, not Solomon’s temple. Chapters 10-36 describe the rise and fall of the several kings, illustrating the promise of verse 7:14 in action. A common pattern repeats itself: a king would seek God and be blessed, but then grow arrogant and abandon God, leading to his downfall. But repentance brings salvation. Let’s look at the following examples in 2Chronicles:
May we learn from history so we don’t repeat these mistakes. Summary of a sermon titled “2 Chronicles on Seeking God” by 高銘謙: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXE3ZjxVi9I A 鮑維均 Sermon Summary Many imagine heaven filled with things they love, such as wonderful entertainment, gourmet food, and vibrant health. But the Bible teaches otherwise. In Revelation’s new heaven and earth, the holy place, God lives with His people, as He did in the Garden of Eden[1]. Both Eden and the new heaven and earth have rivers and trees. The New Testament represents Christ as living water, continually quenching our thirst, and a true vine. We must be grafted to Him to bear fruit. He is the temple, the holy place[2]. Through Christ, God lives with us. Furthermore, God’s glory brightens the new heaven and earth. It is a place of purity, like clear-as-crystal jewel and pure-as-transparent-glass gold[3]. Humans there are sinless, purified by Christ’s blood[4]. The key activity in the holy place is to worship God[5]. Today, we tend to revere the rich and the famous. Caesar once had a powerful empire, yet Christians worshipped the invisible Christ as Lord, not Caesar. Earthly things are transient and can’t fulfill our real needs[6]. Today, we see good people suffer and evil people prosper[7]. Yet Christians should trust our sovereign God and His long-term plan to reward the good and punish the wicked[8]. To Christians, the real reality should be the invisible Lord, who created and rules over all things. And we should worship Him[9]. So, until that new heaven and earth are established, how should Christians live now? Our Holy God requires us to lead a pure life through Christ[10]. Among sins, one of the worst is lying[11]. John described Satan as the father of lies[12]. Liars’ actions and words don’t match. They may call God their Lord and friend, while walking in darkness[13]. Have we lied? Do we worship the invisible God, or the visible world? Do we love Christ?[14] Revelation ends with asking Christ to come[15]. Do we genuinely have the same wish? Summary of a sermon by 鮑維均, titled “Beyond the End of Time”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gWlq-OvVJU [1] Revelation 22:1-4, Genesis 2:15
[2] John 2:21, 4:10-14, 15:1-5 [3] Revelation 21:11, 21, 23-25; 22:5 [4] Revelation 4, 5 [5] Revelation 4:11, 5:14, 7:11 [6] Revelation 13, 18 [7] Psalm 73:3-5 [8] Psalm 1:3-6 [9] Revelation 4:11, 5:14, 7:11 [10] Revelation 2:5, 2:16, 3:11, 14:7, 16:15, 22:12 [11] Revelation 21:8, 21:27, 22:15 [12] John 8:44 [13] 1 John 1:6-8 [14] 1 Corinthians 16:22 [15] Revelation 22:20 Thomas Schreiner Sermons Summary The following addresses some questions in Christianity.
Many Old Testament (OT) requirements were specifically for the Israelites at a specific time, and Christians are not required to observe them today. But Christ’s new commands of loving God and our neighbors are for all nations (Galatians 6:2, 5:14, 3:23-25; 1 Corinthians 9:20-21; Matthew 22:37-40). Christians still keep OT requirements that are also under Christ’s new rules, such as refraining from adultery and murder. Tithing was an OT requirement tied to the Tabernacle and priests (Hebrews 8:6-13, 7:12-22). Christ discussed tithing because the Jews at the time were still under the old covenant (Matthew 23:23). Though Christians don’t have to tithe, giving sacrificially and generously will increase our joy (2 Corinthians 8-9). Speaking in tongues is a gift of speaking in different languages (Acts 10, 11, and 19). Some incorrectly equate speaking in tongues to baptism of the Spirit; all are baptized by the Spirit at conversion, but only some can speak in tongues (1 Corinthians 12:7-12, 27-31). Speaking in tongues occurred in the Bible for specific purposes, such as demonstrating Gentiles being saved, and salvation not via John’s baptism of repentance (Acts 10, 19:1-7). Love is more important even than speaking in the tongues of angels, let alone tongues of men (1 Corinthians 13:1, 14:2-11). The 144,000 in Revelation 7 and 14 symbolize all believers, not the Jews, because (a) they can withstand God’s wrath in Revelation 6 (Revelation 7); (b) they are the redeemed (Revelation 14); (c) hearing Judah’s lion and seeing the lamb are similar to hearing the 144,000 but seeing uncountable multitudes (Revelation 5, 7); (d) the number 12x12 is symbolic in nature; (e) Jews can be under Satan, and Gentiles can be Abraham’s children (Revelation 2:9; Galatians 3:7, 29; Romans 4:11-18; Ephesians 2:11-22); (f) the twelve tribes lack the tribe of Dan (Revelation 7); and (g) most Jews don’t know their originating tribes, so literally fulfilling the 144,000 prophecy is probably meaningless. Summarized from four Thomas Schreiner short sermons: “Do Christians have to obey the Old Testament Laws?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jm_-BPFVIgc Is tithing biblical? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnDKgXCHfGU What is the gift of tongues? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V--IHR6aGz4 Who are the 144,000 in Revelation? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5JnzsB13SQ A 高銘謙 Sermon Summary The Bible teaches us to be thankful and joyful (Philippians 4:6-7, Romans 12:12). But how about Lamentation’s sorrow, and criticizing and accusing God?
