A David Jeremiah Sermon Summary Sometimes our invisible God seems powerless or apathetic in our day-to-day life. And we don’t even know how to pray about it (Romans 8:26).
Romans 8:28 starts with “we know.” We know God is in control of all aspects of our life, to manifest His glory and bless us. Don’t let circumstances control you. Instead, learn about God. The more we know Him, the better prepared we are to deal with our confusing world. God promises that all things work together according to His plan. He is always working behind the scenes to fulfill this plan. In everything, God works for good. In the short term, things can look terrible. But life events are synergistic. God weaves them together for good. This promise is to those who love Him (Deuteronomy 7:9, Psalm 145:20, 1 Corinthians 2:9, 1 Corinthians 8:3, James 1:12). They are also those called by God. These are two sides of a coin, one side from us loving God and the other side from God calling us to Himself for His purposes. Let’s look at a few heroes in the Bible. Job suffered terribly. He lost everything. Even his friends said he deserved it. Though Job didn’t understand why, he trusted God’s sovereignty and stood strong during all his life’s disasters (Job 1:1, 1:21, 23:10). Joseph was sold to Egypt and suffered for years. But he followed God. Later, as the second most powerful man in Egypt, he succinctly said everything was woven together under God’s plan for good (Genesis 50:20). Jeremiah told the Jewish people in exile and destruction that, weaving everything together, God had a plan to give them hope and a future (Jeremiah 24:5-7, 29:11). Finally, look at Christ. God, the Father, turned all Satan’s evil plots against Christ into humanity’s greatest blessing (Acts 2:23, 4:27-28). So, trust God. Believe that all things are under His control (Isaiah 46:9-11). If we walk with God every day, there is nothing to fear. All things work together for their good of those who love God. So, count your blessings in gratitude. And live grittily. Hold fast to your goals. If you fall, get back up and fight again. Serve God in faith and without fear, because He is our safety net. Summary of a sermon by David Jeremiah, titled “A Great Promise.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=shared&v=DLl3VeCEODQ
If you are overtaken by the darkness of night, discouraged and distressed, and want to give up your dedication to God, then learn from Isaiah 41:14. Know your insignificance, trust God’s promised strength, and discard your fear. Behold our universe. If we know we are just insignificant specks, we will shrink in awe at how the Almighty still cares for us (Isaiah 41:14, Psalm 8:4). We are incompetent little worms. God can cast us into total misery just by touching one of our nerves. In pain and sorrow, we see how small and low we are. But this little worm can accomplish anything because the Lord said, “I will help you” (Isaiah 41:14). If we rely on God’s promises, then nothing is beyond us. But God will not help those who think highly of themselves. God’s help comes in times of need. Fear of God brings blessing. However, the fear of man is a snare, trips us, and makes us unfaithful to God. When we doubt our Lord, we deem our omnipotent, faithful, and merciful God as breaking His oath, and we dishonor Him. Cast out fear because fear weakens and