Surrender our will to God, at least because He is our heavenly Father. He loves us and He knows much more than us. Our self-centeredness and selfish desires lead to numerous problems and constant clashes.
Listen to Christ: Deny ourselves, take up our cross daily and follow Him. Matthew 16:24-25; Luke 9:23. Do not focus on getting our way or satisfying our desires. Follow Christ instead. Note that this is not a one-time deal. Do this daily because we regularly take back control. Surrendering to God does not make us robots. Abraham, Peter, and Paul were not robots. God created us as joyful, creative, and intelligent people. We surrender at least because His will is much better than ours. Surrendering to God does not make us cowards. Instead, by surrendering to God and trusting His sovereignty, we do not depend on money, appearance, or other’s approval for our worth. Our peace does not depend on our external circumstances. Surrendering to God makes us stronger. May be due to our ego, surrendering is challenging. Even Christ experienced difficulties. Though Christ considered doing the will of His Father as His food, right before crucifixion Christ struggled to follow the path the Father had suggested for Him. Yet finally Christ prayed, “[N]ot my will, but yours be done.” Then an angel came to strengthen Him. John 4:34. Luke 22:42-43. As addicts will tell us, just trying harder, by itself, may not be able to alter deep habits. We probably have experienced the inner battle of not able to do what we should, and doing what we should not. Romans 7:15, 18. Fortunately, God can change us if we commit to change. God gave Zacchaeus, the chief tax collector, the power to become the poster boy for generosity. Luke 19:1-2. God changed the timid Simon to the courageous Peter. God changed the killer of Christians, Saul, into the first evangelist for gentiles, Paul. Just as Paul said, “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Phil 4:13. Accept we cannot surrender our will entirely based on our own strength. Change what we can and leave the rest to God. Through Him, we can do it. “Our Father in heaven … your will be done.” Matthew 6:9-10. Summarized from a John Ortberg’s sermon. 降服于上帝 我们将自己的意志降服于上帝,因为祂是我們在天上的父。祂爱我們, 祂比我们知道得更多。我们的自我中心和私欲带给我们无数的问题和不断的冲突。 我们必须聆听基督的声音,舍弃自己,每天背起我们的十字架来跟随祂 (马太福音16:24-25; 路加福音9:23)。不要专注于自己意志或满足自己的欲望,而是要跟随基督。这並不是一次的交易,而是每天的操练,因为我们会很容易不知不觉地又收回控制权。 降服于上帝并不意味着我们成为机器人。亚伯拉罕,彼得和保罗都不是机器人。 上帝创造的我们,是有快乐,有创造力, 聪明而且智慧的人。我们降服是因为祂的旨意远比我们的更好。 降服于上帝不会使我们成为胆怯的人。相反地,通过顺服神,相信祂的主权, 我们的价值不再依靠金钱,外貌或其他人对我们的认可。我们的平安不再取决于我们外在的境况。降服于上帝使我们更加坚强。 降服是一条挑战的路。甚至基督也遇到了困难。尽管基督以跟随天父的旨意如同祂的食物,但在被钉十字架之前,要遵循天父为祂选择的道路时,基督依然有挣扎。然而到最后,基督祈祷说:“不要成就我的意思,只要成就你的意思。”此后,一位天使来加添了基督的力量(约翰福音4:34;路加福音22:42-43)。 正如成瘾者会告诉我们,仅靠自己加倍努力也可能无法改变不良嗜好。 我们也可能虽然经历过内心的斗争,却不能做应做的事,反而做了不该做的(罗马书7:15,18)。 幸运的是,如果我们定意要改变,上帝就能改变我们。上帝使稅吏長撒該变成了慷慨的榜样 (路加福音 19:1-2)。上帝使胆小的西蒙变成了勇敢的彼得。上帝将基督徒杀手扫罗变成了第一位外邦宣教士保罗。正如保罗所说:“我靠着那加給我力量的,凡事都能做”(腓立比书4:13)。 我们不能全然依靠自己的力量降服于上帝,这是我们必须接受的事实。让我们改变自己能改变的,将其余的交给上帝。靠着祂, 我们就能降服于祂。 “我們在天上的父 … 願你的旨意行在地上, 如同行在天上” (马太福音6:9-10)。
A Tim Keller Sermon Summary Should I join this company, go for this operation, or ask this girl out? Life is full of decisions. How do we know our decision is right?
