A 温偉耀 Sermon Summary After Christ had fed 5000, many wanted to make Him king by force. Instead of using this opportunity to build an earthly empire, Jesus told them not to work for food that spoiled, but for spiritual food that endured to eternal life, and that He was the bread of life for them to eat. Troubled by such teachings, most left. Then Christ asked the twelve disciples if they wanted to leave too. Peter responded Christ had the words of eternal life and was the one from God. Then Christ said one of the twelve was a devil, referring to Judas (John 6:14-71).
Though Peter didn’t fully understand, he trusted Christ, while Judas did not. Perhaps Judas wanted Christ to defeat the Romans but felt disillusioned when many left. Many today follow Christ with the hope of attaining worldly things, such as wealth, power, fame, and health. One day, when they don’t get what they want, will they leave Christ, or accept God’s sovereignty? When Mary anointed Jesus’ feet with expensive perfume, Judas again focused on worldly value, even though Jesus had just raised Lazarus from the dead. Judas complained that the money from the perfume could be given to the poor, even though he hypocritically had been stealing from the money bag. To Mary, God’s grace eclipsed all material things (John 12:1-8). Initially, Judas probably worshipped Christ, but when Judas became convinced that Christ wouldn’t help him reach his goal, he decided that Christ wasn’t useful to him (Luke 22:3-6). Christ warned Judas at least twice. First, Christ indirectly said Judas was unclean when Christ was washing the feet of the disciples. Second, Christ told Judas point-blank he would betray Him (John 13:10-11, 21-30). But Judas ignored Christ’s warnings; Christ wasn’t important to him anymore. Christ traveled with no set routes, and constantly there were many people around Him. Judas betrayed Christ by telling the Jewish leaders where and when to find Christ. When Judas identified Christ by kissing Him, Christ didn’t scold Judas, but rather asked if he was betraying Him with a kiss (Luke 22:47-48). What can we learn from Judas? Summary of a sermon entitled “Judas who betrayed Jesus” by 温偉耀 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMFNqC4wuww 出賣耶穌的猶大 基督喂饱五千人之后,许多人想强迫祂作王。 耶稣没有利用这机会来建立地上的帝国,而是告诉他们不要为会变坏的食物工作,而要为能存到永生的属灵食物工作, 祂是赐给他们的生命之粮。 大多数人因对基督的教导感到困扰而离开了祂。 基督问十二个门徒是否也想离去。 彼得回答说,基督有永生之道,是从上帝来的。 基督说十二个人中间有一个是魔鬼,祂指的是犹大 (约翰福音 6:14-71)。 彼得虽然不完全明白,但他相信基督, 犹大却不信。 犹大也许希望基督打败罗马人,但是当多人离开时,他的希望可能幻灭了。 许多人跟随基督是为了获取世俗的东西,比如财富、权力、名誉和健康。 当有一天得不到想要的东西时,他们是会离开基督,还是会接受上帝的主权? 马利亚用昂贵的香膏抹耶稣的脚时,犹大关注的再次是世俗的价值,尽管耶稣才使拉撒路从死里复活。 犹大抱怨香水的钱可以送给穷人,虽然他虚伪地从钱袋子里偷窃。 对玛利亚来说,上帝的恩典使一切地上的物质黯然失色(约翰福音12:1-8)。 犹大起初可能崇拜基督,但确信祂不会帮助自己实现目标时,基督对他就变得毫无用处 (路加福音 22:3-6)。 基督至少两次警告犹大。 首先,在为门徒洗脚时,祂间接说犹大是不洁净的。 其次,祂直截了当告诉犹大他会出卖祂 (约翰福音 13:10-11, 21-30)。 但犹大忽视基督的警告,基督对他来说不再重要了。 基督的行程没有固定的路线,而且祂周围总是有很多人。 犹大告诉犹太领袖在何时何地找到基督,从而背叛了祂。 当犹大通过亲吻基督来指认祂时,基督并没有责骂犹大,只是问犹大是否用亲吻来背叛祂 (路加福音 22:47-48)。 我们可以从犹大身上学到什么功课呢?
