A Tim Keller Sermon Summary God made the material world, richly providing us with everything for our enjoyment (1Tim 6:17). And money facilitates such enjoyment. Also, business needs money to support their employees and grow. So money is good.
But according to the Bible, the love of money is foolish and the root of evil. 1Tim6:9-10. So, is money good or bad? Let’s learn from 1Timothy 6:6-10, 17-19. First, if the rich thinks they are superior, not just financially smart, then they are foolish and even non-teachable. If they further believe they are great because of the good work done through their wealth, they are in a deep sinkhole. We are good only through God’s grace. So, Paul “commanded” the rich not to be arrogant (1Tim 6:17). Second, as we move up the social bracket, if we let luxuries become necessities and try to keep up with the Joneses, we just want more. Then money becomes an addiction. Christ told us to be on guard against greed (Luke 12:15). It is easy to see if we have killed someone. But difficult to see greed. How to escape the trap of money? Be content in all situations (1Tim 6:6 & Phil 4:12). We came naked, and we leave naked. Wealth, accomplishments, nothing we could take with us (1Tim 6:7 & Job 1:21). Be content where we are. Yet, some believe wealth could bring security. They try to cover up their helplessness and nakedness with wealth, making them unwilling to part with it. But wealth can’t give us security. Be aware that true wealth and security come from grace, from us being God’s children. Our goodness is through Christ’s suffering, an innocent sufferer’s suffering. He was stripped naked so we could be clothed and safe. Through Him, death isn’t an executioner, but a gardener, making us better through death. Through Christ, we become God’s treasure, valuable and secure. Lead a simple life. As we have more wealth, though we could live more extravagantly, still keep a simple life. Life does not consist in an abundance of possessions (Luke 12:15). To conclude, nothing is wrong to be rich (See Abraham and Job). Enjoying material life is fine. But, don’t love wealth and don’t be arrogant because of it. Instead, use money. Be generous, willing to share, and rich in good deeds (1Tim 6:18). Make Christ our treasure. Then we will be genuinely secure and wealthy. Summarized from a Tim Keller sermon https://gospelinlife.com/downloads/hope-and-money-6028/ 金钱:好的,坏的,还是丑陋的? 上帝创造了物质世界,丰富地为我们提供了一切,供应我们享受。金钱促进了这种享受(提摩太前书6:17)。金融商业也需要资金来支援员工,帮助自己成长。所以,钱是好的。 但是根据圣经, 贪爱金钱是愚蠢和邪恶的根源(提摩太前书6:9-10)。 那么,钱是好还是坏?让我们从提摩太前书6:6-10,17-19中学习。 首先,如果富足的人觉得自己比别人优越,不仅是有经济上的聪明,而且是在他们自身,那么他们是愚蠢,甚至不可教谕的。我们只有通过上帝的恩典才是好的。所以,保罗嘱咐富人不要傲慢自高(提摩太前书6:17)。 其次,随着我们社会地位的提升,如果我们让奢侈品成为必需品,在物质生活上跟别人攀比,就会贪得无厌。不久,我们就会沉迷于钱财,让它们成为自己的偶像。 基督告诉我们要警惕贪婪(路加福音12:15)。很容易看出我们是否杀了某人,但有否犯贪婪却很难看得出来。 那么如何逃脱金钱的陷阱呢? 我们要力争在一切的境况中都要满足(提摩太前书6:6,腓立比书4:12)。 我们赤身来到世上,赤身而走,不能带走任何的财富或成就(提摩太前书6:7,约伯记1:21)。然而,有些人错误地认为财富可以带来安全,试图用它们来掩盖自己彻底的无助,以至于不愿意放弃。 但是,财富不能真正给我们安全感。 基督为我们受苦,带给我们救恩和平安。祂被夺去衣服,赤身露体,我们因此可以得享安全。通过祂,死亡不再是刽子手, 它却是让我们变得更好的一个园丁。藉着基督,我们成为上帝有价值的珍宝,安稳在他的手中。 如果我们拥有更多财富,尽管我们可以过得更奢侈,却不应该沉溺于属世的生活中。人的生命并不在乎财产的丰富(路加福音12:15)。相反,要过简单的生活。 总而言之,富裕本身并没有错(参见亚伯拉罕和约伯的例子)。享受物质生活是可以的。但是,不要贪爱财富,也不要因财富而自高自大。相反地,金钱是来使用的,将它多多地用于行善,慷慨乐意地与他人分享(提摩太前书6:18)。让基督成为我们的珍宝,祂才是安全和富有的真正源泉。
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