First, are outcomes in life predetermined by God, or are they determined by us, by our actions? The Bible teaches that God decides the outcome. Prov 16:33, 16:1, 16:9. After decades of suffering, Joseph was put in charge of Egypt. Then he said many plotted evil against him, but God turned them into good, to save many lives during the time of famine. Gen 50:20. Even the wicked is planned by God for a day of disaster! Prov 16:4. If outcomes are predetermined by God, why should we plan? The Bible also teaches us to plan and work diligently, and haste makes waste. Prov 16:3, 21:5. Accept that outcomes in life are determined by us and but are also predetermined by God. So, make our plans and act accordingly. But trust that God is in control. This is good. If we totally control our future, we could be paralyzed because we know we make bad decisions. Since planning is important, how to get God’s guidance? Typically, God does not tell us specifically or directly what to do. But God teaches us who we are and the person we should be, such as being upright and being fair. Prov 11:3, 12:5. Then our character would guide us. So, focus on learning from God and asking Him to build us up. Be bold and plan. Seek advice from others. Prov 12:15, 15:22. Then execute accordingly and commit what we do to Him. Prov 16:3. Note that the right decisions may not give us peace. Christ did not seem to have peace when He prayed to the Father before crucifixion. Also, outcomes in the short term can be full of failure. In conclusion, boldly plan, execute, and entrust everything to our heavenly Father. He is the loving God who controls the future. Though we have little faith and we do not listen to Him, because of His immense love for us, He would link our choices to the destiny He presets. Summarized from a Tim Keller sermon. 你的决定会破坏上帝的计划吗? 我应不应该加入这家公司,进行这项手术, 或邀请这位女孩出去約會呢?生活充满决策。怎么知道我们的决定是正确的? 首先, 人生的结局是上帝预定的,还是由我们自己和我们的行动来决定? 圣经告诉我们,神决定结局(箴言 16:1, 16:9, 16:33)。 经过数十年的苦难,约瑟掌管了埃及。他告诉曾经害过他的哥哥们, 虽然很多人恶谋要害他,但上帝却把这些变成了好事, 在饥荒时期拯救了许多人的性命 (创世纪50:20)。甚至恶人也是為灾难的日子而造!(箴言16:4)。 如果结局是神事先安排的,我们为什么还要计划呢? 我们发现,圣经也教导我们做事要有计划,工作要勤奋; 行事急躁的,都必缺乏 (箴言16:3, 21:5)。 诚然生命中很多结局视乎由我们决定, 但它们其实也是神先预定的。 所以我们应当制定计划并采取相应行动,但同时也相信上帝掌管一切。 这其实是一件好事。如果我们的未来完全由自己掌控,我们就会犹豫不决,因为知道我们可能会作出错误的决定。 既然计划仍然很重要,那我们如何获得上帝的引导呢? 通常上帝不会特别或者直接地告诉我们该做什么,但是祂会教导我们了解自己是谁,行事为人的原则有哪些,比如成为正直和公平的人 (箴言11:3, 12:5)。这样,我们的品格会指引我们行在正路上。 因此,专注于向上帝学习,并求祂建立坚固我们。 我们应该寻求他人的建议 ,勇敢地制定计划。(箴言12:15, 15:22)。然后相应地执行,并将我们所做的事交託给祂 (箴言16:3)。 请注意,正确的决定不一定会带给我们平安。 基督在被钉十字架之前向天父祷告时,祂似乎并没有平安。而且,短期的结果也可能会充满失败。 总而言之, 大胆地计划,跟进执行,交托一切给天父。祂是那位掌管未来,也爱我们的上帝。尽管我们的信心很小,也不听祂的话, 但因为祂对我们长阔高深的爱, 祂会将我们的选择与祂预先设定的命运联系起来。 During the 16th Century, with the help of the printing press, Martin Luther’s Ninety-five Theses and the Bible spread through Europe, attacking the Catholic Church, ultimately changing the western history. The first Thesis is the entire life of believers to be one of repentance. Why is repentance so important?