As explained in Deuteronomy 28, if the Israelites obeyed God, blessings would pour on them; if not, cursing would come in five incremental phases the longer they spurned God’s laws. The fourth phase included plagues, enemies’ attack, and hunger. And the final was being scattered among nations (Leviticus 26:3-39). Lamentation’s author, the prophet Jeremiah, described God’s violence towards them, setting traps for them, putting them in the hands of their enemies, abandoning warriors, and crushing the young. Though suffering has other causes, Jeremiah accepted their disobedience as the logical cause of their pain and sorrow. He never disputed the reasons behind their suffering. Yet Jeremiah complained and accused God furiously, questioning why the suffering was so intense, why there was such severe hostility now when God was so close before, why He punished them for their ancestors’ sins, and why He didn’t punish others (1:5, 12-15; 2:14; 3:1, 2-11). With enemies invading them and other nations totally ignoring them, Jeremiah kept asking God to witness their suffering and pain (1:9, 11, 12, 20). He fervently cried out to God probably because he believed God’s promise on removing the curse if they humbled themselves, confessed their sins, and repented (Leviticus 26:40-42). And Jeremiah lamented. There are two types of laments. The first type is shown in David mourning the death of Saul as a hero (2 Samuel 1:17-27). It is typically used at a funeral and is filled with despair. Lamentation describes the second type. It cries out to God, not to yourself or any other person. It accepts your own fault and honestly expresses your intense frustration, even blaming and accusing God for ignoring you, and your pain and suffering. But it never gives up on God. You hold tightly onto Him. You keep asking Him to witness your miserable conditions. You trust that He will understand your criticism and feel your pain. Such lament helps you endure and face pain and suffering, and it’s a form of faith. You honestly, passionately, and forcefully cry out to God with the hope and belief that He will rescue you. Ultimately, it’s a form of prayer and worship, and it is good and holy. Summary of a sermon entitled “Hope in Lamentation” by 高銘謙 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZ0g2VfkFIg A 李思敬 Sermon Summary Why did Christ humble Himself to the point of death? (Philippians 20:6-8)
First, to show God’s love for us. Second, to pay for our sins. This intertwines God’s love and righteousness. Sins are terrible. The cross pays for them, removes their burden on us, and allows us to reconcile with God. Though our past is dead via the cross, sins and our past still influence us. We still feel the pain and their consequences, but they can’t control us (Romans 6:11-12). Through the cross, we become a new person, with Christ living in us (2 Corinthians 5:17, Galatians 2:20, Ephesians 2:8-9). Christ’s perfect life replaces our corrupted ones. Third, Christ humbled Himself to the point of death in obedience to the Father. Christ didn’t come only to die, or He wouldn’t have needed to evade His enemies for a time. Christ came to do the will of the Father. As the angels proclaimed, by lowering Himself, Christ glorified the Father (Hebrew 10:7, Luke 2:14, John 17:1-4). Christ was the only person who perfectly followed the Father’s will. Christ exemplified obedience in His suffering (Hebrews 5:8). Learn from Christ’s example. Via the Holy Spirit, let Christ’s life grow in us and let God take over. Satan holds the power of death, but Christ broke Satan’s power through the cross, freeing us from the slavery of the fear of death (Hebrews 2:14-15). God has guaranteed that, though we will die, our bodies will resurrect and become incorruptible, just like Christ’s resurrection. Christ’s resurrection was supported by the drastic transformation of many witnesses, and is supported by our personal changes. Christ’s resurrection marked the end of the old world and the coming of the new (1 Corinthians 15:1-26). We can start our everlasting life now by knowing the Father and Christ (John 17:3). We can know God by loving and serving Him. We will face challenges, but we can overcome them by trusting God, and looking back at how God has helped us before. Then, we will experience His power and grace. Our faith and knowledge will grow, and our lives on earth will start to resemble life in heaven. A summary of two sermons by 李思敬 at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIoyFgS1GU0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNxORKrrHts A Philip Yancey Chapter Summary Jesus was a friend to sinners, including tax collectors, a Samaritan woman with five failed marriages, and a criminal on a cross. But the church nowadays is increasingly seen as the moral police, where sinners don’t feel loved. We should focus on our own moral purity but reach out to others, caring for the oppressed and devoting ourselves to the sick and the poor.
Christ was a Galilean man with a family but declared Himself as God. He said: I forgive your sins; I am sending you prophets; I and the Father are one; anyone who has seen me has seen the Father; I am the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me; and before Abraham was born, I am. Belonging to a monotheistic people, the disciples might have been startled and even offended by Christ’s supposed arrogance. For three years, they couldn’t understand Him. But weeks after His crucifixion, they worshipped Him as God, through whom all things were made. Did God personally experience the cross? If not, Christ’s crucifixion could be seen as cosmic child abuse. Like the disciples, we need to decide if He is the Son of God, a madman, or something worse. Jesus reveals the image of the invisible God. Through Him, we see God more clearly. In the Old Testament, God is seen as omnipotent, distant, and terrifying. But Christ demonstrated God’s loving and serving nature. Now, in view of the price Christ paid, we can call on God as Abba, the loving Father. Jesus reveals a compassionate God searching for us, a God desperate to get His family back. God wants us to love Him. This has been illustrated in the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son. God the Father demonstrated His love by sacrificing His Son’s life for us. Some may even consider His approaches reckless (1 John 4:9,10,16). Jesus reveals what we, created as the image of God, were meant to be, and how far we have missed the mark. Jesus shows God enduring weakness, insults, hardships, and persecution to defeat sin, overcome death, triumph over Satan, and get His family back. We are healed by His wounds, not His miracles. Summary of “The Difference He Makes,” Chapter 14 of The Jesus I Never Knew by Philip Yancey 基督的生命阐明神与我们的本相 耶稣是罪人的朋友,无论是税吏、有过五次婚姻失败的撒玛利亚妇人, 还是被钉在十字架上的罪犯。 但今天的教会越来越被视为道德警察,罪人感受不到教会的爱。 我们应该注重自己道德的纯洁, 但向他人要伸出援手,关心受压迫的人,为病人和穷人奉献上自己的力量。 基督是一个有家庭的加利利人,但宣称自己是上帝。 祂说:我赦免你们的罪; 我差遣先知给你们; 我与父原为一; 人看见了我,就是看见了父; 我就是道路、真理、生命; 若不是藉着我,没有人能到父那里去; 还没有亚伯拉罕就有了我。 门徒们属于相信一神论的种族,很可能对基督所谓的傲慢感到震惊甚至冒犯。 他们三年之久都无法理解基督,但仅在基督被钉十字架几周后却视祂为上帝,万物都是藉着祂创造的。 上帝亲自经历了十字架吗? 如果不是,基督钉十字架可能会被视为宇宙性的虐待小孩的行为。 我们像门徒一样,也需要决定祂是上帝的儿子、疯子、 或者更糟糕的. 耶稣揭示了看不见的上帝之形象, 我们藉着祂更清楚地看到上帝。 在旧约中上帝被视为无所不能、遥不可及并可惧可怕的,但基督彰显了上帝慈爱和服侍的本质。我们现在鉴于基督所付的代价,可以称上帝为阿爸,那位慈爱的父。 耶稣揭示了一位正在寻找我们的慈悲上帝,一位不顾一切想要祂的家人回归的上帝。祂希望我们爱祂,迷失的羔羊、丢失的钱币和回头的浪子这三个比喻就说明了这点。 天父为我们牺牲祂独生爱子, 表达了祂的爱。 一些人甚至可能认为祂所使用的方法是恣意的(约翰一书 4:9,10,16)。 我们是按照上帝的形象被造的, 耶稣揭示我们应该成为何等的人,并我们离这目标有多远。 耶稣向我们展示了上帝如何忍受软弱、羞辱、艰难和受逼迫来战胜罪、击溃死亡、打败撒但并夺回祂的家人。 我们藉着祂的伤口,而不是祂的神迹得到治愈。 A 温偉耀 Sermon Summary After Christ had fed 5000, many wanted to make Him king by force. Instead of using this opportunity to build an earthly empire, Jesus told them not to work for food that spoiled, but for spiritual food that endured to eternal life, and that He was the bread of life for them to eat. Troubled by such teachings, most left. Then Christ asked the twelve disciples if they wanted to leave too. Peter responded Christ had the words of eternal life and was the one from God. Then Christ said one of the twelve was a devil, referring to Judas (John 6:14-71).
