Let’s understand some of Christ’s diverse characteristics.
Christ obeys, yet is equal to, the Father. All things depend on Christ, yet Christ is reliant on the Father (Luke 22:41; John 14:21, 15:10, 10:18; Hebrews 5:8; Philippians 2:8; Matthew 27:43; 1 Peter 2:23). Christ has infinite glory, majesty, and absolute sovereignty; He is worthy to have all the good, yet He descended on earth to live humbly, gently, and calmly; to serve the weak, lowly, and despicable; to patiently endure terrible suffering and humiliation; and to die on the cross (Proverbs 30:4; Job 11:8; James 2:5; 1 Corinthians 1:28, 5:7; Colossians 1:16-18, 3:11; Matthew 19:14, 11:29, 21:4-5, 11:29, 8:3, 26:39, 42; Philippians 2:6; John 5:23; Hebrews 1:6, 8, 6:15; Psalm 45:3, 22:14; John 5:17; 1 Peter 2:20-24; and Isaiah 53:7). Christ was born in a manger to poor parents and submitted to them for 30 years. He was born via the Holy Spirit, with power over Satan, as our Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and the bright Morning Star (Luke 2:24, 1:35; Leviticus 5:7; Isaiah 9:6; Numbers 24:17; Revelation 22:16). Christ had no place to sleep, with his livelihood supported by female followers, yet He had power over nature, walking on water, calming the sea, casting demons to pigs, curing sickness, and raising the dead, with a voice from heaven proclaiming Him to be the beloved Son of the Father (Luke 9:58, 8:3; John 2:11; Job 9:8; Psalm 65:7, 107:29, 89:8-9; Matthew 17:1-3, 5; 2 Peter 1:16-17). Christ was treated as a criminal, delivered to His enemies, and forsaken by the Father and everyone, yet He gained complete victory and was exalted in the highest, with His name above all names, and received praises and glory from millions of angels (John 19:15; Luke 22:53, 23:34; Isaiah 53:10; Acts 2:23, 3:17, 2:36-37; Revelation 14:1, 5:9-12; Philippians 2:8-9; Colossians 2:14-15). At the last judgment, our merciful Christ will appear as the bridegroom to the church, inheriting the Kingdom with them forever. Yet earth and heaven will tremble before our just Christ (Revelation 20:11, Psalm 85:10, Romans 3:25-26). We should desire no other savior than Christ, who gently and humbly knocks at our door, waiting to invite us into the Father’s house; uniting us with God; to be our friend; defending us; to give us joy, rest and water of life; and to be exalted with us in His glory (Revelation 3:20, 22:16-17; Proverbs 8:4, 9:1-6; Isaiah 55:1-3, 31:4; John 17:21-24, 17:13, 20:17, 17:26-27; Matthew 11:28-30, 26:29; Luke 22:30; Galatians 4:4-6). Summarized from a sermon by Jonathan Edwards: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R12Tlkm0Xb0 至高无上的基督 让我们了解基督的一些不同性格。 基督顺服天父,却与父神同等。 凡事都靠基督, 但祂完全依赖父神(路加福音 22:41;约翰福音 14:21, 15:10, 10:18;希伯来书 5:8;腓立比书 2: 8;马太福音 27:43;彼得前书 2:23)。 基督拥有无限的荣耀、威严和绝对的主权,配得一切美好;祂却降临人间, 谦卑、温柔、平静地生活, 服侍软弱的、卑微的和被人鄙视的人,耐心地忍受可怕的痛苦和屈辱,最后死在十字架上(箴言 30:4;约伯记 11:8;雅各书 2:5;哥林多前书 1:28, 5:7;歌罗西书 1:16-18, 3:11;马太福音 19:14, 11:29, 21:4 -5, 11:29, 8:3, 26:39, 42;腓立比书 2:6;约翰福音 5:23;希伯来书 1:6, 8, 6:15;诗篇 45:3, 22:14;约翰福音 5: 17;彼得前书 2:20-24;以赛亚书 53:7)。 