We are born corrupt and selfish, following the ways of the world. By nature, none of us is good (Ephesians 2:2). Since God cannot look at evil, His wrath should be on us (Habakkuk 1:13, John 3:36). But our Holy God still takes pleasure in us (Isaiah 62:4, Zephaniah 3:17, Colossians 1:9-10, 2 Corinthians 5:9, Philippians 4:18, Hebrews 13:16). How can our Holy God take pleasure in sinners?
God resolved this dilemma through Christ. His beloved Son’s crucifixion not only saves us from God’s wrath, but also justifies us while we are sinners (Romans 5:1, 5:6-9, 8:32). Through faith in God, we are united with Christ. Our sins are nailed to the cross, with Christ’s righteousness counted as ours (Romans 3:24, 4:5, 8:30; Psalm 32:1-2; Colossians 2:14; 1 Peter 2:24). We contribute nothing to this (Philippians 3:9, Romans 5:19, 2 Corinthians 5:21). However, we still sin. Fortunately, through union with Christ, we are still pleasing to God (Matthew 3:17). Note that God doesn’t approve our remaining corruption. He will discipline and refine those He loves, while simultaneously we are forgiven and pleasing to Him (Proverbs 3:11-12, Hebrew 12:5-6). Because of Christ, we have been made perfect once and for all (Hebrews 10:14). But the essence of Christian ethics is that we pursue holiness because we are holy (1 Corinthians 5:7). We seek to please God when we are already perfectly pleasing to Him (Colossians 1:10, Philippians 4:18, 2 Corinthians 5:9, Ephesians 5:10). We depend on Christ for our righteousness and sanctification, where we will be made holy gradually. Through faith in His grace, God empowers us to realize our desire for doing His will. God is pleased with our works of faith. Christ gets the glory in us, and we get the glory in Him (2 Thessalonians 1:11-12; Ephesians 1:6; Hebrews 11:6, 13:20-21). The faith for our justification is also the faith for our sanctification. Through faith in God, we are perfectly pleasing to Him, while progressively pleasing to Him as He gradually transforms us. Summary of a sermon by John Piper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1RsfVM-ZTk 圣洁的神怎么能喜悦罪人呢? 我们生来就自私败坏,随从这个世界的风俗。 从本性上讲,世上没有一个好人(以弗所书 2:2)。 既然上帝不能忍受罪恶,祂的忿怒应该临到世人身上(哈巴谷书 1:13, 约翰福音 3:36)。但神仍喜悦我们(以赛亚书 62:4,西番雅书 3:17,歌罗西书 1:9-10,哥林多后书 5:9,腓立比书 4:18,希伯来书 13:16)。 圣洁的神怎么能喜悦罪人呢? 上帝藉着基督解决了这个两难的挑战。 祂的爱子被钉十字架,不仅救我们脱离上帝的忿怒,而且在我们还是罪人的时候就称我们为义(罗马书 5:1、5:6-9、8:32)。 我们靠着对上帝的信心与基督联合。 我们的罪被钉在十字架上,基督的义算为我们的义, 归于我们(罗马书 3:24、4:5、8:30;诗篇 32:1-2;歌罗西书 2:14;彼得前书 2:24). 我们对此没有任何贡献(腓立比书 3:9,罗马书 5:19,哥林多后书 5:21)。 然而,我们仍然犯罪。 幸运的是藉着与基督联合,我们仍然蒙上帝喜悦(马太福音 3:17)。 请留心上帝不赞成我们余下的败坏,祂会管教并熬炼祂所爱的人。但同时我们会被上帝赦免并蒙祂喜悦(箴言 3:11-12,希伯来书 12:5-6)。 我们因为基督,已经一次完全,并且永远完全了(希伯来书 10:14)。 但基督教伦理的本质是追求圣洁,因为我们是圣洁的(哥林多前书 5:7)。 当我们已经完全取悦上帝时, 我们持续不断地寻求取悦上帝(歌罗西书 1:10,腓立比书 4:18,哥林多后书 5:9,以弗所书 5:10). 我们靠着基督称义成圣,逐渐成为圣洁。 上帝通过我们对祂恩典的信心,赐给我们力量, 将遵行祂旨意的渴望化为实际的行动。 上帝喜悦我们靠信心的行为, 同时基督在我们里面得荣耀,而我们也在祂里面得荣耀(帖撒罗尼迦后书 1:11-12;以弗所书 1:6;希伯来书 11:6、13:20-21)。 使我们称义的信心也是使我们成圣的信心。 我们藉着对神的信心,完全地讨神喜悦。同时当祂逐渐地改变我们时,我们也不住地取悦祂。
The Book of Isaiah is sometimes called the fifth Gospel, due to its extensive coverage on Christ. Chapter 35 describes glorious prophecies regarding the way of holiness and the way that excludes the wicked and the unclean (v8). Heaven does not welcome the unholy (Revelation 21:27).