torments us. Trust that God will help you (Isaiah 41:14). Confidently follow our Lord with trust and quietly wait for Him to defy the world. You will put a crown on His head. Plant your foot on the immovable rock. Don’t be afraid to attempt great things, for God is with you. Be brave, and you will overcome great challenges. God is faithful to keep His promises to His children. He will help you as He has done before. The more you trust Him, the higher you go, and there is no limit what you can do. However, if you have done big things, be careful. We love flattery and praise, so it’s important to remember He who made your success possible. Be amazed that God has enabled such a worm to achieve accomplishments. Rejoice that He is your God and praise Him (Isaiah 41:15-16). The more you see God’s glory, the more humble you’ll become. Always remember: Not by might, nor by power, but by God’s Spirit (Zechariah 4:6). What an honor it is to be helped by God. 不要惧怕
每当你被黑夜笼罩,灰心丧气,想要放弃对上帝的忠心时,请学习以赛亚书41章14节。认识自己的卑微,相信神所应许的力量,除去自己的恐惧。 放眼我们四围的宇宙。 如果知道自己只是微不足道的尘埃,思想到全能者仍然顾念我们,敬畏之心就会油然而生(以赛亚书41:14,诗篇8:4)。 我们不过是无能的小虫, 上帝只需触动一根小小的神经,就能让我们陷入彻底的悲哀。 在痛苦和悲伤中,人会看到自己是多么渺小和低微。 然而,因为主说:“我会帮助你” (以赛亚书 41:14),这条小虫却能完成任何事。 如果依靠上帝的应许,没有什么不能做到。 但上帝不会帮助那些骄傲的人。 祂的帮助在有需要的时候临到。 敬畏上帝带来祝福, 但对人的恐惧却让我们落入圈套, 绊倒扑地,使我们对上帝不忠。 怀疑主,认为全能、信实和仁慈的上帝违背了祂的誓言时,就是在羞辱祂。 驱除恐惧,因为它使我们软弱,并且折磨我们的身心。 相信上帝会帮助你(以赛亚书 41:14)。 满怀信心地跟随主,安静地等侯祂来挑战这世界,如此就将冠冕戴在祂头上。 当将我们的脚踏在不可动遥的磐石上。不要害怕尝试伟大的事,因为上帝与你同在。 要刚强壮胆, 就可以克服巨大的挑战。神对祂儿女的应许是信实的。 祂会像过去那样帮助你。 越信靠祂,就攀登得越高,再高的山峰都能征服。 但如果你成就了一件大事,要小心谨慎。 人都喜爱奉承和赞美, 所以要记住是上帝让你的成功变为可能。 当为上帝使自己这小虫取得如此成就而惊讶, 因祂是你的上帝而喜乐并赞美祂(以赛亚书 41:15-16)。 越看到上帝的荣耀,你就会变得越谦卑。 总要记得: 不是倚靠势力,不是倚靠才能,乃是倚靠上帝的灵方能成事(撒迦利亚书4:6)。 能得到上帝的帮助何等荣幸! After leaving Egypt, the Israelites crossed the Jordan river to claim Canaan through many battles.
Similarly, after being saved, you are called to be God’s vessels to claim “your land.” The world is in turmoil. To face it, first, reflect on our past problems and God’s deliverance. Reflect on God’s wonderful blessings, His love and sacrifice, particularly the salvation He gave us. God told the Israelites to set up monuments to remember His work for them. The more we count God’s blessings, the more we appreciate Him and want to serve Him. Then, we can look forward to our future blessings. God told us to claim the promised land. Like He commanded Joshua, God told us not to be afraid or discouraged, but be strong and courageous because He is with us (Joshua 1:9). Don’t be frightened of your environment. Trust God’s unchanging promise. Steadfastly focus on the mission God put in your life and thank Him (Deuteronomy 8:4-10). Don’t depend or focus on power, fame, wealth, romance, and your friends and family. They seem like dreams and the world is cruel, as described in “好了歌” in “红楼梦” (Dream of the Red Chamber). We are God’s witnesses. Many are watching us, including God Himself (Joshua 4:10-13, 1 Corinthians 4:9). Through our actions and prayer, we pass our faith to our children. One day, they will remember and will be influenced by our thankful heart and steadfast faith to God. Christians executed for not giving up their faith during the Roman empire were God’s witnesses. Their actions converted many. Less than 300 years later, the empire collapsed. Time flies. Use your remaining days effectively. Use difficult time to grow. Build with Christ as our foundation and build with strong materials. Otherwise, though we are still saved, we will fail under trial and waste our lives (1Corinthians 3:11-15). The world and its passions will pass away. But whoever does the will of God lives forever (1 John 2:17). To be God’s vessels and fight the many battles before us, we must trust God’s guidance and depend on His words and the filling of the Holy spirit. Then we can be strong and courageous, accomplishing God’s mission and claiming our promised land. A summary of a sermon by Luke Cheung: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqmhplXa_WQ&list=PLg3M9TBbMGt0Ot9JWkfiUDfLOU8KMAgf0&index=2 from 27 minutes. 起來得地為業 以色列人离开埃及后,渡过约旦河, 经过多次战斗, 终于得迦南地為業。 同样地,我们得救之后,蒙召成为神所使用的器皿,要得应许之地為業。 如何面对今天动荡不安的世界? 首先要反思自己过去的艰难和上帝的拯救。 反思上帝奇妙的赐福, 慈爱和牺牲, 尤其是祂赐下的救恩。 上帝吩咐以色列人立碑纪念祂为他们所行的事。我们越数算上帝的赐福,就越感激祂,越想侍奉祂。 然后,我们可以期待未来的福份。上帝告诉我们要得应许之地為業。 就像祂命令约书亚一样,上帝告诉我们不要灰心害怕,而要勇敢坚强,因为祂与我们同在(约书亚记 1:9)。 不要被环境吓到,要相信上帝不变的应许,坚定不移地专注于上帝赋予的使命,并衷心感谢祂(申命记 8:4-10)。 不要依赖或专注世上的权力、名誉、财富、浪漫和家人朋友。 如《红楼梦》中的“好了歌”所描述的,它们似乎像梦一样,并且世界是残酷无情的。 我们是上帝的见证人,许多人都在注视着我们,包括上帝祂自己(约书亚记 4:10-13,哥林多前书 4:9)。 我们通过行动和祈祷将信仰传递给儿女。 有一天他们将会记得这一切,我们感恩的心和对上帝坚定的信仰也会影响他们的生命。 在罗马帝国时期,有基督徒因不愿放弃信仰而被处决,他们是上帝的见证人。他们的行动使许多人归主,罗马帝国不到 300 年后就崩溃了。 时光如梭,飞逝而去。要有效地利用剩余的日子,利用困难的时期使生命成长。 当以基督为根基,用坚固的材料来建造这工程。否则,我们虽然得救,但会在考验中失败,浪费了自己的生命(哥林多前书 3:11-15)。 世界和它的情欲都要过去, 但那遵行神旨意的却存到永远 (约翰一书 2:17)。 如果我们要成为神所使用的器皿,勇敢面对摆在面前的许多争战,就必须相信神的带领,倚靠神的话,被圣灵充满。如此,我们就可以勇敢坚强,完成上帝的使命,得应许之地為業。
Identify your assets. Christ is our biggest assets (Colossians 2:10).
Plan, but count on God to direct you (Proverbs 16:9 LB). Then act. Trust God, who is moved by your faith (Matthew 9:29).
Have fresh thoughts (Ephesians 4:23).
Accept your ignorance. Everything has its timing (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 8:5-7). Sometimes you are called to wait.
God specializes in fresh starts (Zechariah 10:6; Hosea 14:4-5; Psalms 145:13-14). Through Christ, you have a new heart, new thoughts and new desires (Psalms 51:10, 2Corinthians 5:17). Trust God. He will lovingly and firmly remake you for His glory and your good, like a caring potter starting over but with the same clay (Jeremiah 18:4-6). Summarized two sermons by Rick Warren. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3EvJBEb0YU starting at 28 minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NW8A46whrmY 当您需要重新开始的时候 首先,不要试图找藉口: 1. “没有所需的本事。” 依靠上帝 (士师记6:15-16)。 2. “以前许多的失败。” 不要让过去禁锢自己(以赛亚书53:18-19)。找出错误,痛改前非,依赖上帝的怜悯 (箴言28:13)。 3. “有些事情无法控制。” 控制可控制的事情, 尽力而为。 对于无法控制的事情, 信靠上帝。(箴言24:10)。 4. “不知道未来会怎样。” 如果等待尽善尽美,就将一事无成 (传道书11:4)。 第二,盘点所拥有的。基督是我们最大的财富 (歌罗西书2:10)。
第三,制定计划,信靠神的引导, 然后采取行动(箴言16:9)。对上帝要有信心,祂会被我们的信心推动(马太福音9:29)。
第四,想法和态度改换一新 (以弗所书4:23)。
第五,相信上帝。接受我们的无知。 第六, 凡事都有定期 (传道书 3:1, 8:5-7)。有时上帝的旨意就是要我们等候。
天父擅长重新开始。 看看以色列(撒迦利亚书10:6,何西阿书14:4-5,诗篇145:13-14)。 在基督里,我们是新的,拥有新的心、新的思想和新的愿望 (诗篇51:10,哥林多后书5:17)。 信靠上帝。 为了祂的荣耀和我们的益处,上帝将坚定不移地以慈爱之心来新造我们,就像一个充满爱心的陶匠,用同样的泥土重新开始制作他心中想要的器皿 (耶利米书18:4-6)。 仰望上帝,让我们有新的开始吧。 “I was afraid…so I hid” are among the first words in the Bible uttered by a human (Genesis 3:10). Fear drives many of our behaviors and can manifest as anxiety, worry, sleeplessness, and anger. We can be afraid of many things, including rejection, failure, inadequacy, loneliness, losing job, losing control, sickness, and death. Typically, such feelings—particularly when excessive—are unhealthy.
