God despises wickedness. Those He hates get His wrath and punishment, with no mercy (Hosea 9:15, Jeremiah 12:8, Psalm 7:11).
Isaac had two sons, Esau and Jacob. Esau despised the covenant of grace, selling his birthright for a single meal (Genesis 25:30-34, Hebrews 12:16). God hated Esau but loved Jacob (Romans 9:13). Yet, Esau had vastly greater earthly possession than Jacob (Genesis 27:39). To those God hates, God may give them plenty of earthly things—honor, power, thrones, wealth, and pleasures, even the choicest ones (Habakkuk 1:15-16, Job 21:7, Psalm 73:5). God gives them up to the lust of their hearts. They spend so much time and effort on worldly profits and pleasures, though none of it truly satisfies. One day, death will strip away what little they have and leave them with eternal damnation. Those God loves may not have as many earthly possessions, but God is sufficient to carry them through their journeys to heaven. God gives them priceless spiritual blessings, such as the holy love, spiritual joy, peace, and the foretaste of heaven. Many neglect their souls for this world’s pleasures. When invited to a great banquet, many forsake it for paltry earthly things (Luke 14:15-20). Many put off eternal salvation till such and such time. Many put their hand on the plow and look back (Luke 9:62), as the Israelites in the wilderness earnestly yearned for Egypt, and Lot’s wife looked back at Sodom. Consider how miserable and foolish they were, greedy for the husks instead of feasting at the king’s table. Even the best of earthly profits and pleasures cannot satisfy us but only give us great vexation and guilty consciences with no true peace or rest. Don’t sell the blessings of the covenant for a mouthful of meat as Esau (Genesis 25:29-34). How bitter he became. Don’t neglect your soul and things above for earthly pleasures; they are nothing better than what God gives to those He hates. See the great things God has done. See the Kingdom of heaven is at hand. Forsake worldly profit, honor, and pleasure (Luke 14:33). Instead, intensely seek spiritual and heavenly things. Summary of a sermon by Jonathan Edwards: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DbKAsBOiuw 我恨恶以扫 上帝憎恨邪恶。那些祂恨恶的人将受到祂没有怜悯的忿怒和惩罚(何西阿书 9:15,耶利米书 12:8,诗篇 7:11)。 以撒有以扫和雅各两个儿子。以扫轻看恩典之约,为了一点食物出卖了长子的名分(创世记 25:30-34,希伯来书 12:16)。 上帝恨恶以扫,但爱雅各(罗马书 9:13)。然而,以扫比雅各拥有更多的属世财产(创世记 27:39)。 那些上帝恨恶的人,上帝可能赐给他们许多属世的东西——荣誉、权力、宝座、财富和享乐,甚至是最上等的(哈巴谷书 1:15-16,约伯记 21:7,诗篇 73:5)。上帝任凭他们随心所欲。他们在世俗的利益和享乐上花费了无数的时间和精力,虽然没有一样能让他们真正快乐。有一天死亡会夺去他们仅有的一点点,留给他们永恒的诅咒。 上帝所爱的人可能没有那么多的世俗财产,但上帝的提供足以让他们完成通往天堂的旅程。上帝赐给他们无限宝贵的属灵祝福,例如圣洁的爱、属灵的喜乐、平安和天堂的预尝。 许多人为了享受世界而忽略自己的灵魂。当被邀请参加一个盛大的宴会时,许多人为了微不足道的世事而拒绝参加(路加福音 14:15-20)。许多人将永恒的救恩推迟又推辞。许多人手扶着犁向后看(路加福音 9:62),就像旷野中的以色列人渴望回到埃及,又像罗得的妻子回首所多玛一样。想想他们是多么悲惨和愚蠢, 贪婪地咀嚼毫无价值的食物外壳,而不享受王的盛宴大餐。 即使最好的世俗利益和快乐也不能满足我们,反而带来极大的烦恼和内疚,没有真正的平安或休息。不要像以扫那样为一碗红豆汤而出卖盟约的祝福(创世记 25:29-34)。他后来为此变得痛苦无比。不要为了世俗的享受而忽视您的灵魂和天上的事。没有什么属世的东西比那些上帝给祂恨恶之人的东西更好的。 看看上帝所行的大事,看看天国就在眼前。抛弃世俗的利益、尊荣和享乐(路加福音 14:33)。相反地,追求属灵和属天的事。 Comments are closed.
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