Though Peter didn’t fully understand, he trusted Christ, while Judas did not. Perhaps Judas wanted Christ to defeat the Romans but felt disillusioned when many left. Many today follow Christ with the hope of attaining worldly things, such as wealth, power, fame, and health. One day, when they don’t get what they want, will they leave Christ, or accept God’s sovereignty? When Mary anointed Jesus’ feet with expensive perfume, Judas again focused on worldly value, even though Jesus had just raised Lazarus from the dead. Judas complained that the money from the perfume could be given to the poor, even though he hypocritically had been stealing from the money bag. To Mary, God’s grace eclipsed all material things (John 12:1-8). Initially, Judas probably worshipped Christ, but when Judas became convinced that Christ wouldn’t help him reach his goal, he decided that Christ wasn’t useful to him (Luke 22:3-6). Christ warned Judas at least twice. First, Christ indirectly said Judas was unclean when Christ was washing the feet of the disciples. Second, Christ told Judas point-blank he would betray Him (John 13:10-11, 21-30). But Judas ignored Christ’s warnings; Christ wasn’t important to him anymore. Christ traveled with no set routes, and constantly there were many people around Him. Judas betrayed Christ by telling the Jewish leaders where and when to find Christ. When Judas identified Christ by kissing Him, Christ didn’t scold Judas, but rather asked if he was betraying Him with a kiss (Luke 22:47-48). What can we learn from Judas? Summary of a sermon entitled “Judas who betrayed Jesus” by 温偉耀 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMFNqC4wuww 出賣耶穌的猶大 基督喂饱五千人之后,许多人想强迫祂作王。 耶稣没有利用这机会来建立地上的帝国,而是告诉他们不要为会变坏的食物工作,而要为能存到永生的属灵食物工作, 祂是赐给他们的生命之粮。 大多数人因对基督的教导感到困扰而离开了祂。 基督问十二个门徒是否也想离去。 彼得回答说,基督有永生之道,是从上帝来的。 基督说十二个人中间有一个是魔鬼,祂指的是犹大 (约翰福音 6:14-71)。 彼得虽然不完全明白,但他相信基督, 犹大却不信。 犹大也许希望基督打败罗马人,但是当多人离开时,他的希望可能幻灭了。 许多人跟随基督是为了获取世俗的东西,比如财富、权力、名誉和健康。 当有一天得不到想要的东西时,他们是会离开基督,还是会接受上帝的主权? 马利亚用昂贵的香膏抹耶稣的脚时,犹大关注的再次是世俗的价值,尽管耶稣才使拉撒路从死里复活。 犹大抱怨香水的钱可以送给穷人,虽然他虚伪地从钱袋子里偷窃。 对玛利亚来说,上帝的恩典使一切地上的物质黯然失色(约翰福音12:1-8)。 犹大起初可能崇拜基督,但确信祂不会帮助自己实现目标时,基督对他就变得毫无用处 (路加福音 22:3-6)。 基督至少两次警告犹大。 首先,在为门徒洗脚时,祂间接说犹大是不洁净的。 其次,祂直截了当告诉犹大他会出卖祂 (约翰福音 13:10-11, 21-30)。 但犹大忽视基督的警告,基督对他来说不再重要了。 基督的行程没有固定的路线,而且祂周围总是有很多人。 犹大告诉犹太领袖在何时何地找到基督,从而背叛了祂。 当犹大通过亲吻基督来指认祂时,基督并没有责骂犹大,只是问犹大是否用亲吻来背叛祂 (路加福音 22:47-48)。 我们可以从犹大身上学到什么功课呢? A Philip Yancey Chapter Summary Christ ascended into heaven after imparting His work to His followers, including healing, gracious blessing, and spreading the good news of God’s love. He sent them as the Father had sent Him (John 16:7, 17:18; Ephesians 3:10). But these people were filled with flaws, constantly forgetting their missions, and making unwise choices. Such trust could bring grief instead of delight to God.
Three parables in Matthew describe the departed Christ: An absentee landlord putting his servant in charge; a bridegroom arriving so late that the guests fall asleep; and a master distributing money among his servants before leaving (Matthew 24:45-25:30). The next parable of sheep and goats warns that one day the departed Lord will return to settle accounts. But before He returns, He turned things over to us. He knew the hungry, lonely, ragged, sick, and imprisoned are with us; in fact, He disguised Himself as such. Christ told us that in serving them in love, we serve God. And when Christ comes back in His glory, He will bless those who served and punish those who ignored the needy (Matthew 25:31-46). Unfortunately, the church is filled with racism, intolerance, and petty legalism. Numerous Christian events conform to the pattern of a fallen world, such as the Crusades, the Inquisition, Christian slave trades, and apartheid. But the church also has brought light to the world, through people like St. Francis, Mother Teresa’s Home for the Dying, Wilberforce’s abolitionism, and General Booth’s Salvation Army. Jesus chose His recruits and appointed them to the tasks (John 15:16). On such weak structures, He built His church, over which even hell wouldn’t prevail. Though His followers keep disappointing Him, He loves them to the end and promises them the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 16:17-19, John 13:1-3). We need to remember that our deadly, prideful nature takes time to change, particularly because we resist such change. We can’t instantly return to the original state God created us. Instead of miraculously intervening in human affairs, Christ chooses to bear the wounds of the church. But if we are willing, God will continue to help us get up from our constant failures, so we become more and more like Him (2 Corinthians 4:7). Summary of “Ascension: A Blank Blue Sky,” Chapter 12 in The Jesus I Never Knew by Philip Yancey. 基督为什么离开我们? 基督升天前向祂的追随者传递了祂的使命,包括医治病人、亲切的祝福和传播上帝之爱的好消息。 祂差遣他们正如天父差遣祂一样(约翰福音 16:7, 17:18;以弗所书 3:10)。 基督信任一群充满缺陷的人,他们不断忘记被托付的使命,做出不明智的选择。 这种信任可能会给上帝带来悲伤而不是喜悦。 马太福音的三个比喻描述了离去的基督:缺席而让仆人负责的地主, 来得太晚而使客人睡着了的新郎, 以及远行前把钱分给仆人的主人(马太福音24:45-25:30)。 接下来是绵羊和山羊的比喻,警告有一天离去的上帝将回来为所发生的一切清算账目。 但在此之前祂将机会交给我们. 祂知道饥饿的人、孤单的人、衣衫褴褛的人、病痛中的人和被囚的人就在我们身边。 事实上祂将自己化装成这些人。 基督告诉我们在爱中服事他们就是服事上帝。 基督在荣耀中回来时祝福那些服事的人,而那些无视身边需要的人将受到惩罚(马太福音25:31-46)。 不幸的是教会里充满了种族主义、缺乏宽容和狭隘的律法主义。 许多基督徒的行为体现了堕落的世界,例如十字军东征、宗教裁判所、基督徒参与的奴隶贸易、 和种族隔离。 但教会也给世界带来了光明,比如圣弗兰西斯的言行、特蕾莎修女建立的临终之家、威尔伯福斯解放奴隶、 以及布斯将军建立的救世军。 耶稣选择祂招募的人,指派他们执行任务(约翰福音 15:16)。祂 在如此脆弱的结构上建立了自己的教会,阴间的权势也无法胜过她。 尽管基督的追随者总是让祂失望,但祂爱他们到底,并将天国应许给他们(马太福音16:17-19,约翰福音13:1-3)。 记住致命的骄傲本性需要时间来改变,特别是当我们强烈抵制这种改变的时候。 我们不能立刻回到上帝创造我们的起初状态。 基督没有不断地用神迹来介入人间的事务,而是选择背负教会的创伤。 但如果我们愿意,上帝会不断帮助我们从持续的失败中站起来,使我们变得越来越像祂(哥林多后书 4:7)。 A Philip Yancey Chapter Summary The Sermon on the Mount asks us to be perfect because our heavenly Father is perfect (Matthew 5:48). This requires giving away all of our wealth (Matthew 19:16-30); not using the word “fool” (Matthew 5:22); inviting a bully to bully us again (Matthew 5:39); loving God with all our hearts (Matthew 22:37); and loving others, including our enemies, as ourselves (Matthew 5:44, 7:12).
