Summary of a Lesson from John Ortberg Baptism is when Christians publicly express following and putting their trust in Christ. We receive His forgiveness, healing, and strength.
Paul compared baptism to the Israelites crossing the Red Sea (1 Corinthians 10:1-2), which is the central narrative of Israelites’ history. After God led them out of Egypt, the Israelites encamped next to the Red Sea. Right there, they saw Pharaoh with his Egyptian armies marching after them and were terrified. But Moses told them to have no fear, stand firm, and be still, for God would fight for them. Then God told them to go into the Red Sea (Exodus 14:10-14). This personal experience of God transformed their lives—from the cruel, oppressive, and genocidal slavery to freedom; from mortal danger to safety; from terrified to dancing and singing (Exodus 15); and from living like others in the ancient world to following God’s commandments. Similarly, through baptism, we would die with Christ and resurrect with Him in victory to live a new life (Romans 6:4). This experience of God’s love and forgiveness transformed us—from the slavery of pride, social status, and guilt to freedom; from living in fear and the danger of total destruction in hell to safety and joy in God; and from worldly living to following Christ’s enlightened path. With grace from God, we live our new life, and we have a new hope. We would see God fighting for us so we have no fear. We could stand firm and be still. As children of God, our life gets turned around; this process could be sudden, or it could be a long journey. Because of God’s love for us, we love others. We help those in need. We march for the marginalized. We proclaim the gospel in words and deeds. This is Baptism, the story of the cross. Summarized from a John Ortberg sermon:
Founders of many major religions were often very successful by the time of their deaths. When Moses died, millions of Israelites were about to enter the promised land. When Buddha died, he had achieved “enlightenment” with numerous disciples. When Mohammed died, he had converted most in the Arabian peninsular to Islam.
But Christ died on the cross, in an absolutely repugnant way. On the cross, He was abandoned practically by everyone. Yet the cross is the symbol of Christianity. Why? Right before His death, Christ had a special Passover dinner with His disciples (John 13-14). Passover dinners commemorated God liberating the Israelites from Egypt. The festival referred to a particular night when many firstborns were killed, but families with the blood of a lamb on doors were spared. So, the Passover dinner ate a lamb to remember the event. But Christ’s Passover dinner had no lamb because Christ was the lamb. Through the blood of Christ on the cross, we are saved, liberated from sin and death. If someone has harmed us, typically we either seek revenge on the wrongdoer, or we accept it, leading to inner struggle and pain. We have harmed God. How did He react? He accepted our mistakes and went through the pain of the cross. Through the cross, a Christian community has been built. Israelites typically celebrated Passover with their families, but the disciples celebrated it with Christ. They were not bonded by family relationship, but by the common experience of the cross. In many communities, the powerful support many and expect their loyalty in return. Many serve the rich for special treatment. The community of the cross is different. This community was not based on mutual benefits. On the contrary, those in power serve, but not for any payoffs from those they serve. As Christ have loved them, so they must love one another (John 13:34). Leaders in this community are far from perfect. Peter was shown as a selfish coward with no integrity. Yet, after repentance, he became the leader. Meditate on the cross. The cross shows God’s earnest desire for us. Through the cross, we are liberated and accepted by God. Though weak, we can still serve and love one another, because God loves us first. That may be why the Cross is the symbol of Christianity. Summarized from a Tim Keller’s sermon, titled, “Why the Cross is the Symbol of Christianity”: 十字架是否展示基督是非常软弱的?? 许多主要宗教的创始人在他们去世的时候,通常都是非常成功的。摩西去世时,数百万的以色列人即将进入应许之地;佛陀去世时,众多的门徒已被“启蒙”; 同样穆罕默德去世时,阿拉伯半岛的大多数人已经改信了伊斯兰教。 但基督不同。祂以令人绝对反感的方式死在十字架上。 当时, 祂实际上被所有的人抛弃。然而,十字架却是基督教的象征。这是为什么呢? 基督受死之前,祂与门徒共进了一次特别的逾越节晚餐 (约翰福音13-14)。 逾越节的晚餐是为了纪念上帝从埃及解救了以色列人。它追忆以色列人历史上那个特别的晚上,埃及地有许多长子被击杀。 但所有将羔羊的血涂抹在门上的家庭, 就免去了这场灾难。为了记念这件事,逾越节晚餐的菜单中有一只羔羊。 但是,基督的逾越节晚餐没有羔羊,因为基督就是那羔羊。通过基督在十字架上流出宝血,使我们得救,从罪恶和死亡中解脱出来。 如果有人伤害了我们,通常我们会报仇,使那人遭受痛苦; 或者我们接受这伤害,带来内心的挣扎和苦痛。但我们伤害了上帝, 祂是如何反应的呢? 祂接受了我们的过犯,自己经历了十字架的痛苦。 因着十字架,基督教群体建立起来了。以色列人通常是与家人一同庆祝逾越节,但主的门徒们一起与基督过逾越节。他们彼此之间没有血缘关系,有的却是十字架的共同经历。 在许多群体中,有权势的人看顾支持许多其他的人来换取他们的忠心,还有许多人为了得到特殊的对待而为有钱人服务。 十字架的群体迥然相异。这个群体不是建立在互惠互利的基础上,反而是有权的服务其他人,目的却不是为从他们所服务的人那里得到任何收益。祂怎樣愛他們,他們也要怎樣彼此相愛 (约翰福音13:34)。 这个群体的领袖远非完美。彼得被示为自私的懦夫,没有诚信。然而,他在悔改之后成为了教会的领袖。 沉思十字架。 十字架显明了上帝对我们的恳切渴望。通过十字架,上帝解放和接纳了我们。虽然软弱,我们还能彼此服事和相爱,因为上帝先爱我们。这也许就是为什么十字架是基督教象征的原因。 |
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