Summary of Christopher Wright’s book, titled, “Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit.” The fruit of the Spirit is neither earned through deeds alone nor grown entirely by itself. We need to cultivate it. Let’s first understand what the fruit is (Galatians 5:22-25).
The fruit starts with love, which is God’s primary essence. Love God and others regardless of differences, just as God loves the world. Joy isn’t the constantly-wearing-a-smile-type happiness. We can be in pain and depressed but still have it. Joy arises from trusting God’s sovereignty and goodness, and His ultimate healing and restoration. We have joy from God being with us, and from all He has given us. Peace transcends all understanding in this schizophrenic and stressful world. Peace isn’t apathy, but it strives to avoid needless conflict. And it anchors in the promise that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him (Philippians 4:6-7, Romans 8:28, Romans 14-15). God’s patience, kindness, and faithfulness are extolled throughout the Old Testament. However, God is also just and holy. When the Israelites kept rebelling, punishment became necessary. But the fruit doesn’t include judgment because only God can exercise fully righteous and holy judgment. We won’t become Christ in every sense. Goodness implies integrity and doing what’s right, including the good work God has prepared for us. This is at least because we are saved by grace, and we should serve God. Serving Him includes sharing His words. Such sharing and caring go together. Gentleness is from recognizing you are blessed by God’s grace. Never boast. But balance gentleness and righteous anger against what’s wrong, including against things totally disruptive to how life should work. Yet never feel morally superior. We are all sinners. Self-control isn’t encouraged in this culture, but we let our impulses dictate our choices. Because of our sinful nature, we need the discipline to not do, say, or think certain things. Yet we aren’t killjoy. Self-control helps produce the above attributes, which include joy. The fruit of the Spirit is God’s work in us. However, we need to cooperate with the Spirit. So, regularly examine your life and question yourself; stand up where you fail; and read the bible, pray, worship, and have fellowship with other Christians. Then you will bear the fruit of the Spirit. Summary of Christopher Wright’s book, titled, “Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit.”
A Charles Spurgeon Sermon Summary The Holy Spirit has attributes like a person. For example, we are baptized in the name (not the names) of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; Christian services close with the blessing of having the fellowship of the Holy Spirit (2Corinthians 13:14); and the Holy Spirit has understanding and a will of its own (1Corinthians 2:9, 12:11). We can lie to, resist, and reject the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:3, 7:51, 5:9). And the Holy Spirit has feelings and can be grieved (Ephesians 4:30, Isaiah 63:10).
The Holy Spirit is powerful (Romans 15:13). For example, the Holy Spirit brought order out of confusion (Genesis 1). He influences and enables us to do right, to be wise and speak the word of God, as shown in David’s Psalms, Solomon’s words of wisdom, and the fire touching Isaiah’s lips. He generated the hands in the Book of Daniel. He calls people to do certain work (Acts 13:2), such as telling Peter to go to the centurion (Acts 10:19). He took Philip away (Acts 8:39). He gave Spurgeon power to preach. He convinces us of our sins and gives us life when we are dead in sins (Ephesians 2:5). The Holy Spirit lives in us forever, with us becoming God’s temple (John 14:17). Though we can’t see the Holy Spirit, we feel His presence and experience His power. But those not selected by God don’t know, haven’t experienced, and reject the Holy Spirit (John 14:17). The Holy Spirit deeply cares about us. We are made in the image of the Holy Trinity, or in Their (not His) image (Genesis 1:26). The Holy Trinity loves us and works together for our salvation. The Son intercedes for us; the Father listens and sends the Holy Spirit; and the Holy Spirit teaches us the truth, and comforts and helps us (John 14:16). So, Christians, pray seriously to the Holy Spirit. Ask the Holy Spirit to help and bless us. Ask the Holy Spirit to own what we are working on, and revive the church, with the world sharing the benefits. Summary of a sermon by Charles Spurgeon, titled “The Personality of the Holy Spirit.” If you were facing suffering (like having terminal cancer) or being tortured for His name, would you still trust God, willing to be His martyr? Or would you be angry with Him?