Did Jesus expect us to give to every panhandler crossing our path, abandon all consumer rights, and cancel our insurance policies? Let’s learn from Russian novelists Tolstoy and Dostoevsky. Tolstoy deeply respected God’s standards and earnestly tried to live up to them. For example, he freed his serfs, gave away his copyrights, and disposed of his estate. Yet he saw himself inadequate and was deeply unhappy. He died like a vagrant in a rural railroad station. Dostoevsky’s novels communicate grace and forgiveness. He accepted he was ultimately unable to follow God’s standards. His solution was love. To him, we could love only if we are loved, and we love because God first loved us (1 John 4:19). Examples of God’s forgiveness and love include Christ forgiving an adulteress, a criminal on the cross, and those who nailed Him (Luke 23:34); selecting Peter (who had denied ever knowing Him) to found His church; recruiting Paul (a murderer of Christians) to be His chief gentile evangelist; and blessing the poor in spirit, the mourners, and the meek. Tolstoy looked at the kingdom of God within him and saw his failure. He taught us to never feel comfortable in view of God’s standards. Dostoevsky looked at Christ within him and saw grace. He taught us to always be comforted by God’s forgiving love (Romans 8:1). The Sermon on the Mount tells us what God is like: perfect (so should we strive to be); compassionate even to those against Him (so love our enemies); and generously loving (so trust Him and don’t live in anxiety; even earthly fathers take care of their children). The Sermon on the Mount also tells us that the Pharisees’ legalism isn’t good enough (Matthew 5:20). Though we can never reach God’s standards, we keep striving towards them, while always relying on God’s grace through Christ. Summary of Chap 7 “Message: A Sermon of Offense” in “The Jesus I Never Knew” by Philip Yancey 登山宝训: 律法与恩典 登山宝训要求我们要完全,因为我们的天父是完全的(马太福音 5:48)。我们需要把所有的财富都捐出去(马太福音 19:16-30); 不使用“愚人”这个词(马太福音 5:22); 让欺负我们的人再次欺负自己(马太福音5:39); 全心全意地爱神(马太福音22:37); 并爱人如己,包括爱我们的仇敌(马太福音 5:44、7:12)。 耶稣是否希望我们向每一个遇到的乞讨者施舍,放弃所有消费者权利,和取消所有购买的保险呢? 让我们向俄国小说家托尔斯泰和陀思妥耶夫斯基学习。 托尔斯泰深深地尊重上帝的标准,真诚努力地达到这些标准。 例如他解放了农奴,放弃了版权,并卖掉了自己的财产。 然而他依然看自己为不足,仍然非常不高兴。 最终,他像流浪汉一样死在乡村火车站。 陀思妥耶夫斯基的小说传达了恩典和宽恕。 他接受自己无法遵循上帝标准的事实, 他的解决办法就是爱。对他来说,人只有通过被爱才能爱, 我们爱是因为神先爱我们(约翰一书 4:19)。 神的宽恕和慈爱的例子包括基督赦免了一个行淫的妇人、一个钉在十字架上的罪犯以及那些钉死祂的人(路加福音23:34)。 祂拣选了否认认识主的彼得来建立祂的教会;招募杀害基督徒的保罗作祂的首席外邦传道者; 祂祝福虚心的、哀恸的和温柔的人。 托尔斯泰看着他内心的上帝之国,看到了他的失败。 他教导我们因为不及上帝的标准而永远不要感到自在。 陀思妥耶夫斯基看着他内心的基督,看到了恩典。 他教导我们要因上帝通过基督所发出的宽恕之爱而感到安慰(罗马书8:1)。 登山宝训告诉我们上帝是怎样的一位上帝:完美(所以我们应努力去做到); 甚至对那些敌对的人也充满同情(所以我们应爱自己的仇敌); 以及慷慨地爱(所以我们应信靠祂,不要生活在焦虑中; 即使是地上的父亲也会照顾他们的孩子)。 登山宝训还告诉我们法利赛人的律法主义不够好(马太福音5:20)。 尽管永远无法达到上帝的标准,我们要始终依靠上帝通过基督的恩典,继续向这些目标努力。 A John Piper Sermon Summary What does it mean for God to be our refuge, Lord, treasure, and counselor? How does He bring us into everlasting pleasure? Let’s learn from Psalm 16, a psalm by David.