基督出身贫寒,生在马槽里,顺服在地上的父母三十年;然而,祂是从圣灵而生,有胜过撒旦的能力,是我们的策士、全能的神、永在的父和明亮的晨星(路加福音 2:24、1:35;利未记 5:7;以赛亚书 9 :6;民数记 24:17;启示录 22:16)。 在地上基督没有枕头的地方,依靠女信徒的支持维持生计;却拥有超自然的能力,在水面上行走,使大海平静,将鬼魔赶到猪身上,治愈疾病,使死人复活,天上有声音宣告祂是天父的爱子(路加福音 9:58, 8:3 ;约翰福音 2:11;约伯记 9:8;诗篇 65:7、107:29、89:8-9;马太福音 17:1-3、5;彼得后书 1:16-17)。 基督被视为罪犯,被交给仇敌,也被天父和所有人离弃;却获得完全的胜利,被尊为至高,赐给超乎万有的名,从千万的天使那里得到赞美和荣耀(约翰福音 19:15;路加福音 22:53, 23:34;以赛亚书 53:10;使徒行传 2:23 , 3:17, 2:36-37;启示录 14:1, 5:9-12;腓立比书 2:8-9;歌罗西书 2:14-15)。 在最后的审判中,完全慈悲的基督将以新郎的身份出现在教会面前,与教会一同承受国度直到永远。然而,天地都将在全然公义的基督面前颤抖(启示录 20:11,诗篇 85:10,罗马书 3:25-26)。 除了基督,不应该渴望任何别的救主。 祂温柔谦卑地敲我们的门,等待着邀请我们进入天父的家,使我们与上帝合而为一。祂要做我们的朋友,保护我们,赐下欢乐、安息和生命之水;祂要与我们一同在祂的荣耀中被高举(启示录 3:20, 22:16-17; 箴言 8:4, 9:1-6; 以赛亚书 55:1-3, 31:4; 约翰福音 17:21-24、17:13、20:17、17:26-27;马太福音 11:28-30、26:29;路加福音 22:30;加拉太书 4:4-6)。 Many Christians live a double life. Spiritually, they enjoy God’s fellowship, praying to Him and learning from the Bible. Secularly, they enjoy world’s affairs, like eating, sleeping, working, and exercising. Some prefer such activities over the spiritual ones. Others consider such activities a waste of time. Many are caught in the middle, finding no peace in either.
We live in a natural world with its limitations and a spiritual world with its unknowns. But we do not have to live separate lives. On earth, Christ had no divided life. Its entirety was pleasing to His Father (John 8:29). Paul did not do certain things for God, and others for himself. He did everything for God’s glory, including eating and drinking (1 Corinthians 10:31). Our bodies are not innately offensive to God. He created them and was not ashamed of His work. On earth, Christ also took on a body. All we do can be sacred if we live according to God’s will, as we understand it from the Bible. Our different acts become acts of worship, totally accepted by God. Every act can glorify Him. Whatever our profession or our calling is, it is not inferior to that of a pastor. Our motives behind our actions are often more important than the actions themselves. Having said that, certain things we do are more important. Some people are more useful to the society because their God-give talents differ. But God accepts with pleasure all of us and our different types of activities. Also, don’t associate certain places (e.g. church building) or certain times (e.g. Good Friday) as more sacred. This is spiritual slavery. The key is to worship Him in the Spirit and in truth (John 4:24). All these may be difficult to accept, as habits are difficult to change. Meditate and pray on them. Ask God to help you enjoy and even excel in your daily activities. Be a witness for Him in them and honor Him. Be as enthusiastic and dependent on Him about the activities as if you were spreading the Gospel in an Amazon jungle. To conclude, our entire life can be good and holy, and every simple task can be an act of worship. Summarized from “The Sacrament of Living,” the last chapter of The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer. 