Of the Ten Commandments, the first one is: You shall have no other gods before me. Exodus 20:3. Unfortunately, we constantly have different idols throughout our life. Idols could be earthly things or people. We could base our identity on them. We could define ourselves by them. We could receive lots of praises and admiration because of them. They could become so important to us that life is not worth living if we lose them. They could be our wealth, fame, relatives, friends, pedigree, power, accomplishment, health, or beauty. The problem arises if they overshadow everything in our life. Phil3:4-7. They become our idols. They become what we live for. We could be decimated if we lose them. Such over-indulgence causes them to dominate and drive us. We need to carefully identify these earthly things or people. Unmask them. See how they have messed up our life. Then de-emphasize them and repent. When we repent, no need to feel very sorry for ourselves, and hate ourselves for making such mistakes. Instead of focusing on ourselves, focus on God and His mercy. See the depth of our sins and the pain we have caused Him. Rely on what Christ has done for us. Ask God to help remove them from such a high position in our life. Gradually, stop being defined by them. Be defined by us being God’s beloved children. Such changes could take a long time. Be patient. Since we constantly have different idols throughout our life, keep identifying them and repent. Constantly re-orient to focus back on God. Let the love of God drive us. Summarized from a Tim Keller’s sermon. 我需要它。没有它,生命就不值得活。 16世纪中,在印刷机的帮助下,马丁·路德(Martin Luther)的《九十五条教条》和《圣经》流传欧洲,攻击天主教会, 最终改变了西方历史。其中的第一条教条是信徒的一生都要悔改。为什么悔改如此重要呢? 十诫的第一诫是:除我以外,不可以有别的上帝 (出埃及记20:3)。 不幸的是,我们一生中不断有不同的偶像。 偶像可能是尘世间的事物或人物。我们可以用这些偶像来自我认定,用它们(他们)来定义自己。我们可以因为这些偶像得到很多赞美和钦佩。它们(他们)可能变得如此重要,除非拥有它们(他们),人生似乎就不值得活下去了。偶像可以是我们的财富,名望, 亲朋戚友,血统,权力,成就,健康,或美丽。 如果它们(他们)掩盖了我们生活中所有的一切,问题就会出现(腓3:4-7)。它们(他们)成为了我们的偶像,成为了我们生而为之奋斗的目标。假若失去了它们(他们),我们就可能被摧毁。这种过度的放纵使得这些偶像控制并驱使我们。 我们需要小心地确定这些属世的事物或人物。揭开它们(他们)的面罩,看看它们(他们)如何把我们的生活搞得一塌糊涂。然后,不再看重它们(他们), 并悔改归向上帝。 当我们悔改时,不必为自己感到非常抱歉,也不必为犯下这样的错误而讨厌自己。不要集中在自己身上,要转而专注于上帝和祂的怜悯。我们必须看见自己罪恶之深,看见我们带给上帝的痛苦。 让我们依靠基督为我们所做的渡过每一天。求上帝帮助我们,把一切的偶像从我们心中的高位拉下来。 逐渐地,我们不要再被这些偶像来定义,而要被我们作为上帝爱子的身份所定义。 这些改变可能要经过很长的时间。让我们耐心一点。 因为我们一生中不断有不同的偶像,我们必须不断地识别它们(他们)并且悔改,不断地重新定位自己, 再次专注于上帝。 让上帝的爱驱使我们吧。 When we put our trust in Christ, God accepts us as His children, no matter how bad we are. In other words, salvation is received, not achieved. So then why should we change the way we live? If we are free to live in whatever ways we want, why not live as we have been?