This psalm begins with David taking refuge in God by asking for his protection. God provided David the safest place (v1). To David, God was his Lord and his supreme treasure over everything. David wouldn’t even mention the names of other gods, though he would find delight in other righteous people. David chose God over everything else, and God was all David needed to give him the greatest joy. Also, God would protect David’s lot, and set his boundary to position him at the best place, bringing him delight and a wonderful future (v2-6). To David, God was his trusted counselor. God gave David refuge when he was in danger. God enlightened him on what to do and where to go, ensuring David to have everything he needed and to be very well-positioned. So, David was confident and would not be shaken (v7-8). To David, God would not leave him among the dead, but instead let David enjoy Him forever (v9-10). This assurance is peculiar because the prophet Samuel told David he would die and rest with his ancestors. Samuel also predicted that the kingdom of one of David’s descendants would last forever (2 Samuel 7:12-13). So would David die and rest with his ancestors, or would he be coming back from the dead? David didn’t really know, but we do now. The Apostle Peter explained that in Psalm 16, though David didn’t fully understand, he was referring to the resurrection of Christ (Acts 2:30-32, 1 Peter 1:10-12). All who trust Christ are united with Him in His triumph over death. The Holy Spirit who raised Christ from the dead will give all believers everlasting life (Romans 8:11). God will teach them the path of life and will eternally fill them with joy (Psalm 16:11). That’s how God becomes our safest refuge, sovereign Lord, supreme treasure, and trusted counselor, who brings us into everlasting pleasure! Summary of a sermon titled “God guides you to places and situations that will better your life” by John Piper: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQn3wNkZEoQ 上帝带领我们进入永远的喜乐 圣经里写到上帝是我们的避难所、我们的主、我们的珍宝和谋士, 这是什么意思呢?祂怎样带领我们进入永远的喜乐? 让我们从大卫的诗篇 16 篇学习。 大卫在诗篇一开始就请求上帝保护他,以上帝为自己的避难所。上帝是最安全的地方(v1)。 对大卫来说, 上帝是他的主,超越一切之上的至宝。 他漠视所有其他神灵,甚至不提及它们的名字,但其他圣人使大卫感到高兴。 大卫选择上帝胜过万有,上帝是他一切所需要的,赐给他最大的快乐。 他知道上帝会保护属于他的, 为他设定疆界,把他安置在最美之地,给他带来喜乐和美好的未来(v2-6)。 对大卫来说, 上帝是他信赖的谋士。 祂为大卫提供危难时的避难所;祂光照大卫该做什么、该往哪里去,确保大卫拥有需要的一切,处于非常有利的位置。因此大卫信心十足,毫不动摇(v8)。 对大卫来说, 上帝不会把他留在死人之中, 而是让他永远享受祂(v9-10)。 这个保证异乎寻常,因为先知撒母耳告诉大卫他会死去,与他的列祖一起安息。 撒母耳还预言大卫后裔的国将永存(撒母耳记下 7:12-13)。 大卫会死去, 永远与列祖同在,还是会死而复活呢? 大卫并不知道,但是我们知道。 使徒彼得解释说,在诗篇 16 篇中尽管大卫不完全明白, 他其实是在预言基督的复活(使徒行传 2:30-32,彼得前书 1:10-12)。 所有信靠基督的人都与基督联合,在祂战胜死亡时一同得胜。 使基督从死里复活的圣灵将赐永生给信靠基督的人(罗马书8:11)。 上帝将教导他们生命的道路,使他们充满永恒的喜乐(诗篇16:11)。 上帝就是这样成为我们最安全的避难所、至高无上的主、最好的珍宝和值得信赖的谋士, 带领我们进入永远的喜乐! Many of us believe happiness depends on getting something, but once we acquire it, we don’t feel satisfied. Many of us, for whatever reason, have a public self very different from our private self, and such a contradiction makes us feel lonely. Why do we do this? What’s the point of life? According to King Solomon, one must understand four things in order to live a meaningful life (Ecclesiastes 9:1-10). First, we must understand that we don’t know what tomorrow will bring (Ecclesiastes 9:1, James 4:13-14). Today’s lovers can be tomorrow’s enemies. Nothing on earth can give us security. Second, we must recognize that one day we will die (Ecclesiastes 9:2-3). Contemplating and preparing for death will help us live more vibrantly today. Third, we should know that our hearts are filled with evil and insanity (Ecclesiastes 9:3). Our sins separate us from others and God. In addition, many don’t want God and believe they don’t need Him. Separated from others and from God, they feel emptiness. Christians accept their wickedness and their need for God. They ask God to pay for their sins with the blood of Christ, thus reuniting themselves with God. Fourth, know that as long as one is alive, one still has hope (Ecclesiastes 9:4-5). History shows us that our world is without justice and fairness. Gaining the world is not worth losing one’s life (Matthew 16:26). Without Christ paying for sins, life is hopeless. But if we accept Christ as our savior today, His death and resurrection will reunite us with God, and we will be transformed at least in the following ways. First, we will accept God as our Lord. Everything we have is from God and belongs to Him. We are just custodians, managing whatever God gives us. Whatever situation we are in, we give thanks to Him (Ecclesiastes 9:6-7, 1Thessalonians 5:16-18). Second, live a pure life, including in sex (Ecclesiastes 9:8-9). Love and enjoy life with our spouse, for this is what we have. Third, do things wholeheartedly, and don’t vacillate once decided. (Ecclesiastes 9:10). If you die today, would you consider you have lived a good life, fought a worthwhile battle? Would you have a sense of accomplishment, or would you be filled with regrets? Whether you decide to accept or reject Christ is your choice. Make a wise decision. Earnestly pray to God. 人生的目的是什么?