When such challenges come, if you hold onto God, He will give you the strength to endure and the resolve to magnify His name. You will be blessed with the glorious Holy Spirit resting on you (1 Peter 4:12-14). When the Holy Spirit comes, He will: 1. Bring truth to you (John 14:17, 15:26, 16:13) to fight back the forces of darkness that try to confuse you. 2. Glorify Christ in you (John 16:14). 3. Sustain your love for Christ by reminding you of His preciousness and inspire you to worship Him (Philippians 3:3). 4. Help you see your lost not worth keeping because of gaining the infinitely-better and imperishable glory (1Peter 1:23); and help you see your momentary sufferings of no comparison to the eternal glory. The Holy Spirit seals the hope in you (1Peter 5:10). 5. Overcome your doubt and strengthen your faith. 6. Give you the words to witness for Him (Matthew 10:19-20, 13:11). 7. Bring you Himself, and with Him, the Trinity God—the Father’ care, the Son’s redeeming love covering your sins, and the Spirit’s upholding your faith (2Corinthians 13:14, 1 Peter 4:14). The Holy Spirit gives you new birth (John 3:8), enables you to confess Christ as Lord (1Corinthians 12:3), puts to death your misdeeds (Romans 8:13), helps sanctify you (2Thessalonians 2:13), gives you wisdom (Ephesians 1:17), gives life to your mortal body (Romans 8:11), and forever helps you (1Corinthians 12:7, John 14:16). So, though we have the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:9), seek more experience of Him, like seeking more faith in God. Also, “Be filled with the Spirit” is a command (Ephesians 5:18). How to be filled by the Holy Spirit: 1. Listen to and meditate on God’s words (John 6:63). Christ’s message dwelled in you (Colossians 3:16) and filled by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18-19) go hand-in-hand. 2. Believe in His words (Galatians 3:5). 3. Obey Christ’s words. Then the Father will love you, and the Trinity will make their home with you. (John 14:22-23). 4. Thirst for the Holy Spirit (John 7:37-38, Psalm 42:1-2). Ask the Father for the greatest gift, the Holy Spirit, and you will have Him (Luke 11:9-13). Summary of a sermon by John Piper 如何寻求圣灵 如果你在痛苦中(例如患上晚期癌症) 或因祂的名而受折磨,你仍会相信上帝, 仍愿意成为祂的殉道者吗, 还是会怒气以对呢? 当这样的挑战来临时,如果抓住上帝, 祂会赐给你坚忍的力量和彰显祂圣名的决心。 你将为此蒙福, 荣耀的圣灵要住在你身上(彼得前书 4:12-14)。 当圣灵来临时,祂将如此行:
圣灵使我们重生(约翰福音 3:8),使我们认基督是主(哥林多前书 12:3),治死我们的恶行(罗马书 8:13),使我们成圣(帖撒罗尼迦前书 2:13) ,赐给我们智慧(以弗所书 1:17),使我们必死的身体活过来(罗马书 8:11),并永远成为我们的帮助者(哥林多前书 12:7,约翰福音 14:16)。 所以,我们虽然有圣灵(罗马书 8:9),但仍要寻求更多经历祂, 就像寻求更多对上帝的信心一样。 此外,“被圣灵充满”乃是一个命令(以弗所书 5:18)。 怎么才被圣灵充满呢?
当向天父祈求最伟大的礼物 (圣灵),你就会拥有祂(路加福音 11:9-13)。 After Christ had completed the redeeming work, He was glorified and ascended. Then the Holy Spirit came to be in fellowship with us (John 7:38-39, 16:7).