First, we must recognize that we aren’t really free. We either obey God or we are slave to something else (Romans 6:12, 16). This “something else” is what we treat as paramount. When we lose it or can’t get it, we blow up in anger, are paralyzed by fear, or lose interest in life. This idol can be our wealth, fame, power, family, abilities, friends, achievements, beauty, or health. Inherently, this object of our attention can be good, but when our desires for it become excessive, it becomes our security and significance. Gradually, it controls us, becoming our cruel and dominating master, our god. We become its slave, and we will suffer. But now we are Christians. We are united with Christ, engrafted into His death and resurrection (Romans 6:3, 5; Colossians 3:1-3). We are reborn and renewed by the Holy Spirit, via a power that will one day renew the cosmos (Titus 3:5, Matthew 19:28). Now, God lives in us. In Christ, we sit at the right hand of God the Father. We must recognize the magnitude of our new status. Don’t settle for lesser gods. In Christ, we are free of sin’s control (Romans 6:6). But it is difficult to break from our deeply ingrained habits and desires. These gods have been our master for so long. To change our slavery mindset, we must constantly remind ourselves of our new status in Christ (Romans 6:11). But we might mistrust God and worry that God will abuse us as our master. Instead of reverting to our familiar, sinful ways, we must constantly remind ourselves of the love of Christ, who gave up everything to suffer for us (Philippians 2, Mark 10:25). In light of His love, wisdom, and power, it makes sense to obey God and change our ways of living. With God living in us, we gradually will come to live according to our new status in Christ. A summary of a Tim Keller sermon: 为什么要改变生活方式? 因为信赖基督, 无论多么糟糕神都接纳我们成为祂的儿女。那么,为什么不能保留过去的生活方式,即使它充满了罪恶呢?为什么要改变?让我们从罗马书6:1-18中学习。 首先要了解旧我。 在接受基督以前,通常我们都有一些视为最重要的人或物; 当我们无法得到或失去时,很多时就会勃然大怒,因恐惧而瘫痪或对生活失去兴趣。这些偶像包括我们的家庭、能力、财富、声誉、朋友、成就、美丽和健康。 这一切本身也许并没有问题,但如果我们对其过分渴望, 它们便成为我们的安全依赖、价值、生命或意义。我们为它们而活,使之支配和毁灭我们(罗马书6:12,16。)不要让这种情况发生。 其次要了解新我。 我们作为基督徒与基督联合,藉着祂的受死和复活,与祂一同坐在父的右边(罗马书6:3,5;歌罗西书3:1)。 我们被圣灵的大能更新(提多书3:5),这能力就像有一天要更新整个宇宙的能力一样(马太福音19:28)。 我们不再需要世界的事物或人来保证安全使生命有意义。 我们不必只是安心于寻求小小的祈望,如内心的平静。相反地,我们知道自己是谁,并且思念天上的事(歌罗西书3:1)。 第三,了解自我转型。 旧我已经与基督同死,我们不再被罪所辖制(罗马书6:6)。但我们很难打破旧我那根深蒂固的习惯和欲望。 而且,我们并不全然相信上帝, 畏惧完全信服神会带来什么, 可能会错过许多. 那我们当如何更新呢? 必须不断提醒自己是新造的人,全能的上帝住在我们里面(罗马书6:11)。 时常思想全能的基督为我们所做的事, 祂放弃了一切为我们受苦 (腓立比书2,马可福音10:25)。永远不要忘记这无私的爱。 相信祂,这位全能慈爱又有无穷智慧的上帝。让我们把自己献给这位慈爱的上帝。 A Tim Keller Sermon Summary God made the material world, richly providing us with everything for our enjoyment (1Tim 6:17). And money facilitates such enjoyment. Also, business needs money to support their employees and grow. So money is good.
