Baptism is when Christians publicly express following and putting their trust in Christ. We receive His forgiveness, healing, and strength.
Paul compared baptism to the Israelites crossing the Red Sea (1 Corinthians 10:1-2), which is the central narrative of Israelites’ history. After God led them out of Egypt, the Israelites encamped next to the Red Sea. Right there, they saw Pharaoh with his Egyptian armies marching after them and were terrified. But Moses told them to have no fear, stand firm, and be still, for God would fight for them. Then God told them to go into the Red Sea (Exodus 14:10-14). This personal experience of God transformed their lives—from the cruel, oppressive, and genocidal slavery to freedom; from mortal danger to safety; from terrified to dancing and singing (Exodus 15); and from living like others in the ancient world to following God’s commandments. Similarly, through baptism, we would die with Christ and resurrect with Him in victory to live a new life (Romans 6:4). This experience of God’s love and forgiveness transformed us—from the slavery of pride, social status, and guilt to freedom; from living in fear and the danger of total destruction in hell to safety and joy in God; and from worldly living to following Christ’s enlightened path. With grace from God, we live our new life, and we have a new hope. We would see God fighting for us so we have no fear. We could stand firm and be still. As children of God, our life gets turned around; this process could be sudden, or it could be a long journey. Because of God’s love for us, we love others. We help those in need. We march for the marginalized. We proclaim the gospel in words and deeds. This is Baptism, the story of the cross. Summarized from a John Ortberg sermon: 洗礼 — 十字架的故事 洗礼是基督徒跟随基督和信靠基督的公开宣告。我们接受了上帝的饶恕,医治和力量。 保罗将洗礼与以色列人过红海的经历相比较(哥林多前书10:1-2)。以色列人过红海是以色列人历史的中心事件。上帝带领以色列人出埃及后,他们在红海旁扎营停下。在那里, 他们看到法老和他的埃及军队向他们挺进而倍感害怕。但是,摩西告诉他们不要惧怕,只管站稳,静止不动, 因为上帝会为他们争战。 然后,上帝吩咐他们踏入红海 (出埃及记14:10-14)。 这次以色列人的亲身经历彻底地改变了他们—从遭受残酷压迫和种族灭绝的奴役生活到得以自由的新生活; 从面临致命的危险到享受全然的平安; 从经历极度的恐惧到跳舞而歌唱(出埃及记15); 并且从像古时其他外邦人一样地生活到遵循上帝的诫命。 同样地,我们通过洗礼与基督同死,也与基督在得胜中同复活,活出全新的生命 (罗马书6:4)。 这种对上帝之爱与宽恕的经历改变了我们—从被骄傲, 社会地位和内疚捆绑的奴役生活,到被上帝释放的自由; 从活在恐惧和面临地狱中被彻底毁灭的危险中, 到活在上帝的平安与喜乐里;并且从活在世俗的生活中到踏上跟随基督的明亮之路。 在上帝的恩典中,我们活出新的生命,燃起新的盼望。我们看到上帝为我们争战,所以心中没有恐惧,站立得稳,凝然不动。 作为上帝的儿女,或者在瞬息之间,或经漫长的旅程,我们的生命都得以翻转。 因为上帝爱我们,我们也爱他人。我们帮助有需要的人,为社会里的边缘人而战,以自己的言与行来宣扬基督的福音! 这就是洗礼 — 十字架的故事。
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