God despises wickedness. Those He hates get His wrath and punishment, with no mercy (Hosea 9:15, Jeremiah 12:8, Psalm 7:11).
Isaac had two sons, Esau and Jacob. Esau despised the covenant of grace, selling his birthright for a single meal (Genesis 25:30-34, Hebrews 12:16). God hated Esau but loved Jacob (Romans 9:13). Yet, Esau had vastly greater earthly possession than Jacob (Genesis 27:39). To those God hates, God may give them plenty of earthly things—honor, power, thrones, wealth, and pleasures, even the choicest ones (Habakkuk 1:15-16, Job 21:7, Psalm 73:5). God gives them up to the lust of their hearts. They spend so much time and effort on worldly profits and pleasures, though none of it truly satisfies. One day, death will strip away what little they have and leave them with eternal damnation. Those God loves may not have as many earthly possessions, but God is sufficient to carry them through their journeys to heaven. God gives them priceless spiritual blessings, such as the holy love, spiritual joy, peace, and the foretaste of heaven. Many neglect their souls for this world’s pleasures. When invited to a great banquet, many forsake it for paltry earthly things (Luke 14:15-20). Many put off eternal salvation till such and such time. Many put their hand on the plow and look back (Luke 9:62), as the Israelites in the wilderness earnestly yearned for Egypt, and Lot’s wife looked back at Sodom. Consider how miserable and foolish they were, greedy for the husks instead of feasting at the king’s table. Even the best of earthly profits and pleasures cannot satisfy us but only give us great vexation and guilty consciences with no true peace or rest. Don’t sell the blessings of the covenant for a mouthful of meat as Esau (Genesis 25:29-34). How bitter he became. Don’t neglect your soul and things above for earthly pleasures; they are nothing better than what God gives to those He hates. See the great things God has done. See the Kingdom of heaven is at hand. Forsake worldly profit, honor, and pleasure (Luke 14:33). Instead, intensely seek spiritual and heavenly things. Summary of a sermon by Jonathan Edwards: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DbKAsBOiuw 我恨恶以扫 上帝憎恨邪恶。那些祂恨恶的人将受到祂没有怜悯的忿怒和惩罚(何西阿书 9:15,耶利米书 12:8,诗篇 7:11)。 以撒有以扫和雅各两个儿子。以扫轻看恩典之约,为了一点食物出卖了长子的名分(创世记 25:30-34,希伯来书 12:16)。 上帝恨恶以扫,但爱雅各(罗马书 9:13)。然而,以扫比雅各拥有更多的属世财产(创世记 27:39)。 那些上帝恨恶的人,上帝可能赐给他们许多属世的东西——荣誉、权力、宝座、财富和享乐,甚至是最上等的(哈巴谷书 1:15-16,约伯记 21:7,诗篇 73:5)。上帝任凭他们随心所欲。他们在世俗的利益和享乐上花费了无数的时间和精力,虽然没有一样能让他们真正快乐。有一天死亡会夺去他们仅有的一点点,留给他们永恒的诅咒。 上帝所爱的人可能没有那么多的世俗财产,但上帝的提供足以让他们完成通往天堂的旅程。上帝赐给他们无限宝贵的属灵祝福,例如圣洁的爱、属灵的喜乐、平安和天堂的预尝。 许多人为了享受世界而忽略自己的灵魂。当被邀请参加一个盛大的宴会时,许多人为了微不足道的世事而拒绝参加(路加福音 14:15-20)。许多人将永恒的救恩推迟又推辞。许多人手扶着犁向后看(路加福音 9:62),就像旷野中的以色列人渴望回到埃及,又像罗得的妻子回首所多玛一样。想想他们是多么悲惨和愚蠢, 贪婪地咀嚼毫无价值的食物外壳,而不享受王的盛宴大餐。 即使最好的世俗利益和快乐也不能满足我们,反而带来极大的烦恼和内疚,没有真正的平安或休息。不要像以扫那样为一碗红豆汤而出卖盟约的祝福(创世记 25:29-34)。他后来为此变得痛苦无比。不要为了世俗的享受而忽视您的灵魂和天上的事。没有什么属世的东西比那些上帝给祂恨恶之人的东西更好的。 看看上帝所行的大事,看看天国就在眼前。抛弃世俗的利益、尊荣和享乐(路加福音 14:33)。相反地,追求属灵和属天的事。 All four gospels teach us if we focus on ourselves, we will lose everything. But if we forget ourselves for Christ, we will have a real life (Luke 9:24-25).
