A 溫偉耀 Sermon Summary Since the apostle Peter’s time, Christians have suffered at the hands of non-believers. How should we face it (1Peter 4)?
First, we accept suffering, decay, and death as inevitable, and we persevere (1 Peter 4:12). Sometimes the end of suffering comes slowly. The world focuses on efficiency and instant gratification. But as in Walter Mischel’s marshmallow experiment, five-year-old kids who could resist eating marshmallows for fifteen minutes typically were more successful later in life than those who couldn’t. Don’t let food, sex, or other idols control you (1 Peter 4:3), but practice self-control (Proverbs 25:28). Suffering can come from those around us, specifically when we choose not to indulge in the same excesses of dissipation. Persevere, as Christ has persevered (1Peter 4:4-6). Second, trust and depend on God. Wait for Him in faith (Isaiah 40:31). God didn’t cause your suffering, but He knows and has His plans. Have faith and follow Him (1 Peter 4:19). Jesus is the author and perfector of faith, sitting at the right hand of the Father (Hebrew 12:2). He was also human, having been through tremendous suffering. We should pray unceasingly to Him and trust His affirmations that everything will be fine; and we should trust His tears, assuring that He cares for us and won’t forget us. Third, focus on the upcoming rewards. This will help us endure suffering. Our pain on earth is temporal, but our future glory will be eternal (2 Corinthians 4:17-18). Don’t envy the wicked, for judgment waits for them. In Mischel’s experiment, children practiced better self-control when they found distractions, such as running around, singing, and looking at things other than the enticing marshmallows. Christ experienced tremendous suffering. But He persevered, focusing on following the Father’s will and the destiny He was given (1 Peter 4:1-2). Likewise, we should turn our eyes upon Christ, and arm ourselves with His purpose to endure suffering. Don’t be afraid of it. Also, we should love one another fervently; use our gifts to serve each other, as good stewards of God’s grace; and be hospitable to one another without grumbling. This includes accepting care from others. Bear our burdens together. In all things, glorify God through Christ (1 Peter 4:7-11). Summary of a sermon by 溫偉耀, titled “Flourish from Our Suffering” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luX0icW0s1k
A Philip Yancey Chapter Summary Christ ascended into heaven after imparting His work to His followers, including healing, gracious blessing, and spreading the good news of God’s love. He sent them as the Father had sent Him (John 16:7, 17:18; Ephesians 3:10). But these people were filled with flaws, constantly forgetting their missions, and making unwise choices. Such trust could bring grief instead of delight to God.
Three parables in Matthew describe the departed Christ: An absentee landlord putting his servant in charge; a bridegroom arriving so late that the guests fall asleep; and a master distributing money among his servants before leaving (Matthew 24:45-25:30). The next parable of sheep and goats warns that one day the departed Lord will return to settle accounts. But before He returns, He turned things over to us. He knew the hungry, lonely, ragged, sick, and imprisoned are with us; in fact, He disguised Himself as such. Christ told us that in serving them in love, we serve God. And when Christ comes back in His glory, He will bless those who served and punish those who ignored the needy (Matthew 25:31-46). Unfortunately, the church is filled with racism, intolerance, and petty legalism. Numerous Christian events conform to the pattern of a fallen world, such as the Crusades, the Inquisition, Christian slave trades, and apartheid. But the church also has brought light to the world, through people like St. Francis, Mother Teresa’s Home for the