如何在日常生活中敬拜上帝 許多基督徒過著雙重生活。在属灵上他們享受与神相交,向祂祈祷并学习圣经。在属世上他們享受世界的事务,例如吃饭、睡觉、工作和运动。有些基督徒喜欢这种属世的活动多于属灵的操练。有些基督徒则認為這种活动浪费时间。还有許多被困在兩者中间,觉得其中都找不到安宁。 我們活在一個有局限的自然世界和一個有未知领域的属灵世界里,但我們并非必须過兩种不同的生活。 基督在世上沒有过分裂的生活, 祂整个生命都是为取悦父神(約翰福音8:29)。 保羅也没有为上帝做某些事而为自己做些其它事。他做的一切,包括飲食在内,都是為榮耀神(哥林多前书10:31)。 我們的身體不會生来就冒犯上帝。祂創造了我們的身體,也从未為此感到羞恥。基督在世上也取了肉身的样式。 如果從聖經明白上帝的旨意,以之为行事为人的准则而生活,我們做的一切都可以是神聖的。我們每一個舉動都可成为敬拜, 都被神完全接纳。一舉一動都可以榮耀祂。 我们无论从事什么职业, 得到什么呼召,都不比牧师低一等。行动后面的动机往往比行动本身更重要。 話雖如此,有些活动总比其它的更重要,有些人比其他人更有用, 因为上帝赋予我们不同的能力。但上帝快樂地接纳我们每人和各样不同的活动。 此外,不要以某些地方(例如教堂)或某些時間(例如耶穌受難日)為更神聖。這是心灵的奴隸。关键是用心靈和誠實来敬拜祂 (約翰福音4:24)。 以上这些可能一时難以接受,習慣也很難改變。应该经常為此默想和禱告。祈求上帝帮助我们享受不同的日常活动, 甚至在其中表现出色,为祂作见证,尊荣祂。对我们参与的不同的活动充满热情,就好像热情地去亚马逊丛林中宣教一样。 总而言之,我們的一生都可以是美好而神聖的, 每项簡單的工作都可以成为敬拜的举动。 Paul urges us to offer ourselves to God as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1). What does it mean, and why should we?
The term “living sacrifice” seems to be an oxymoron. In the Old Testament, once offered, the sacrifice would be reduced to ashes. How could a sacrifice be living? Paul seems to suggest we can give ourselves, as living beings, totally to God. We don’t belong to ourselves anymore. Instead, we belong to God. Some live for their independence. They are the bosses of their own lives, and no one can tell them what to do. Some live for their spouses, children, careers, money, fame, or power. These things become their idols, controlling them. They live for, and sacrifice themselves to, these false gods. But Paul urges us to live for God and sacrifice ourselves to Him. Why should we? First, we should because of God’s love for us (Romans 12:1). Christ voluntarily laid down His life for us; no one forced Him to do it (John 10:17). In Gethsemane, Christ knew of His impending suffering, yet He still followed through. Second, God is infinitely wise. He knows what is best for us, much more than we do. Thus, we should follow His guidance. Sometimes short-term outcomes don’t make sense, but we need to trust Him. In a certain way, this is similar to drawing a flower using the right side of the brain. If we use this approach, when we try to mimic the outlines of the flower, some of the strokes may not make sense at the time of drawing. But if we just keep going, all the strokes eventually will come together to reproduce the picture of the flower. If we follow God’s guidance, He will be responsible for the outcome. We can rest in Him. In conclusion, because of God’s love and His infinite wisdom, we should live as if we belong to God. Follow Him, let Him take charge, and live for Him! Summarized from a Tim Keller’s sermon, titled, “Why Offer Ourselves to God?”: https://gospelinlife.com/downloads/everyone-with-a-gift-6892/ 为什么把自己奉献给上帝并不愚蠢? 保罗敦促信徒将自己如同活祭奉献给上帝 (罗马书12:1)。这是什么意思,为什么要这么做呢? “活祭”似乎是一种矛盾。在旧约中,祭品一旦献上就将化为灰烬,它如何还能活着呢? 保罗的意思可能是将自己, 一个活生生的人, 完全奉献给上帝。我们不再属于自己。 相反地,我们属于上帝。 有些人为自己的独立而活。他们是自己生命的主,没有人能告诉他们应该怎么做。有些人为了配偶、子女、朋友、 职业、金钱、名望或权力而活,这些成为偶像控制他们。他们为这些假神而活, 牺牲了自己。 保罗敦促我们为上帝而活,为祂牺牲自己。 为什么应该如此行呢? 首先,因为上帝的爱 (罗马书12:1)。 基督自愿为我们舍命,没有人强迫祂 (约翰福音10:17)。在客西马尼园,基督知道即将来临的痛苦,仍然献出了自己。 第二,因为上帝无限的智慧。祂比我们更知道什么对我们最好。因此,应该遵循上帝的指导。有时我们不能理解暂时的情况,但依然需要信靠上帝。 在某种程度上,这类似使用右脑来画一朵花。如果使用这种方法绘画, 当尝试模仿花的线条时,或许当时有些笔触会觉得不对。但是,如果继续画下去,最后所有的笔触都将会融合一起, 变成一朵花的图片。 如果遵循神的引导, 祂就会对结果负责,我们可以在祂里面休息。 总而言之,因为上帝的慈爱和无限的智慧,我们应该活出属于上帝的生命。跟随上帝, 让祂掌管,为祂而活! Can worship give us peace and rest even in great adversity? Let’s learn from Psalm 95.