Our culture encourages generosity up to a certain point. Because of the scarcity mindset, we are inclined to keep things primarily for ourselves. But Christ teaches us not to hoard for ourselves treasures on earth—including our time, ability, and wealth—for we will certainly lose them all one day (Matthew 6:19-21). As God’s children and as citizens of heaven, we should set our hearts and keep our focus on things above, with our feet down on earth (Colossians 3:1-3). Be generous with our things on earth to the needy. Be generous cheerfully. It is the antidote of anxiety. A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. Sow generously and we will reap generously (2 Corinthians 9:6-7, Proverbs 11:25). Our generosity includes spreading our faith, a natural outflow from a grateful heart for what God has given us freely. As ambassadors of Christ on earth, we are His witnesses. Though we naturally evangelize what we love, we should prepare to give the reason for our hope in a gentle and respectful manner (1 Peter 3:15). Don’t focus on outcomes. We don’t know if God will give us the outcome we want, and our joy shouldn’t depend on outcomes anyway. It is the path we walk, the journey we travel, that counts. God is rich in mercy and abundant in grace. He accepts and reassures us. He gives us a new citizenship and a new way to live. We give back because He will keep providing for us. Ask God to help you maintain a healthy regard for your earthly treasures—not just blessings for yourself, but a means to serve others. Summarized from a sermon by Nicole Unice: https://menlo.church/series/the-way#/modal/message/5648/mlo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YsFLP5Yu34 回报上帝的赐福 四福音书都教导如果人只专注自己,就将失去一切; 但如果为基督忘记自己,就将拥有真正的生命 (路加福音9:24-25)。 今天的文化在某程度上鼓励慷慨好施。 但由于害怕不足的心态, 我们往往专注于把东西留为己用。但主耶稣教导不要囤积财宝在地上, 包括时间、能力和财富,因为总有一天会失去这一切(马太福音6:19-21)。 作为上帝的儿女和天上的公民,信徒的心应该在基督里。 虽然我们脚踏在地上, 心却应专注上面的事(歌罗西书3:1-3)。 所以,要慷慨乐意地将地上的财宝与有需要的人分享。这是医治焦虑的良药。好施捨的必得豐裕,滋潤人的必得滋潤;少種的少收,多種的多收 (哥林多后书9:6-7,箴言11:25)。 慷慨待人包括宣扬自己的信仰。上帝白白地赐下救恩给我们,分享信仰是感恩之心的自然流露。我们作为基督在世上的使者是基督的见证。尽管我们自然地向人分享自己所爱的,仍应该准备如何以温柔恭敬的态度表达心中盼望的缘由(彼得前书3:15)。 此外, 不要专注结果。我们不知道上帝是否会赐下所盼望的。真正的喜乐并不取决于结果,重要的是走过的道路和行过的旅程。 上帝满有怜悯和恩典,祂接纳我们并让我们放心信靠交托。祂赐下新的公民身份和新的生活方式。我们可以不断地回报上帝帮助他人,因为祂会一直供应。 祈求上帝帮助我们对世俗的财富保持健康尊重的看法--那不仅是上帝对自己的赐福,也是祂要我们服务他人的方式之一。 God is not opposed to wealth. Abraham, Job, Joseph, David, Solomon, Barnabas, and Joseph of Arimathea were all rich. But be careful with it. The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil (1 Timothy 6:10). Christians do not put our hope on wealth, but in God and in our relationship with Him (Proverbs 11:4, 7).