Dying, Wilberforce’s abolitionism, and General Booth’s Salvation Army. Jesus chose His recruits and appointed them to the tasks (John 15:16). On such weak structures, He built His church, over which even hell wouldn’t prevail. Though His followers keep disappointing Him, He loves them to the end and promises them the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 16:17-19, John 13:1-3). We need to remember that our deadly, prideful nature takes time to change, particularly because we resist such change. We can’t instantly return to the original state God created us. Instead of miraculously intervening in human affairs, Christ chooses to bear the wounds of the church. But if we are willing, God will continue to help us get up from our constant failures, so we become more and more like Him (2 Corinthians 4:7). Summary of “Ascension: A Blank Blue Sky,” Chapter 12 in The Jesus I Never Knew by Philip Yancey. 基督为什么离开我们? 基督升天前向祂的追随者传递了祂的使命,包括医治病人、亲切的祝福和传播上帝之爱的好消息。 祂差遣他们正如天父差遣祂一样(约翰福音 16:7, 17:18;以弗所书 3:10)。 基督信任一群充满缺陷的人,他们不断忘记被托付的使命,做出不明智的选择。 这种信任可能会给上帝带来悲伤而不是喜悦。 马太福音的三个比喻描述了离去的基督:缺席而让仆人负责的地主, 来得太晚而使客人睡着了的新郎, 以及远行前把钱分给仆人的主人(马太福音24:45-25:30)。 接下来是绵羊和山羊的比喻,警告有一天离去的上帝将回来为所发生的一切清算账目。 但在此之前祂将机会交给我们. 祂知道饥饿的人、孤单的人、衣衫褴褛的人、病痛中的人和被囚的人就在我们身边。 事实上祂将自己化装成这些人。 基督告诉我们在爱中服事他们就是服事上帝。 基督在荣耀中回来时祝福那些服事的人,而那些无视身边需要的人将受到惩罚(马太福音25:31-46)。 不幸的是教会里充满了种族主义、缺乏宽容和狭隘的律法主义。 许多基督徒的行为体现了堕落的世界,例如十字军东征、宗教裁判所、基督徒参与的奴隶贸易、 和种族隔离。 但教会也给世界带来了光明,比如圣弗兰西斯的言行、特蕾莎修女建立的临终之家、威尔伯福斯解放奴隶、 以及布斯将军建立的救世军。 耶稣选择祂招募的人,指派他们执行任务(约翰福音 15:16)。祂 在如此脆弱的结构上建立了自己的教会,阴间的权势也无法胜过她。 尽管基督的追随者总是让祂失望,但祂爱他们到底,并将天国应许给他们(马太福音16:17-19,约翰福音13:1-3)。 记住致命的骄傲本性需要时间来改变,特别是当我们强烈抵制这种改变的时候。 我们不能立刻回到上帝创造我们的起初状态。 基督没有不断地用神迹来介入人间的事务,而是选择背负教会的创伤。 但如果我们愿意,上帝会不断帮助我们从持续的失败中站起来,使我们变得越来越像祂(哥林多后书 4:7)。 Since John the Baptist, the good news of the kingdom of God has been preached, and many are “forcing their way into it” (Luke 16:16).
John the Baptist was the forerunner, paving the road and preparing the people for Christ (Matthew 4:17, 11:11; Luke 1:17) and for the disciples (Matthew 10:7). Then, like the morning star before the sun, John diminished (John 3:30), and many wanted to enter the kingdom of God, including Pharisees and Sadducees, tax collectors, and soldiers (Matthew 3:7, Luke 3:12-14). The kingdom of God has been forcefully advancing (Matthew 11:12). Many desire to enter the kingdom of God and run away from their misery and from hell (Luke 10:42, Psalm 27:4). Once the opportunity to enter is gone, those remaining will not be spared from God’s wrath. No one can comprehend the power of God’s anger, so press earnestly, firmly, and steadily to try to get in. The path to get in is difficult to find (Matthew 7:14, Luke 13:24). Like searching for the hidden treasure (Proverbs 2:1-5), we must use our utmost energy (Ecclesiastes 9:10). Such desires depend on God giving our hearts the resolution. “To press” implies there will be barriers, opposition, and difficulty along the way. And devils will continue to distract and discourage us. But with God’s given earnest spirit, we can press on (Philippians 3:10-11). Look up to God and repent. God’s mercy is sufficient to enable us to enter His kingdom (Acts 8:22, 2 Timothy 2:25, Jonah 3:8-9). Be willing to sacrifice everything for His kingdom. Crucify our possessions, pride, and worldly wishes for the sake of your soul and salvation (Galatians 5:24; Luke 3:19; Matthew 14:3, 19:16-22). Forget your accomplishments. If we want to reminisce, we should reflect on our past mistakes (Jeremiah 2:23). Forge ahead for our salvation (Philippians 3:13-14). Persevere to the end. Don’t arouse God’s anger (1 Corinthians 10:22, Ezekiel 22:14). Since no one knows when He will return, use this time to press on towards the kingdom of God. A summary of a sermon by Jonathan Edwards: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylcKyZwiUIo 努力进入神的国 自施洗约翰以来,神国的好消息一直在被传扬,许多人努力要进去(路加福音 16:16)。 施洗约翰是先锋. 