Psalm 95 describes many attributes of God. He is the great King above all things. He is our God, who created the mountains, the sea, and the land, and who created us. He saved us and continues to care for us (v1, 3-7). In light of who He is, Psalm 95 describes different ways to worship Him. For example, we adore Him with emotion by singing joyfully to Him in praise and thanksgiving. We adore Him with will by submitting to him, bowing only to Him. And we adore Him with intellect by listening to Him and following Him (v1, 2, 6-8). Worshipping the wrong thing is detrimental. We may think owning some earthly object will make our life perfect. In Harry Potter’s Mirror of Erised, “Erised” is “Desire” spelled backwards. Deeply desiring an earthly object will make it an idol, which can then control us and ultimately destroy us. Psalm 95 ends with declaring that the Israelites who left Egypt will find no rest. Believing in God as who He is, and believing that He accepts us because of Christ, not due to who we are or what we do, will give us true rest. Then we can find peace, even in the midst of crisis. Note that Psalm 95 always uses the word “us,” not “me.” Worshipping in a group has benefits. For example, the group helps each other see God’s different personalities. See the highest beauty, power, and love in God Himself. Then our hearts will exalt our great and loving God. We will thank Him, and joyfully sing to Him. We will kneel, bow, and listen to Him, so that the dangers and suffering of this world will cease to control us. The power of evil will dissipate. In great adversities, we will still have peace, joy, and rest. Summarized from a Tim Keller sermon: http://www.gospelinlife.com/free-sermon-resource https://gospelinlife.com/downloads/worship-7362/ 即使在厄运当中,敬拜仍能带给我们平安与休息 敬拜能在艰难困苦中带来平安与休息吗?让我们从诗篇95中学习。 诗篇95描述了上帝的许多属性。祂是万物之王, 我们的上帝。祂创造了山脉、海洋和大地。祂创造了我们,拯救了我们,并继续看顾我们 (诗 95:1,3-7)。 诗篇95基于上帝是谁描述了不同的方式来敬拜祂。例如,用自己的情感敬拜祂, 向祂歌唱,赞美祂并感谢祂;用自己的意志敬拜祂, 顺服祂,向祂鞠躬跪拜;用自己的才智敬拜祂, 倾听并跟随祂(诗 95:1、2、6-8)。 敬拜错误的对象会带来极大的损害。我们也许认为拥有一些属世之物可使生活变得完美。 在电影Harry Potter中有一面镜子叫Mirror of Erised。“Erised”是英文单词“Desire” 的倒写。对世物深切的渴望可使之成为自己的偶像, 然后它便能控制而最终摧毁我们。 诗篇95结束的时候宣稱离开埃及的以色列人永不能安息。为了能安息,认识上帝,相信上帝。相信上帝接纳我们是因为基督,而不是因为我们的所是或所为,这将给我们真正的安息。即使面临巨大的危机,我们也能得着平安。 留心诗篇95总是使用“我们”一词,而不是“我”。团体敬拜有其好处。例如小组成员互相帮助了解神的不同特性。 感受上帝至高无上的大能、 美丽和慈爱。这样,我们的心就会高举这位伟大慈爱的上帝,颂扬祂, 感谢祂, 并快乐地向祂歌唱。我们会俯首,跪拜,聆听祂的话。世上的危机和痛苦将不再控制我们,邪恶的力量要消散。我们虽然面临艰难困苦仍能得着平安、喜乐和休息。 Many are intrigued by spiritual experiences. There are numerous books and websites on this subject. They could be on different forms of awakening, Zen, meditation, or other methods. Why do these experiences fascinate us?