But according to the Bible, the love of money is foolish and the root of evil. 1Tim6:9-10. So, is money good or bad? Let’s learn from 1Timothy 6:6-10, 17-19. First, if the rich thinks they are superior, not just financially smart, then they are foolish and even non-teachable. If they further believe they are great because of the good work done through their wealth, they are in a deep sinkhole. We are good only through God’s grace. So, Paul “commanded” the rich not to be arrogant (1Tim 6:17). Second, as we move up the social bracket, if we let luxuries become necessities and try to keep up with the Joneses, we just want more. Then money becomes an addiction. Christ told us to be on guard against greed (Luke 12:15). It is easy to see if we have killed someone. But difficult to see greed. How to escape the trap of money? Be content in all situations (1Tim 6:6 & Phil 4:12). We came naked, and we leave naked. Wealth, accomplishments, nothing we could take with us (1Tim 6:7 & Job 1:21). Be content where we are. Yet, some believe wealth could bring security. They try to cover up their helplessness and nakedness with wealth, making them unwilling to part with it. But wealth can’t give us security. Be aware that true wealth and security come from grace, from us being God’s children. Our goodness is through Christ’s suffering, an innocent sufferer’s suffering. He was stripped naked so we could be clothed and safe. Through Him, death isn’t an executioner, but a gardener, making us better through death. Through Christ, we become God’s treasure, valuable and secure. Lead a simple life. As we have more wealth, though we could live more extravagantly, still keep a simple life. Life does not consist in an abundance of possessions (Luke 12:15). To conclude, nothing is wrong to be rich (See Abraham and Job). Enjoying material life is fine. But, don’t love wealth and don’t be arrogant because of it. Instead, use money. Be generous, willing to share, and rich in good deeds (1Tim 6:18). Make Christ our treasure. Then we will be genuinely secure and wealthy. Summarized from a Tim Keller sermon 金钱:好的,坏的,还是丑陋的? 上帝创造了物质世界,丰富地为我们提供了一切,供应我们享受。金钱促进了这种享受(提摩太前书6:17)。金融商业也需要资金来支援员工,帮助自己成长。所以,钱是好的。 但是根据圣经, 贪爱金钱是愚蠢和邪恶的根源(提摩太前书6:9-10)。 那么,钱是好还是坏?让我们从提摩太前书6:6-10,17-19中学习。 首先,如果富足的人觉得自己比别人优越,不仅是有经济上的聪明,而且是在他们自身,那么他们是愚蠢,甚至不可教谕的。我们只有通过上帝的恩典才是好的。所以,保罗嘱咐富人不要傲慢自高(提摩太前书6:17)。 其次,随着我们社会地位的提升,如果我们让奢侈品成为必需品,在物质生活上跟别人攀比,就会贪得无厌。不久,我们就会沉迷于钱财,让它们成为自己的偶像。 基督告诉我们要警惕贪婪(路加福音12:15)。很容易看出我们是否杀了某人,但有否犯贪婪却很难看得出来。 那么如何逃脱金钱的陷阱呢? 我们要力争在一切的境况中都要满足(提摩太前书6:6,腓立比书4:12)。 我们赤身来到世上,赤身而走,不能带走任何的财富或成就(提摩太前书6:7,约伯记1:21)。然而,有些人错误地认为财富可以带来安全,试图用它们来掩盖自己彻底的无助,以至于不愿意放弃。 但是,财富不能真正给我们安全感。 基督为我们受苦,带给我们救恩和平安。祂被夺去衣服,赤身露体,我们因此可以得享安全。通过祂,死亡不再是刽子手, 它却是让我们变得更好的一个园丁。藉着基督,我们成为上帝有价值的珍宝,安稳在他的手中。 如果我们拥有更多财富,尽管我们可以过得更奢侈,却不应该沉溺于属世的生活中。人的生命并不在乎财产的丰富(路加福音12:15)。相反,要过简单的生活。 总而言之,富裕本身并没有错(参见亚伯拉罕和约伯的例子)。享受物质生活是可以的。但是,不要贪爱财富,也不要因财富而自高自大。相反地,金钱是来使用的,将它多多地用于行善,慷慨乐意地与他人分享(提摩太前书6:18)。让基督成为我们的珍宝,祂才是安全和富有的真正源泉。 A Tim Keller Sermon Summary During the 6th Century BC, Babylon was a great empire. After each conquest, they would exile professionals from the conquered land to Babylon to subjugate them through assimilation. After a generation or two, the exiles would lose their own culture and belief. Daniel’s three friends, the exiles, didn’t. Let’s see what happened (Daniel 3).
