The spirit of charity is one of humility (1 Corinthians 13:4-5) that:
Christ on earth showed humility. He became human (the worm of the dust), lived as a servant, and remained obedient unto death on the cross (Philippians 2:6-8). His behavior should kindle our love for Him; and lead to us following His examples of humble love, and our contempt for all earthly glory (Matthew 10:24-25, 20:25-28; John 13:13-16). Carefully examine yourself (Habakkuk 2:4, James 4:6). Our original nature is arrogant, which God detests and punishes (1 Timothy 3:6; Proverbs 16:5, 6:16, 29:23; 2Samuel 22:28; Isaiah 23:9). Earnestly strive to have a humble, gentle, and loving spirit (1 Peter 3:4). This is the spirit of Christ on earth. Such spirit of charity will lead to getting His rich promises and the crown of glory in heaven. Summary of a sermon by Jonathan Edwards: 仁爱和它的果子 仁爱的精髓是谦卑(哥林多前书 13:4-5):
来到地上的基督表现出谦卑。祂成为人 (尘土中的虫),像仆人一样生活,存心顺服,以至于死,且死在十字架上(腓立比书 2:6-8)。祂的行为应该点燃我们对祂的爱,使我们效法祂谦卑的爱的榜样, 蔑视一切地上的荣耀(马太福音10:24-25, 20:25-28; 约翰福音13:13-16)。 仔细省察自己(哈巴谷书 2:4, 雅各书 4:6)。人狂妄的本性为神所憎恶和会得到惩罚(提摩太前书 3:6;箴言 16:5, 6:16, 29:23;撒母耳记下 22:28;以赛亚书 23:9)。 认真努力追求谦卑、温柔和仁爱的心(彼得前书 3:4),这是基督的灵在地上的彰显。如此可以得到祂丰富的应许和天上荣耀的冠冕。 |
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