For Christians, the center of spiritual experience is God. But we cannot find God. Only God can reach out to us. Yet we seek Him because He has put such an urge in us. This desire is a blessing. To a certain extent, this desire is evidence of His presence. What are some marks of deep spiritual experience? David was a man after God’s heart (1 Samuel 13:14). Let’s learn from him. David wrote Psalm 63 when he was in a desert, in a dry and parched land where there was no water (v1). In Psalm 63, David addresses God as “my God,” not just God. This is one of emotional intimacy. In a dry, barren land of intense heat, David earnestly thirsted for God. His whole being longed for God (v1). Typically, we focus on our physical needs first, but David’s hunger for God totally transcended his physical needs. After physical needs, our concern usually shifts to security. Not David. He was hiding in the desert, running away from his enemies. But David didn’t ask God to protect him from his enemies. David’s hunger for God transcended his wish for survival. Why? David considered God’s love better than life. God would fully satisfy him, like the best food. God alone was his help, protecting and upholding him (v3, 5, 7-8). Thus, even in such dismal conditions, David was not concerned about his own needs. He was not thinking about food, water, or his enemies. Instead, he was even thinking of God in bed through the night. David was sure his enemies would be destroyed, eaten up by jackals. His lips glorified God, praising Him with songs as he rejoiced in Him(v3, 5-7, 9-11). These are signs of deep spiritual experience. Summarized from a Tim Keller sermon: https://gospelinlife.com/downloads/discipline-of-desire-5867/ 深刻属灵经验的印记 许多人对属灵的经验感兴趣。有无数关于这个问题的书籍和网站。它们可以有不同的形式,例如觉醒、禅宗或默想。为什么这些经验让我们着迷呢? 对于基督徒来说,属灵经验的中心是上帝。但人靠自己找不到上帝,只有上帝才能主动就近我们。然而我们之所以寻求他,是因为他将这样的渴望放在我们里面。这种渴望是一种福份。在某种程度上,这种渴望表明了上帝的同在。 深刻的属灵经验有那些印记呢?大卫是一位合神心意的人 (撒母耳记上13:14),让我们向他来学习这一点。 大卫在旷野中写下诗篇63。那时他是在干旱疲乏无水之地(诗63:1)。 在这里大卫一开始就称上帝为我的上帝。祂不仅仅是上帝,而且是我的上帝,这是一种情感上的亲密关系。 大卫在荒芜炎热和缺水的旷野中,切切地尋求神, 渴想神;他的心切慕神 (诗63:1)。在这环境中, 一般人通常都会首先关注肉体的需求,大卫却不是这样,他对上帝的渴望远远超越了自己身体的需要。 通常在满足了身体需求之后,我们的关注点会转移到安全保障上,大卫却没有。那时大卫在旷野中四处躲避敌人,但是并没有要求上帝保护他免受仇敌的攻击。大卫对上帝的渴望超越了他求生的愿望。 这是为什么呢? 大卫认为上帝的慈爱胜于生命 (诗63:3)。 上帝会完全满足他, 就像最好的食物一样(诗63:5)。 上帝是他的帮助,保护着他, 高举起他。(诗63:8)。 因此,即使在这种令人沮丧的情况下,大卫并不担心自己的需求。 他没有考虑到食物、饮水或仇敌。 相反地,他甚至整夜都在思想上帝。大卫坚信他的仇敌会被野狗所吞噬,完全被摧毁。他的嘴唇赞美神,歌颂祂。大卫因上帝而欢乐, 因祂而歌唱! (诗63:3, 5-7, 9-11)。 这些就是深刻属灵经验的印记。 Sunday services regularly end with the benediction: “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace” (Numbers 6:24-26). What does this mean?