We should never confuse our value with our wealth (Proverbs 13:7), but rather be content with what we have (Hebrews 13:5). If God blesses us with wealth, we should not feel guilty, shameful, or regretful (Proverbs 10:22), but know that these riches are on loan to us. Everything belongs to God; He could take it away anytime. We are called to be good stewards. Wealth can be a useful tool. Learn how to accumulate, acquire, and allocate it. In accumulating wealth, learn to save. Spend less than what you make (Proverbs 21:20), then invest. We should make money work for us, even when we sleep, instead of us working for money (Ecclesiastes 11:1, Matthew 25:14-23). But we are not called to hoard selfishly, for God is opposed to greed. We hoard out of insecurity and pride of our status. Also, whatever we accumulate, deteriorate, such as food, clothes, and precious metal (James 5:1-3, Luke 12:15-21). When acquiring wealth, forget get-rich-quick schemes (Proverbs 13:11). Make money honestly. Ill-gotten gains take away our lives; it’s better to keep our soul than be wealthy (Proverbs 1:19. Matthew 16:26). Treat others fairly (James 5:4, Proverbs 10:2, Proverbs 16:11). In business, multiple parties (customers, owners, workers, and society) need to benefit. In allocating wealth, give to God at least 10 percent first. He will provide (Proverbs 3:9-10, Malachi 3:8-12). Use money to make things flourish. Use money to love people. If we have a lot and do not share with those in need, we have sinned (James 5-6). Be generous, particularly with those in need (Ephesians 4:28). In turn, their plenty will supply what we need (2 Corinthians 8:14). Whoever refreshes others will be refreshed and will prosper and truly live (Proverbs 11:24-25, 1 Timothy 6:18-19). Summarized from 2 sermons of Rick Warren: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVcm5JJwjb8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCVh5G1ndX0 from 29 minute. 智慧地处理财富的信心 上帝并不反对财富,亚伯拉罕、约伯、约瑟、大卫、所罗门、巴拿巴和亚里马太的约瑟都是富有之人。但我们对财富要小心,因为贪财是万恶之根( 提摩太前书6:10)。 不要将盼望寄托在财富上,而要寄托在上帝和与上帝的关系上(箴言11:4, 7)。 不要将自我价值与拥有的财富混淆(箴言13:7), 要以自己所有的为满足(希伯来书13:5)。 如果上帝赐下财富,不要内疚、羞愧或遗憾(箴言10:22)。 但要知道它们是上帝借给我们的,一切都属于上帝。祂任何时间都可以把财富拿走。当做这些财富的好管家。 财富可以是有用的工具,要学习如何积累、获取和分配它。 在积累财富上要学会储蓄,量入为出,使开销少于收入 (箴言21:20),然后就可以投资。让钱为我们工作,而不是我们为钱工作(传道书11:1,马太福音25:14-23)。 上帝反对贪婪,不要自私地囤积财富, 那样做是出于缺乏安全感或对自己的地位感到骄傲。积累的任何东西都会变质,食物、衣服和贵重金属都是如此(雅各书5:1-3,路加福音12:15-21)。 在获取财富时远离快速致富之道 (箴言13:11)。 诚实地赚钱,不义之财会夺走人的生命 (箴言1:19, 马太福音16:26)。 当公平地对待他人 (雅各书5:4, 箴言10:2, 箴言16:11)。 在商业交易中, 客户、业主、工人和社会都需要受益。 在分配财富时至少将收入的前十分之一奉献给上帝。祂会供给我们日用所需的一切 (箴言3:9-10, 玛拉基书3:8-12)。 用财富使手中所行的事蓬勃发展。用钱去爱他人。 如果拥有很多却不与有需要的人分享,那就是犯罪(雅各書5-6)。要做正确的事(雅各书4:17)。 当慷慨待人,特别对那些有需要的人(以弗所书4:28)。 有一天情形会反转过来,他们将用自己的丰富供应我们的缺乏(哥林多前书8:14)。 “滋潤人的必得滋潤,” 这样的人将兴盛发旺,真正地活出自己的生命来 (箴言11:24-25,提摩太前书6:18-19)。 |
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