许多人认为快乐依赖于得到某些东西, 但是一旦获得却又感到不满意。 出于各种的原因,许多人私下的一面与公开的一面截然不同, 他们因为陷在这种矛盾中而感到孤独。 为什么要这样做呢? 人生的意义在哪里? 所罗门王认为想过有意义的生活,需要明白四件事(传道书 9:1-10)。 首先,明白我们不知道明天会怎样(传道书 9:1,雅各书 4:13-14)。 今天的爱人可能是明天的敌人。 世上没有什么能带给我们安全。 第二,明白死亡总有一天要临到(传道书 9:2-3)。 思考死亡并为之做好准备,如此将帮助今天更有活力地生活. 第三,明白人心充满了邪恶和疯狂(传道书 9:3)。罪使我们与人和上帝隔绝。 此外,许多人不想要上帝,并且相信不需要祂。 因为与人和上帝分离,人就感到空虚。 基督徒承认自己的邪恶和对上帝的需要,祈求上帝用基督的宝血偿还他们的罪孽,从而使他们与上帝再次相联。 第四,明白只要还活着,就仍然有希望(传道书 9:4-5)。 历史告诉我们世界没有正义和公平。 赢得世界而失去生命是不值得的(马太福音16:26)。 如果没有基督为罪付出代价,生活就毫无盼望。 但今天如果接受基督为救主,基督的死和复活将使我们与上帝重新结合,生命就会被更新改变。 首先,我们会接受上帝为自己的主。 我们所拥有的一切都来自上帝,属于上帝, 我们只是保管人,管理上帝赐给的一切。 无论处于什么情况,都感谢上帝(传道书 9:6-7,帖撒罗尼迦前书 5:16-18)。 第二,我们会生活纯洁,包括在性方面(传道书 9:8-9)。 爱我们的配偶,享受与配偶一起的生活,因为这是我们所拥有的。 第三,全心全意地去做事,一旦决定就不动摇(传道书 9:10)。 如果你今天就离开世界,你会认为活出过美好的生活,打过一场值得的仗吗? 你会感到有成就,还是充满遗憾? 无论你决定接受还是拒绝基督,这是你的选择。 做出明智的决定, 恳切地向神祷告吧。 Was God cruel and unreasonable in the Old Testament (OT)? (Joshua 8:24-26, 1Samuel 15:2-3, Deuteronomy 2:34, 2Samuel 6:6-7, and Job 2:3) It depends on how you define right and wrong. According to Humanism, a moral compass inside us defines right and wrong. In Confucianism, heaven places this compass (goodness) into us. This compass judges everything, including whether God is cruel. If so, this compass is above God. Note that the moral compass can differ, depending on race and historical time. Another doctrine is that God determines right and wrong. God reveals His nature to us generally and specifically. Generally, His nature is revealed by His creation (Roman 1:20). Specifically, God reveals His nature through Christ (Hebrews 1:1-3) and the Bible. Liberal theology accepts the parts of the Bible that can pass through their rationale. Catholics defer to their experts, with the infallible Pope at the top. As for Evangelists, what the Bible says is what God says. Evangelism accepts there are parts in the Bible we won’t understand (I Corinthians 13:12). Evangelism also accepts many Biblical descriptions as prophecies or precursors of things to come. Many passages in the OT predict and foreshadow Christ’s redeeming sacrifice (Luke 24:44), such as Abraham sacrificing Isaac. Another set of precursors refers to the end times, when God will establish a new heaven and earth (Eschatology). Technically speaking, such biblical events aren’t “historical” because they aren’t repeatable on earth, while historical events can happen again. Examples include God’s miracles and Christ’s resurrection. Other examples include certain catastrophic events in the OT that demonstrate God’s judgment in the end times. These parts of the Bible aren’t for teaching ethics for the current time but are about the world to come. In conclusion, if we are the ultimate arbiters of right and wrong, then we might consider some of God’s actions in the OT as cruel. But if God is the ultimate moral authority, then we need to accept God’s total sovereignty in all things—He is the one who decides; may His name be praised whether He gives or takes away (Job 1:21). 旧约中的上帝残酷吗?
旧约时代的上帝残酷无情的吗(约书亚记 8:24-26, 撒母耳记上 15:2-3, 申命记 2:34, 撒母耳记下 6:6-7, 约伯记 2:3)? 问题的答案取决于对与错的定义。 人文主义根据人内心的道德指南来定义是非。儒家思想认为上天把这善的指南放在人心中。 这个指南审判一切,包括上帝是否残酷。 如此它就凌驾于上帝之上。 请注意它可以根据种族和历史时间而变化。 另一个教义是上帝判断是非对错。 上帝普遍而又特别地显明祂的本性。普遍来说,祂在创造中显明祂的本性(罗马书 1:20); 特别来说,祂通过基督(希伯来书 1:1-3)和圣经显明祂的本性。 自由神学只接受通过其理论那部分的圣经。 天主教听从自己的专家,永远无误的教皇在其间居首。 福音派相信圣经所言就是上帝所言。 福音派接受圣经中有现在无法理解的部分(哥林多前书 13:12),也接受许多圣经的描述为未来事物的先兆。 旧约中的许多章节都预言和预示基督救赎之牺牲(路加福音 24:44),例如亚伯拉罕献以撒是父神牺牲基督的先兆。 另一组前兆针对末日,那时上帝要建立新天新地(末世论)。 这些事件本质上不是历史事件,因为它们在地上不会重复,而历史事件可以再次发生。相关的例子包括一些神迹和基督的复活,还包括旧约中某些灾难性事件 - 它们展示了上帝在末日的审判。圣经的这些部分并非为要教导当今时代的伦理,而是对未来的世界的前兆。 总而言之,如果是非对错的最终决定者是人,就可能认为上帝在旧约中的一些行为是残酷的。 但如果上帝是最终的道德权威,人就需要接受上帝对万物的完全主权--祂是一切的决定者; 无论祂给予还是夺走,祂的名是应当称颂的(约伯记 1:21)。 Christ told us to seek first His kingdom (Matthew 6:33). What does it mean? What is God’s kingdom? God’s kingdom isn’t a physical place but rather where God rules, where His name is honored and treasured, and where His will is done perfectly and joyfully (Psalm 103:19). God’s kingdom exists now among those who have passed through His judgment via Christ and live under His dominion (Luke 11:20, 17:21; Colossians 1:13). But God’s kingdom is also coming, to be inherited (Luke 19:11, 1 Corinthians 6:9). When Christ comes back to establish the new heaven and earth, His kingdom will have come, as petitioned in the Lord’s prayer. God’s kingdom is manifested in a life justified through Christ and gradually more conformed to Him, and in a life of peace and joy via the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17). The Holy Spirit bears such fruits, so let the Holy Spirit lead. That is when God is pleased and His kingdom is here (Romans 14:18, Matthew 12:28). We are different from each other, but such differences shouldn’t affect God’s kingdom nor hurt other Christians. Let’s glorify God in our different ways and serve in love, because Christ died for us all, and all stand before His judgment. The Holy Spirit will help us build others up (Romans 14:3-23). God doesn’t need our services; in fact, He provides all things and Christ came to serve (Acts 17:25, Mark 10:45). Our service should bear witness to His kingdom (Romans 14:18) and bring glory to Him, not showing off our abilities (Hebrews 13:21). God loves to see His workmanship shine. Such service glorifies God and pleases Him (1 Peter 4:11, Romans 14:18). If we seek His kingdom and what He considers right, “all these things” shall be given to us. “All these things” doesn’t mean what makes us comfortable. We may endure persecution, war, and famine. “All these things” are the traits and resources we need to follow His will, glorify His name, and live under His rule. Don’t be anxious about survival or appearances because nothing can separate us from His love (Matthew 6:26-30). Instead, seek His kingdom before all else. Summary of three sermons by John Piper. “What is the Kingdom of God”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khotCJrEFzQ “Matthew 6:33”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdNTtscGMl8 The Kingdom of God is Righteousness and Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRm60ZUoZSg 什么是上帝的国?