First, “[t]he Lord bless you and keep you.” In old Jewish tradition, a father near the end of his life would bless his children by wishing them well and dividing up his property among them. Similarly, if God blesses us, God is delighted in us, wishing us well and committing His power to help us get there. Next comes wishing for the Lord’s face to shine on us. Before His face can shine on us, we need Him to turn His face toward us. God turning His face toward us implies God desires a personal relationship with us. After the Garden of Eden, we lost that personal relationship with God. That’s why God told Moses that no one could look at His face and live. In order to have His face turn toward us and shine on us, we need God’s grace. Where does this grace come from? In the days of the Old Testament, the benediction came after offering sacrifice, which provided redemption for sins. Now we receive God’s grace via Christ’s sacrifice. Now God’s face can turn toward us and shine on us, and we even can have God’s glory (John 17:22). The Latin root of “benediction” is to “speak well of,” denoting our wish to have God affirm us. As social beings, we like to have someone of importance speak well of us. God’s blessing is the ultimate affirmation. That’s one reason the benediction ends with peace from God. If God speaks well of us, we don’t need to seek others’ approval. Only God’s affirmation will bring us peace. We have God’s blessing because we are welcomed into God’s almighty family as His children. This gives us: Identity (the confidence), powerful support, freedom from sin, the security of a loving Father, and intimacy with God. May we enjoy the benediction. May we share this benediction with others and build them up. Summarized from a Tim Keller sermon: http://www.gospelinlife.com/free-sermon-resource https://gospelinlife.com/downloads/benediction-5601/ 在教会仪式结束时的祝福是什么意思? 主日敬拜经常以祝福为结束:“願耶和華賜福給你,保護你。願耶和華使祂的臉光照你,賜恩給你。願耶和華使祂的脸转向你,賜你平安( 民数记6:24-26)。” 这祝福的意思是什么呢? 首先,“願耶和華賜福給你,保護你。” 按照旧的犹太人的传统,父亲在生命的尽头祝福子女一切顺利,并把财产分给他们。同样地,如果上帝赐福我们,这就是上帝喜悦我们,愿我们凡事都好,并定意尽力帮助我们。 其次,愿主的脸光照我们。 在祂的脸光照我们之前,需要祂将脸转向我们。 上帝的脸转向我们意味着祂渴望与我们建立亲密的个人关系。在伊甸园之后,我们与上帝失去了这种关系。这就是为什么上帝告诉摩西,没有人可以看见祂的脸后仍然还可存活。我们先需要神的恩典,祂的脸才可转向我们, 光照我们。 恩典从何而来呢?在旧约时代祝福是在献祭之后的。 献祭提供了赎罪需要的手续。现在我们通过基督的牺牲得到上帝的恩典。如今上帝的脸可以转向我们,光照我们,我们可以有上帝的荣耀 (约翰福音17:22)。 “祝福”的拉丁语字根是“说你的好话,” 表示希望得到上帝的肯定。作为有社交需求的人, 我们都希望有重要的人说自己的好话。 上帝的赐福是最终的肯定。祝福以愿上帝带给平安为结束,其原因之一就在于此。如果上帝说我们的好, 便无需拼命地寻求他人的好话。只有上帝的肯定能带给我们平安。 上帝赐福我们,因为我们是祂的儿女,被接纳到祂的家里。这带给我们自信的身份、强大的支持、远离罪恶的自由、来自慈父的安全感以及与上帝亲密的关系. 愿我们享受这份祝福,也愿我们与他人分享这份祝福,建立他们. Typically, we pray when we are in trouble. But the Lord’s Prayer starts with “Hallowed by thy name,” instead of asking for our health, life, or happiness (Matthew 6:6-15). Why?