Let us learn how Christ’s resurrection can drive out fear (2Corinthians 5:15, Romans 8:15). Try to understand why “Don’t be afraid” is a command that has showed up 365 times in the Bible. First, because of Christ’s death, being buried for three days, and resurrection, we can trust His words (Romans 1:4). Second, His resurrection shows we also will be raised from the dead (Hebrews 2:14-15). Death is not the end and is not to be feared. So, even when we are deteriorating outwardly, we must not lose heart nor ever give up. Inwardly we can be renewed day by day (2Corinthians 4:14,16-17). Third, His resurrection demonstrates God’s immense love for us. He would rather suffer and die in our place than live without us (Romans 5:8). This love lasts forever, is everywhere, can handle all circumstances, and covers all our iniquities (Ephesians 3:18-19). We can even lose our minds but nothing can separate us from God’s love (Romans 8:38-39). Such love drives out all fear (1John 4:18). Fourth, through His resurrection, He has taken care of our greatest need: our salvation. Surely, our heavenly Father will take care of all our other smaller needs. Fifth, our living God has a plan for us. By His plan, our past mistakes are forgiven, our lives have purpose, and our future home in heaven is guaranteed (1Peter 1:3-4). In all things, God works for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28). Now Christ seating at Father’s right hand is praying for us (Romans 8:34). If we still worry, we act as orphans, and we make God look bad (Matthew 6:25-34). Therefore, we should not worry about our lives, but let God’s love fill our hearts and live fearless lives. “Because He lives, all fear is gone.” (From the song, “Because He lives.”) Summarized from a Rick Warren sermon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFCkP3JBr0E 无所畏惧地生活 「我就害怕 … 我便藏了」是人类在圣经中所说的最初几句话 (创世记3:10)。 我们许多行为的根源都是恐惧,比如焦虑,担忧,失眠和愤怒。 我们可以害怕很多事情,就像被拒绝,失败,不足,孤独,失业, 失控, 生病和死亡。通常这样的感觉都是不健康的,特别是过度之时尤其如此。 让我们学习如何让基督的复活来驱除自己的恐惧 (哥林多前书5:15; 罗马书8:15)。 让我们尝试了解为什么“不要害怕”的命令在圣经中出现了365次。 首先,由于祂的受死,埋葬和复活,基督的话是可信的 (罗马书1:4)。 其次,祂的复活表明我们也会从死里复活 (希伯来书2:14-15)。 死亡不是终点,不需为之恐惧。因此,即使外面的肉體在不断退化,不要沮喪, 也不要放弃。 我们內心可以一天新似一天 (哥林多后书4:14,16-17)。 第三,祂的复活表明了上帝对我们的大爱。在我们还是祂仇敌的时候,祂就宁愿为我们受苦牺牲,也不愿我们沉沦 (罗马书5:8)。 祂的爱永远长存,无处不在, 能够应付所有的情况 ,遮掩我们所有的罪孽(以弗所书3:18-19)。 我们可以失去理智,但不会失去上帝的爱。没有什么能使我们与祂的爱隔绝 (罗马书8:38-39)。 如此的爱驱散所有恐惧 (约翰壹书4:18)。 第四,祂的复活解决了我们最大的需要--个人的救赎。当然,我们的天父也会解决我们所有其它相比较小的需求。 第五,永生的上帝为我们制定了美好的计划。在祂的计划中,我们过去的错误得到原谅,当前的生活有了目标,并且未来的天家得到保证 (彼得前书1:3-4)。 祂在万事上都为那些爱祂的人造福 (罗马书8:28)。现在,基督坐在天父的右边, 为我们祈祷 (罗马书8:34)。如果我们依然担忧,活起来好像孤儿,就会使上帝蒙羞(马太福音6:25-34)。 因此,不要为生命忧虑。让上帝的爱充满我们的心,无所畏惧地生活。 「因祂活着,不再惧怕」( 取自“因为祂活着”的歌词)。 |
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