他为基督(马太福音 4:17、11:11; 路加福音 1:17)和门徒(马太福音 10:7)铺平道路, 做好准备。然后,约翰就像太阳出来之前的晨星一样消失了(约翰福音 3:30),而许多人因为他的事工想要进入神的国,包括法利赛人、撒都该人、税吏和士兵(马太福音 3:7,路加福音 3:12-14)。上帝的国一直在大力地推进(马太福音 11:12)。 许多人迫切渴望进入上帝的国,逃离苦难和地狱(路加福音 10:42,诗篇 27:4)。因为一旦进去的机会消失,剩下的人不会免于上帝的忿怒。没有人理解上帝愤怒的力量。所以要认真、坚定、稳定地努力进去。 进上帝之国的路很难找(马太福音7:14,路加福音13:24). 要用最大的力量去寻找(传道书 9:10)像在搜索隐藏的宝藏(箴言 2:1-5)一样。 只有上帝将决心赐下,才会有这样的渴望。 努力意味着一路上定会有障碍、反对和困难。魔鬼会继续阻碍和分散我们的注意力。但凭着上帝所赐的恳切精神,要奋力前行(腓立比书 3:10-11)。 仰望上帝并悔改,祂的怜悯足以使我们进入上帝的国(使徒行传 8:22、2 提摩太后书 2:25、约拿书 3:8-9)。 要愿意为上帝的国牺牲一切。为了灵魂和救恩,将个人的财产、今生的骄傲、世俗的愿望都钉在十字架上(加拉太书 5:24; 路加福音 3:19; 马太福音 14:3,19:16-22)。 忘记过去的成就。如果我们想回忆往事,请记住过去的错误(耶利米书 2:23)。为了救恩向前迈进(腓立比书 3:13-14)。 竭尽全力坚持到底。 不要惹怒上帝(哥林多前书 10:22,以西结书 22:14)。 无人知道主何时再来,那就趁着今天向上帝的国度奋进吧。 We tend to have our own idea of what God should do. “This is the perfect time for you to show your power, God.” “Why don’t you stop the injustice?” If God does not meet our expectations, we feel disappointed. It turns out God’s top prophet, Elijah, had a similar experience in 1 Kings 19:1-18.
Ahab, Israel’s king, had made Baal to be Israel’s god. Elijah, before the Israelites, challenged the 450 Baal prophets. Through a spectacular miracle, he got all of them killed. The over-confident Elijah ran to Jezreel, the capital of Israel, perhaps expecting Ahab and the Israelites to repent and return to God. Instead, Ahab’s wife threatened to kill him within a day. Elijah ran for his life. He even let his servant go, implying quitting his ministry (v3). Totally demoralized, he asked God to let him die (v4). How did God treat Elijah’s depression? Twice, an angel touched him, fed him, and let him sleep (v5, 7). Strengthened by the food, Elijah travelled for 40 days to Horeb (or Mount Sinai), where Moses had been given the ten commandments. God asked him what he was doing there (v9). Elijah responded that he was the only one zealous for Him, basically asking, “What’s wrong with you, God? Why didn’t you show your power and do what I think you should?” (v10). Elijah assumed God would do certain things in Israel. When God didn’t follow through, Elijah became overly pessimistic: “I am the only one [prophet] left” (v10). Elijah tried to put God in his box, and when God was not there, Elijah grew cynical and depressed. As described above, God treated Elijah with comfort, sustenance, sleep, and time. He also just allowed Elijah to talk without condemning him. Then God responded. First, God showed a glimpse of His strength through powerful wind tearing mountains apart, earthquake, and fire. Then God gently talked to Elijah, telling Elijah His plan. God counseled and healed Elijah with gentle words. God’s ways are beyond us. Don’t try to put God in our box. Instead, have faith in the almighty and brilliant God, and listen to His words. God will do the right thing at the right time. Summarized from a Tim Keller sermon: https://gospelinlife.com/downloads/the-still-small-voice-8969/ 不要把上帝关在我们的小盒子里 人往往有自己的想法认为上帝应该做什么,比如“神啊,这是显示你的大能的最佳时机,” 或 “你为何不制止冤屈?” 如果上帝没有满足自己的期望,就会感到非常失望。上帝最优秀的先知以利亚在列王记上 19章1至18节中有过类似的经历。 以色列王亚哈使巴力成为以色列的偶像。以利亚在以色列人面前挑战四百五十名巴力先知。通过奇妙壮观的神迹,以利亚使他们全部都被杀死。 满有自信的以利亚跑到以色列首都耶斯列 ,或许期望亚哈和以色列人悔改归回上帝面前。相反地,亚哈的妻子扬言要在一天内杀死他。 以利亚逃命了。他甚至让仆人离开,暗示想放弃先知的职责(列王记上19:3)。彻底失望的以利亚甚至要求神让他死去(列王记上19:4)。 上帝如何应对以利亚的忧郁呢? 天使两次触摸以利亚,喂饱他,让他安然入睡(列王记上19:5,7)。靠着这饮食加添的力量,以利亚行走四十天来到神的何烈山(即西乃山),神曾在那里赐给摩西十诫。 上帝问以利亚在那里做什么(列王记上19:9)。以利亚回答说只剩下自己对上帝大发热心。 他实际上在问神:“上帝,为何不显示您的大能, 做点我想您做的事?”(列王记上19:10) 以利亚以为神应当在以色列做某些事。当上帝没有如此行的时候,以利亚变得非常悲观:“我是唯一剩下的先知” (列王记上19:10)。他试图想把上帝关在自己做的小盒子里,强迫上帝遵循他的想法。但当发现上帝不在里面,不听他命令时,以利亚变得偏激且沮丧。 就如上面描述的一样,上帝安抚以利亚,喂养他,使他安睡,给他时间来治疗他,也让他说话而不定他罪。然后,上帝开始回应他了。 首先,神以可摧毁山峰的强风,地震和大火来稍微显示一下祂的能力。接着上帝轻轻地告诉以利亚祂的计划。藉着祂轻柔的话语,上帝劝告和医治了以利亚。 上帝的方式完全超越了我们。不要试图把祂关在自己的小盒子里。相反地,要对全能和全智的神大有信心,聆听祂的话。上帝会在正确的时间做正确的事。 If we are depressed and cannot feel God’s presence, even when we don’t think we have done anything wrong, what should we do? Let’s learn from Psalms 42 and 43.