“Hallowed be thy name” can be interpreted as honoring God’s holy name or adoring Him. In the Lord’s Prayer, honoring God comes before asking for our daily bread or life’s necessities (Matthew 6:11). Typically, our primary focus is on earthly things, such as a job, our children, a girlfriend, or a promotion. We should bring these concerns to God, but not before honoring Him. And we should never be anxious about them (Philippians 4:6). Honoring God also comes before asking for forgiveness (Matthew 6:12). A man was unfaithful to his wife. Even after he had confessed to God and his wife had forgiven him, he still could not forgive himself. This was because he came from a prudish family, which treated sexual sin as an almost unforgivable offense. Such an upbringing suffocated him. If he had honored God as Lord, rather than considering himself the true arbiter of forgiveness, he should be able to forgive himself since even God had forgiven him. Honoring God enhances our relationship with Him. God told Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit from one particular tree. Then Satan deceived them into believing that God was keeping the best from them. They wouldn’t have lost trust in God if they had focused on honoring Him. Why should we honor or adore God? Reasons can be found in the beginning of the Lord’s Prayer: “Our Father in heaven.” “Our Father” implies that He loves us as a father loves his children. “In heaven” signifies His power and holiness. To cover our offenses, Christ sacrificed for us. We honor God because He is loving, powerful, and holy. Such an attitude gives us the right perspective and priority in life and enhances our relationship with Him. Summarized from a Tim Keller sermon: http://www.gospelinlife.com/free-sermon-resource https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfuBKyru-mw “願人都尊你的名為聖” 的重要 通常人都是在遇到麻烦时才祈祷。但主祷文一开始祷告的是“願人都尊你的名為聖,”而不是为个人的健康,生活或幸福祈求 (马太福音6:6-15)。这是为什么呢? 在主祷文中, “願人都尊你的名為聖”就是尊荣上帝的圣名或敬爱上帝。这样的祈求放在为生命必需品祈求之前(马太福音6:11)。 我们祈求的主要重点通常都是一些世俗的事物,例如工作、子女、女朋友或升迁。尊荣上帝应该放在首位,而后告诉上帝我们的需求, 并感谢祂。不要为这些需求担忧(腓立比书4:6)。 尊荣上帝也是在向上帝寻求宽恕之前(马太福音6:12)。 有一个男人对他的妻子不忠。在向上帝承认错误并得到妻子原谅之后,他仍然无法原谅自己。原因是他来自一个将性犯罪视为几乎无法原谅的家庭,这样的教养使他窒息。如果他尊荣上帝为主,而不认为自己是宽恕的真正仲裁者,那他就能原谅自己, 因为连上帝都已经原谅他了。 尊荣上帝会增进自己与祂的关系。 上帝告诉亚当和夏娃不要从一棵特别的树上吃果子。撒但欺骗他们,使两人以为上帝阻止他们拥有最好的东西。如果专注于尊荣上帝, 他们就不会对上帝失去信任。 为什么要尊荣上帝呢?从主祷文的第一句可以找到原因:“我們在天上的父。” - “我们的父” 意味着祂像父亲爱儿女一样爱我们, “在天上”意味着祂的能力和圣洁。为了遮盖我们的罪过,基督为我们牺牲。 我们尊荣上帝,因为祂的慈爱、全能和圣洁。这样的态度带给我们正确的人生观和生命里的优先次序,并增进我们与上帝的关系。 |
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