Non-believers of Christ can worship many idols, but Christians may ignore the Holy Spirit and worship God less. Our goodness comes from the Holy Spirit. Being convicted of our sins and repenting are through the Holy Spirit. Yet many don’t hold the Holy Spirit in high esteem. Believing in Christ has quenched our thirst. But do rivers of living water flow from us (John 7:38)? Many believers don’t have abundant life. Let’s understand the work of the Holy Spirit. First, it is intimately intertwined with Christ’s work. For example, unless we are born of the Spirit, we can’t enter God’s kingdom. But whoever believes in Christ shall have eternal life (John 3:5, John 3:16). In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit did many extraordinary works through the prophets. But during that time, the Holy Spirit came and left, not living in them. After Christ’s departure, the Holy Spirit came to stay with us forever. The Holy Spirit takes what is from Christ to teach us (John 16:14). The Holy Spirit leads us to Christ, conforming us to His likeness and glorifying Him. The work of the Holy Spirit is of incomparable value. Christ on earth was just with a handful of disciples, but the Holy Spirit has dwelt within believers over the many centuries! The Holy Spirit generates rivers (not just a single river) of living water in believers, to flow from within them (John 7:38), like divine light enabling others to see. The flow is spontaneous and perpetual. Whatever they do prosper (Psalm 1:3). Wherever they are, there is blessing. The church is glorified, and they are glorified. We can easily obtain such work of the Holy Spirit. First, believe in Christ; by faith we will receive the Holy Spirit. Second, pray and ask, and our loving heavenly Father will give us the Holy Spirit (Matthew 7:7-11). Ask God to make us all the Spirit can make us to be. Rivers of living water will flow from us, blessing the people around us. Summary of a sermon by Charles Spurgeon: 圣灵的内住与流溢 基督完成救赎大工以后,得着荣耀, 升上高天。此后,圣灵就来与我们相交(约翰福音 7:38-39,约翰福音 16:7)。 诚然非基督徒会崇拜许多虚假的偶像,但基督徒可能因忽略圣灵而少了更多地敬拜上帝。 我们的良善来自圣灵。对自己罪的承认和悔改也是圣灵的工作。然而,许多人并没有把圣灵放在崇高的地位上。 虽然对基督的相信可以缓解口渴,但活水的江河从我们里面流出来了吗(约翰福音 7:38)?许多信徒并没有得到丰盛的生命。 让我们一起来了解圣灵的工作。 首先,它与基督的工作密切相关。 例如,除非从圣灵而生,否则不能进入神的国(约翰福音 3:5)。但凡相信基督的,必得到永生(约翰福音 3:16)。 在旧约中,圣灵藉着先知行了许多非凡的事。但在旧约的时代,圣灵来了又去,并没有住在先知里面。新约时代,当基督离开以后,圣灵却永远与我们同在。 圣灵将从基督那里所领受的教导我们。 祂引导我们归向基督,使我们效法基督的样式并荣耀基督(约翰福音 16:14)。 圣灵的工作具有无可比拟的价值。基督在世的时候,祂只有屈指可数的少量门徒;而祂离开以后,许多世纪以来圣灵住在无数的信徒里面,与他们同在! 圣灵在信徒里面产生众多活水的江河(不仅仅是一条河流而已),从信徒里面流出来(约翰福音 7:38), 好像神圣的光让别人能看见。这活水江河的流出是自发的,也是永恒的。信徒凡事亨通(诗篇 1:3)。他们在哪里,哪里就有福。教会得荣耀,他们也得荣耀。 我们很容易领受圣灵这样的工作。首先,当相信基督。凭着信心,我们将接受圣灵。其次, 祷告祈求,慈爱的天父就会赐下圣灵(马太福音 7:7-11)。祈求上帝使我们成为圣灵可以使自己成为的人。活水的江河将从我们里面流溢而出,祝福周围的人。 We have spirit, soul, and body (1 Thessalonians 5:23, Hebrews 4:12). Our soul includes our intellect.