The author was very depressed. He felt God had forgotten him (v42:9). He didn’t think he had sinned, but he had lost his relationship with God and he was experiencing spiritual darkness. What could have caused it? First, he had lost his community. Previously, he was with a joyful, religious crowd, but now he was isolated in the mountains (v42:4,6). It is easier to feel depressed if we don’t have others’ support. Second, bad things were happening to him, leading people to ask him all day long where his God was (v42:3). Gradually, he also asked God the same question (v42:9). Third, he had lost his appetite (with tears as his food) and lost his sleep (crying all night) (v42:3). Such setback, failure, and physical weakness, with no support, particularly when he didn’t know the cause, could have led to his depression. How did the author get back up again? Though the author felt down and out, he didn’t stop praying. Instead, he desperately searched for God, pouring himself out to Him (v42:1, 4). He also reminded himself to consider the love of God in his life (v42:6, 8). Furthermore, he kept preaching to himself. Three times he questioned himself why he was so miserable. Three times, he told himself to put his hope in God (implying not in worldly things). And three times he said he would praise God, his Savior (v42:5, 11; 43:5, 3:3). If we are depressed for a long period, we should take care of our health and find support from others. But it is much more important to keep praying to God, remembering His love as shown by Christ suffering for us. Also, we should keep asking ourselves why we are sad and remind ourselves to put our hope in God, praising Him as our Savior. Summarized from a Tim Keller sermon: http://www.gospelinlife.com/free-sermon-resource https://gospelinlife.com/downloads/finding-god-6252/ 如何应对抑郁 如果感到沮丧,感到生命中没有上帝的同在,特别是认为自己没有做错任何事情时,该怎么办呢? 来一起学习诗篇42篇和43篇。 这里的作者感到非常沮丧, 觉得上帝已经忘记了他(诗篇42:9)。他虽不认为自己犯了罪, 但已经失去了与上帝的关系, 正在经历心灵的黑暗。 什么可能导致他这样呢? 首先,他失去了自己的群体。先前与一群快乐而虔诚的人在一起,现在却独自一人被隔离在山上(诗篇42:4,6)。如果没有其他人的支持,孤单一人就比较容易感到沮丧。 其次,坏事正发生在他身上,以致人们整天都问他的上帝在哪里(诗篇42:3)。渐渐地,他也问上帝同样的问题(诗篇42:9)。 第三, 他食欲不振,以眼泪为食物;不能入睡,整夜哭泣(诗篇42:3)。 这样的挫折, 失败和身体的虚弱,没有任何支持,特别是不明白这一切发生的原因,如此种种可能就是导致他抑郁的原因。 那么作者是如何摆脱困境的呢? 尽管诗人情绪低落,却没有停止祈祷。相反地,他拼命寻找上帝,向祂倾心吐意(诗篇42:1,4)。 他也提醒自己要记得上帝的爱(诗篇42:6,8)。 除此以外,作者不住地向自己讲道。他三次自问为何如此沮丧,三次告诫自己要将希望寄托在上帝身上而非世俗的事物上,和三次宣告赞美上帝, 他的救主(诗篇42:5,11; 43:5;3:3)。 如果长期处于抑郁状态,应该照顾好自己的身体并寻求他人的支持。但更重要的是不断向上帝祈祷,记住祂的爱, 记住基督为我们受苦。此外不断地反省为什么感到难过,并告诉自己要将希望寄托在上帝身上,以及不断赞美祂, 我们的救主。 |
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