The Babylonian king decreed that whenever music was played, everyone must bow to a 90-foot-tall gold image he had built. Anyone who refused would be executed. The gold image had no name, symbolizing the king’s gods, representing his value in Babylon’s culture. In many pluralistic societies—ours included—citizens could keep their belief in private. But, in public, they are expected to worship the “gods” of the society, assimilating to public culture by forcing everyone to privatize their faith. For example, our business world is ruthless. To gold we bow. Haven’t Christians succumbed to the culture? Daniel’s three friends received Babylon’s education and worked in Babylon’s government. But when asked to privatize their faith, they insisted God could and would protect them, but even if God didn’t, they still wouldn’t worship the gold image (v. 17-18). In other words, they served God even if God didn’t follow their agenda. The furious king threw them into a blazing furnace, but God was with them and protected them (v. 25). Suffering is inevitable (Job 5:7). Fiery ordeal may not be abnormal (1 Peter 4:12). Even Christ, who lived a perfect life, suffered. Our suffering is more unbearable when we don’t understand why we suffer. If we believe bad things won’t happen to us because of our good work and effort, then when suffering hits, we either hate God, consider Him unfair, or hate ourselves for not good enough. Christians shouldn’t see suffering as God’s punishment. Christ already took our punishment; He suffered in the ultimate furnace and was crucified on the cross. Suffering can make us better, more like Christ. Suffering can help us understand who we are, improve our empathy, increase our wisdom about life, and strengthen our faith in God (1 Peter 1:7). If we are in a little furnace, we must trust that God is with us, just as God was with Daniel’s three friends in the blazing fire (Isaiah 43:1-3). There is no need to conform to the world. Accept suffering. Follow Christ. Summarized from a Tim Keller sermon: 国王与熔炉 在公元前6世纪,巴比伦是个伟大的帝国。每次征服其它国家之后,它会将那里的专业人士流放到巴比伦,为要通过同化来征服这些人,希望流亡者在一两代之后失去原有的文化和信仰。 但以理的三个朋友是来自犹大的流亡者。他们却保持了自己的信仰。让我们看看发生了什么事 (但以理书3)。 巴比伦国王下令每个人在听到音乐时,都要崇拜他建造的90尺高的金像。任何违抗者都将被处决。这金像没有名字,象征着国王的众神,在王的眼中具有极高的价值 (14节)。 包括我们美国在内的多元化社会中,民众可以私下保持自己的信仰,但是在公众场合要敬拜社会的“神”。这样的社会不赞同每个人公开自己的信仰, 慢慢地同化民众去接纳它的“神”。 比方说,我们的商业世界是冷酷无情的拜金主义之处。基督徒是否已经屈从了这种世俗的文化呢? 但以理的三个朋友接受巴比伦的教育,服务于巴比伦政权。但是当国王命令只能私下持有他们的信仰时,这几个朋友告诉国王,上帝可以并且会保护他们; 但是即或不然,他们仍然不会崇拜金像(17-18节)。换句话说,即使上帝不照他们的心意而行,也要服事上帝! 愤怒的国王将他们扔进熊熊燃烧的熔炉,但上帝与他们同在,保护了他们(25节)。 受苦不可避免 (约伯记5:7)。火炼的试验也许并非不同寻常之事(彼得前书4:12),就是一生无暇无疵的基督也忍受了极大的苦难。 当不明白受苦的原因时,苦难临到就更加难以忍受。 如果相信因为自己好的行为和努力,坏的事情就不会发生,当苦难临到时,就会或者恨上帝,认为祂不公平,或者恨自己,觉得不够好。 基督徒不应该将苦难视为上帝的惩罚。基督已经担当了我们的刑罚, 在终极的熔炉中为世人受苦,为我们的罪被钉在十字架上。 苦难可以使我们变得更好,更像基督。它可以帮助我们明白自己是谁,增强同情心,增加生活的智慧和对上帝的信心(彼得壹书1:7; 4:12)。 如果今天我们身处在一个小熔炉中,必须相信全能的上帝与我们同在,就像祂与但以理的三个朋友在烈火中一样(以赛亚书43:1-3)。 我们不需要效法世界。让我们接受苦难,跟随基督! |
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