基督教导我们要先求上帝的国(马太福音 6:33)。 这是什么意思呢? 什么是上帝的国? 上帝的国不是一个物质的地方,而是上帝统治的地方, 祂的名在那里被尊敬并珍惜,祂的旨意在那里得到完美和喜乐的成就(诗篇 103:19)。 上帝的国现存于那些藉着基督通过了祂的审判并接受祂统治的人中间(路加福音11:20、17:21;歌罗西书1:13)。 但上帝的国也将来临,将被承受(路加福音 19:11,哥林多前书 6:9)。 当基督再来完成祂的统治并建立新天新地时,祂的国就到来了,正如主祷文中所祈求的那样。 上帝的国显现在因基督而称义并逐渐变得更加像基督的生命中, 显现在那藉着圣灵而有的平安喜乐的生命中(罗马书14:17)。圣灵结出这样的生命果子, 所以让圣灵来引导我们的生命。 这就是上帝喜悦的时候,也是上帝的国降临的时候(罗马书 14:18,马太福音 12:28)。 我们每个人都不一样, 但这种差异不应该影响上帝的国,也不应该伤害其他基督徒。 让我们以不同的方式荣耀上帝, 并凭着爱心来服事,因为基督为所有人而死,并且所有人都要站在祂的审判面前。 圣灵会帮助我们造就人(罗马书 14:3-23)。 上帝不需要我们的事奉。 祂供应万有,并且基督来服侍我们(使徒行传17:25,马可福音10:45)。 我们的服事应该为上帝的国作见证(罗马书14:18),将荣耀归给上帝,而不是炫耀自己的能力(希伯来书13:21)。上帝喜悦看到祂的作品闪耀发光。 这样的服侍荣耀上帝并讨祂喜悦(彼得前书 4:11,罗马书 14:18)。 如果寻求上帝的国和祂以为正的事, “这一切”都会赐给我们。 “这一切”并不意味着让人感到舒适的一切. 信徒可能会经历迫害、战争和饥荒。 “这一切” 乃是遵行祂的旨意,荣耀祂的名,并在祂的统治下生活所需要的品质和资源。 不要为生存或外在之事物而焦虑,因为没有什么能使我们与祂的爱隔绝(马太福音6:26-30)。 相反地在一切之上,让我们先求祂的国。 If you were to die today, would you be ready to meet God? Like a flood in the day of Noah, death and judgement can come quickly (Matthew 24:37-39). Pastor Dwight Moody considered himself responsible for his congregation. If he hadn’t warned them and they died, the blood of those going to hell would be on his hands (Jeremiah 6:10, Ezekiel 33:4-6). He was compelled by love to warn them, like a mother alerting her child of approaching danger. Have we warned our friends and relatives of impending judgment? As we age, there are clear signs of death approaching. If you died now, where would you go? To be with Christ in eternal life? Or to everlasting hell, without God and hope? Let’s examine the reactions of those who witnessed Christ on the cross. Some watched Christ with apathy. Some scoffed at Him, challenging Him to save Himself if He was truly the Messiah (Luke 23:35-39). But one criminal also being crucified knew he deserved this punishment of crucifixion. And he asked Christ to save him (Luke 23:42-43). The criminal might not have known much about Christ. For example, he had no idea of Christ’s resurrection. But he knew he himself deserved to die for his crime (Romans 6:23), and he believed Christ was the solution. So, he asked Christ for help. He asked Christ to remember him when Christ came into His kingdom. That was enough for the criminal to be saved; Christ told the criminal he would be with Him in paradise on that day (Luke 23:40-43, John 1:10-13). Don’t ignore Christ knocking on the door (Rev 3:20). Learn from the criminal. Know that you deserve God’s punishment, recognize Christ as the solution and ask for His help. Though you may know very little about Christ, surrender as much as you can to the Christ you understand. You will have Christ and receive eternal life (1 John 5:12-13). If you repent and turn back to God, He is ready to receive and bless you forever. You will experience the joy of sin forgiven. Then focus on seeking His kingdom and doing what He considers right, and God will provide you with everything you need (Matthew 6:25-34). Summary of two sermons: Therefore Be Ye Also Ready by Dwight Moody https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuwdslyA7Ko Open the Door by Andy Wood https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bqPoici4kk 今天你准备好迎见上帝吗?
如果今天就离开世界,你准备好迎见上帝吗? 就像挪亚时代的洪水一样,死亡和审判可以很快就到来(马太福音 24:37-39)。 穆迪牧师认为要对自己的会众负责。 如果不警告他们,而他们死了, 那些下地狱之人的血就会沾在他手上(耶利米书 6:10, 以西结书 33:4-6)。 是爱促使他警告这些会众,就像母亲警告她的孩子危险将要来临一样。 我们是否警告过亲朋好友即将来临的死亡和审判? 人随着年龄的增长都有清楚的迹象表明死亡的临近。 如果你今天就死了,你会到哪里去? 是进入与基督同在的永生, 或是落入没有上帝和盼望的永恒地狱? 基督钉在十字架上的时候,下面站着许多人。让我们来看一看他们的反应。 有些人冷漠地看着祂, 有些人嘲笑祂,挑战祂如果真是弥赛亚就去救自己(路加福音 23:35-39)。 但有一名也被钉在十字架上的罪犯,知道自己应该被钉死在十字架上,求基督救他(路加福音 23:42-43)。 这人可能对基督知道得并不多。 例如, 他完全不知道基督会复活。 但他知道应该为自己的罪而死(罗马书 6:23),也相信基督是对此的解决方案。 所以,他向基督求助, 请求祂在得国时记念他, 仅此就足以让他得救。 基督告诉他那天将与自己一同在乐园里(路加福音 23:40-43,约翰福音 1:10-13)。 基督在敲门,不要忽视(启 3:20)。向那罪犯学习,知道自己应该受到上帝的惩罚,相信基督是问题的解决方案,寻求祂的帮助。 虽然你可能对基督知之甚少,尽己所能地降服于你所了解的基督。如此,你将拥有基督,得到永生(约翰一书 5:12-13)。 如果你悔改并转向上帝, 祂就已准备好永远接纳和赐福你, 你将体验到罪得赦免的喜悦。 下一步,专注于寻求祂的国,行祂眼中为正的事,上帝将供应你一切的所需(马太福音6:25-34)。 If you are overtaken by the darkness of night, discouraged and distressed, and want to give up your dedication to God, then learn from Isaiah 41:14. Know your insignificance, trust God’s promised strength, and discard your fear. Behold our universe. If we know we are just insignificant specks, we will shrink in awe at how the Almighty still cares for us (Isaiah 41:14, Psalm 8:4). We are incompetent little worms. God can cast us into total misery just by touching one of our nerves. In pain and sorrow, we see how small and low we are. But this little worm can accomplish anything because the Lord said, “I will help you” (Isaiah 41:14). If we rely on God’s promises, then nothing is beyond us. But God will not help those who think highly of themselves. God’s help comes in times of need. Fear of God brings blessing. However, the fear of man is a snare, trips us, and makes us unfaithful to God. When we doubt our Lord, we deem our omnipotent, faithful, and merciful God as breaking