What is holiness? Holiness leads one’s heart and life to conform to God and His will, including being just, excellent, and loving, and doing as He wills. Our life and words reflect our hearts. Our deeds reveal our faith. So, without deeds, there is no corresponding faith (James 1:26-27, 2:18-20). Holiness involves conforming to Christ, the Father’s expressed image (John 1:18). Christ is holy. He demands us to follow Him (Matthew 11:29). Imitating Christ leads to holiness. Holiness implies conforming to God’s laws and commands, such as those expressed in Psalm 119 and the Sermon on the Mount. These laws are written in our hearts (Jeremiah 31:31, 33; 2 Corinthians 3:3). Holiness is important because our just God must punish sins (Exodus 34:7, Numbers 14:18). God cannot unite with the unholy, so the unholy cannot enjoy the love of God or the happiness of heaven. The unholy will not be admitted into heaven. If heaven were filled with the unclean, heaven would become another hell. Only those born again can enter the Kingdom of God (John 3:3). Unless purified by the blood of Christ, our sins will not be forgiven and will remain with us. We need to be made new with new attributes, such as love. Without love, we are nothing (1 Corinthians 13:1-3). How can we determine if we are living lives of holiness? Meditate on God’s holiness. Do our souls conform to it? Do we find delight in the meditation? Do our souls agree with God’s words, which are written in our hearts? Do our souls love God’s commands? Does our life resemble in any way the life of Christ? Are there any similarities between us and the holy people, such as Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and Paul? Holiness is a necessity. It makes our soul pure, divine, serene, delightful, bright, and excellent. Earnestly seek holiness. Summary of a sermon by Jonathan Edwards https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkaSGwI8wVw 圣洁之路 以赛亚书里面记载了有关基督的广泛描述,因此有时被称为第五本福音书。35章谈论到一些关于圣洁之路满有荣光的预言。这圣洁之路恶人和不洁的人不得行走 (以赛亚书35:8)。 同样地,正如启示录 21:27 所断言,天堂不欢迎不圣洁的人。 什么是圣洁呢? 圣洁使人的心和生活都符合上帝和祂的旨意,包括成为公义、卓越、有爱心、与顺服上帝的心意而行。人的生活和言语反映他的内心。他的行为反映他的信心。所以,没有行为等于没有信心 (雅各书 1:26-27, 2:18-20)。 圣洁意味着效法基督,祂是天父形象的彰显(约翰 1:18)。基督是圣洁的。祂要求我们跟从祂 (马太福音 11:29)。效法基督使人圣洁。 圣洁意味着遵守上帝的律法和命令,例如诗篇 119 篇和登山宝训。这些律法写在我们心里(耶利米书 31:31, 33; 哥林多前书 3:3)。 圣洁很重要,因为公义的上帝必须惩罚罪恶 (出埃及记 34:7, 民数记 14:18)。 上帝不能与不圣洁的人联合。 所以,不圣洁的人不能享受上帝的爱, 不能享受天堂的快乐。不圣洁的人不能进入天堂。如果天堂充满不洁的,天堂就会变成另外一个地狱。 只有重生的人才能进到神的国 (约翰 3:3)。 除非被基督的宝血洁净,否则罪就在我们里面不得到赦免。 我们要被更新拥有新的属性,例如爱。没有爱,我们就一无所是 (哥林多前书 13:1-3)。 如何测试我们是否行在圣洁之路上呢? 默想上帝的圣洁。我们的灵魂符合神的圣洁吗?我们在默想中找到快乐吗? 我们的灵魂是否认同写在我们心中上帝的话语?我们的灵魂爱上帝的命令吗? 我们的生命在哪些方面与基督的生命相似呢? 我们是否与圣人 如以诺、挪亚、 亚伯拉罕、 摩西、 大卫和保罗, 有相似之处? 圣洁是必须的。 它使我们的灵魂纯洁、神圣、宁静、愉悦、明亮和卓越。 所以,恳切地寻求圣洁吧。 |
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