Many believers focus on their intellect (Acts 17:21), but if our brain power alone is sufficient to know God, Pharisees with deep knowledge of the Bible would have accepted Christ (John 5:39). The intelligent can be misled by their knowledge and grow unwilling to seek God with humility. Intellect is important. For example, we need to love God with all our soul as well (Matthew 22:37), but our intellect by itself cannot transform us into the worshippers God seeks. Christ taught us how God seeks those who worship Him in the spirit and in truth (John 4:23-24). Let’s try to understand what this means. We worship God in the spirit because God is Spirit. And we need the Holy Spirit (the Spirit of truth) in us to guide and change us so we can know and worship Him (John 4:24). The Holy Spirit reveals to us our sins. Like Job, when we see our iniquities and inadequacies, we despise ourselves, repent, fall on our knees, and worship God (Job 42:6, 1 Corinthians 14:24-25). We should let the Holy Spirit flow from us like rivers of living water, glorifying the Heavenly Father (John 14:15-17, 7:38-39). Worshipping God in truth implies we should have honesty and integrity in our worship. The person who prays to God should be the same person during the rest of the day. Christians should follow God in their everyday life. This is more important and difficult than public ministry. So, do not be controlled by selfish desires or become jealous of one another and form cliques to fight with one another (1 Corinthians 3:1-3). Do not let transient worldly things take us over (Job 1:20-21). Learn from Abraham. He worshipped God such that he was willing to offer to God that which was most precious to him—his son Isaac. He desired nothing more than God (Genesis 22). In the garden of Gethsemane, Christ prayed. He admitted His preference but still followed His Father’s will, not His (John 6:38, Matthew 26:36-46). To worship God truthfully and honestly, we need to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him every day (Luke 9:23). In conclusion, let the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, guide you to worship God in your spirit. In your everyday life, follow Christ. That is how we live from the spirit and not the soul. Summarized a sermon by Zac Poonen: 靠灵而不是魂而活 每个人都有灵、魂、体 (帖撒罗尼迦前书 5:23;希伯来书 4:12)。魂包括一个人的智力。 许多信徒都注重智力(使徒行传 17:21)。但如果仅仅靠智力便可以知道神,那么对圣经有深厚知识的法利赛人应该接受基督(约翰福音 5:39),然而他们却拒绝祂。聪明的人会被他们的知识误导,不愿意谦卑地寻求上帝。 智力很重要,例如需要尽意地爱上帝(马太福音 22:37)。 但智力本身并不能将人变成上帝所寻找的敬拜者。 主耶稣教导上帝寻找那些用心灵和真理敬拜祂的人(约翰福音 4:23-24)。这是什么意思呢? 因为上帝是灵,要用心灵敬拜祂。 人需要圣灵(真理的灵)在心中的带领和改变, 使自己能认识和敬拜上帝(约翰福音 4:24)。 圣灵显明人的罪。使我们如约伯一样,看到自己的罪孽和不足时就会鄙视自己,悔改跪地,敬拜上帝(约伯记42:6;哥林多前书 14:24-25)。 让圣灵像活水的江河一样,从我们身上流出,荣耀天父(约翰福音 14:15-17; 7:38-39)。 在真理中敬拜上帝意味着我们诚实正直地敬拜祂。向上帝祷告的人应该在其余时间里也是同一个人。基督徒应该在日常生活中跟随上帝, 这比公开的事工更重要,也更困难。 所以,不要被自私的欲望左右,不要互相嫉妒,不要结党争斗(哥林多前书 3:1-3),不要让短暂的世俗之物辖制我们(约伯记1:20-21)。 当向亚伯拉罕学习。他敬拜上帝,甚至把最宝贵的儿子以撒献给上帝。他最深的渴望是上帝祂自己(创世记 22)。 基督在客西马尼园祈祷。祂在祷告中承认自己的选择,但依然遵循天父的旨意(约翰福音 6:38;马太福音 26:39)。 如果要在真理中诚实地敬拜上帝,应该每天舍弃自己, 背起自己的十字架跟随基督(路加福音 9:23)。 总而言之,让圣灵(真理的灵)引导我们在灵里敬拜上帝,在我们的日常生活中跟随基督。 这就是靠灵而不是靠魂而活。 In the first century, the city of Corinth was like Silicon Valley. It was a wealthy city with a heavy focus on glory, status, and power.