His oath, and we dishonor Him. Cast out fear because fear weakens and torments us. Trust that God will help you (Isaiah 41:14). Confidently follow our Lord with trust and quietly wait for Him to defy the world. You will put a crown on His head. Plant your foot on the immovable rock. Don’t be afraid to attempt great things, for God is with you. Be brave, and you will overcome great challenges. God is faithful to keep His promises to His children. He will help you as He has done before. The more you trust Him, the higher you go, and there is no limit what you can do. However, if you have done big things, be careful. We love flattery and praise, so it’s important to remember He who made your success possible. Be amazed that God has enabled such a worm to achieve accomplishments. Rejoice that He is your God and praise Him (Isaiah 41:15-16). The more you see God’s glory, the more humble you’ll become. Always remember: Not by might, nor by power, but by God’s Spirit (Zechariah 4:6). What an honor it is to be helped by God. 不要惧怕
每当你被黑夜笼罩,灰心丧气,想要放弃对上帝的忠心时,请学习以赛亚书41章14节。认识自己的卑微,相信神所应许的力量,除去自己的恐惧。 放眼我们四围的宇宙。 如果知道自己只是微不足道的尘埃,思想到全能者仍然顾念我们,敬畏之心就会油然而生(以赛亚书41:14,诗篇8:4)。 我们不过是无能的小虫, 上帝只需触动一根小小的神经,就能让我们陷入彻底的悲哀。 在痛苦和悲伤中,人会看到自己是多么渺小和低微。 然而,因为主说:“我会帮助你” (以赛亚书 41:14),这条小虫却能完成任何事。 如果依靠上帝的应许,没有什么不能做到。 但上帝不会帮助那些骄傲的人。 祂的帮助在有需要的时候临到。 敬畏上帝带来祝福, 但对人的恐惧却让我们落入圈套, 绊倒扑地,使我们对上帝不忠。 怀疑主,认为全能、信实和仁慈的上帝违背了祂的誓言时,就是在羞辱祂。 驱除恐惧,因为它使我们软弱,并且折磨我们的身心。 相信上帝会帮助你(以赛亚书 41:14)。 满怀信心地跟随主,安静地等侯祂来挑战这世界,如此就将冠冕戴在祂头上。 当将我们的脚踏在不可动遥的磐石上。不要害怕尝试伟大的事,因为上帝与你同在。 要刚强壮胆, 就可以克服巨大的挑战。神对祂儿女的应许是信实的。 祂会像过去那样帮助你。 越信靠祂,就攀登得越高,再高的山峰都能征服。 但如果你成就了一件大事,要小心谨慎。 人都喜爱奉承和赞美, 所以要记住是上帝让你的成功变为可能。 当为上帝使自己这小虫取得如此成就而惊讶, 因祂是你的上帝而喜乐并赞美祂(以赛亚书 41:15-16)。 越看到上帝的荣耀,你就会变得越谦卑。 总要记得: 不是倚靠势力,不是倚靠才能,乃是倚靠上帝的灵方能成事(撒迦利亚书4:6)。 能得到上帝的帮助何等荣幸! We live in a world with all types of people, each with a unique life story. Uniqueness can create barriers, causing separation and intense distress. Christ embraces our uniqueness with grace and truth (John 1:14). He unconditionally loves us, not based on our merit or performance. He hung out with the drunkards and gluttons, drawing them to Him (Luke 19:10). Yet He never compromised truth. God opposes any thoughts or actions that fall short of His will (Romans 3:23). He is against them because He cares for us. He sets boundaries because He knows going beyond will destroy our relationships and ultimately lead to death (Romans 6:23). Scripture, which is inspired by God, teaches us what is true and right (2 Timothy 3:15-17). But sometimes our emphasis on certain mistake is disproportional to its representation in the bible. For example, the Bible focuses significantly more on envy and greed than homosexuality, though many concentrate more on homosexuality. Learn to use Scripture to assess ourselves, not others. God tells us to run from sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 6:18), which give us lots of guilt and shame. Sexual mistakes include pornography and sleeping with someone other than your wife. Christ didn’t touch on LGBTQ issues, though there was homosexuality in His time on earth. Use the entire Bible, not one verse, to see what the Bible affirms as good and corrects—not condemns—what is wrong. The closest Christ taught on LGBTQ was marriage, which He anchored on God’s original design (Matthew 19:3-5). In marriage, man and woman should be in a covenantal and committed relationship. One goal of marriage is to fill the earth with people to spread God’s goodness. Paul discussed the practice of (not just the desire for) homosexuality, along with stealing, greed, drunkenness, slander, and swindle, considering all as practices leading to hell (1 Corinthian 6:9-10). God knows all of us are broken and in need of a savior. We are called to trust Him to save us, forgive our broken past, and be purified (1 Corinthians 6:11). Trust that He knows best. Surrender to His will, even when we don’t understand. This will honor Him and exalt His name. Summary of a sermon by Andy Wood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UM5mSu0BWI 圣经如何看待 LGBTQ+?
我们生活在各种各样的人中间,每个人都有自己独特的故事。 这些不同的特性可以造成隔离,带来强烈的痛苦。 基督用恩典和真理拥抱我们的独特性(约翰福音 1:14)。 祂无条件地爱我们,并不基于我们的优点或表现。 祂与贪食好酒的人在一起,吸引他们归向祂(路加福音 19:10)。 然而,祂从不在真理上妥协。 上帝反对任何不符合祂旨意的思想或行为(罗马书 3:23)。 上帝反对因为祂顾念我们。 祂设定界限,因为祂知道超越这些界限会破坏人与人,人与神之间的关系,最终的结局就是死亡(罗马书 6:23)。 圣经是上帝所默示的,教导人什么是真实和正确的 (提摩太后书 3:15-17)。 但是,有时我们对某些错误的强调与圣经中对其他的表述不成比例。 例如,圣经更多地关注嫉妒和贪婪,而不是同性恋,虽然许多人更关注同性恋。 当学习使用圣经来评估我们自己,而不是其他人。 上帝告诉我们要逃避淫行(哥林多前书 6:18),它会给我们带来很多内疚和羞耻。 淫行包括色情和与妻子以外的人发生性行为。 但基督并没有教导 LGBTQ+, 尽管在祂的时代有同性恋。 要使用整本圣经,而不是一节经文,来看圣经肯定什么是好的,纠正(而不是谴责)什么是错误的。 基督在LGBTQ+上最接近的教导是婚姻。 祂强调婚姻是上帝最初的设计(马太福音 19:3-5),男女双方在婚姻中是立约和承诺的关系。 婚姻的目的之一是让人充满全地,将上帝的良善扩展到整个世界。 保罗谈到同性恋的行为(不仅仅是欲望),把它与偷窃、贪婪、醉酒、诽谤和诈骗同列,认为所有这些罪都会把人带进地狱(哥林多前书 6:9-10)。 上帝知道所有人都是破碎的,都需要救主。 祂呼召人相信祂来得拯救,赦免破碎的过去,并且得洁净(哥林多前书 6:11)。 当信靠祂最了解我们。 要降服在祂的旨意之下,即使我们有时不明白。 如此行就会荣耀祂,高举祂的名。 |
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