Paul, a well-educated, well-traveled Roman citizen, visited Corinth. Typically, amid people who may be “better,” many would puff themselves up to hide their insecurities. Instead, Paul went to Corinth humbly. He did not depend on his ability, but Paul depended on the power of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:3-5). The power of the Spirit is the immense power of God, who brought the universe into reality (Hebrews 11:3). It is the power that enabled the disciples to accomplish phenomenal things (Acts 2:2-4). How wonderful it would be if we could follow God and live our lives with this power! We could be filled by the Holy Spirit through faith in Christ and through His messages richly dwelling in us (John 7:37-39, Colossians 3:16-17, Ephesians 5:18-19). With the Holy Spirit in us, Christ is also in us, and we can be empowered by the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19, Ephesians 3:16-17, Acts 1:8, and Zechariah 4:6). By ourselves, we are weak and incompetent. If we gain status or position, we can be easily tempted away from God. Status or position can erode what gets us there in the first place. For example, power can make us less sensitive to others’ needs, more impulsive, less empathetic, and less compassionate. Instead, we should remain humble and surrender our will to the Holy Spirit, so that the Holy Spirit may guide and lead us (Galatians 5:18). On all occasions, depend on the Holy Spirit in prayer (Ephesians 6:18) so that rivers of living water would flow from us (John 7:38). We will be empowered by the Spirit, develop the fruit of the Spirit, and experience the wonder of the presence of the Spirit. May we live and serve God and others by the Holy Spirit. Summarized from a John Ortberg’s sermon: 圣灵的能力 第一世纪的哥林多城市就像今天的硅谷。它是一个富裕的城市,围绕着荣耀,地位和权力旋转。 保罗这位受过良好教育,经验丰富的罗马公民拜访哥林多。通常在“上等”的那些人中,许多人会看似自视甚高以掩饰内心的不安全感。然而,保罗却谦卑地去导哥林多。他不是依靠自己的能力,乃是依靠圣灵的能力(哥林多前书2:3-5)。 创造宇宙的神,祂的巨大能力就是圣灵的能力。圣灵的能力使门徒能完成非凡的事 (希伯来书11:3;使徒行传2:2-4)。 如果拥有这种能力跟随上帝,活出自己的生命,那将是何等美妙! 籍着对基督的信仰,籍着将祂的道理丰富地藏在心里,我们可以让圣灵充满 (约翰福音7:37-39;歌罗西书3:16-17; 以弗所书5:18-19)。 有圣灵内住,基督也在我们里面, 就可以从圣灵获得能力(哥林多前书6:19;以弗所书3:16-17;使徒行传1:8;撒迦利亚4:6)。 我们自己是软弱无能的。假若拥有身份或财富,我们更容易受诱惑而远离上帝。 身份或财富能使我们失去原来为之奋斗的初衷。例如权力能使我们对他人的需要更麻木,为人更浮躁,更缺乏同理心和同情心。 因此要谦虚,让自己的意志降服于圣灵,让祂引导带领我们(加拉太书5:18)。 随时依靠圣灵祷告 (以弗所书6:18). 让活水的河从我们里面流出 (约翰福音7:38)。 圣灵加添力量给我们, 使我们结出圣灵的果子,经历圣灵同在的奇妙。 让我们依靠圣灵的能力活出每一天,服事上帝,服事其他人。 Acts describes the filling by the Holy Spirit several times. Let’s see some common characteristics.
Acts 2 describes the sudden arrival of the Holy Spirit, filling at least the Apostles. People from different countries heard in their own languages the Apostles declaring the wonders of God. Three thousand were converted to Christ on that day. Acts 4:8, 31 describe Christ’s disciples filled by the Spirit. The place shook and they spoke the word of God boldly. Acts 10:44-48 describes how Peter was astonished when those listening to him suddenly received the Spirit. They spoke in tongues and praised God, so Peter ordered they be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. In the above examples, being filled with the Holy Spirit is illustrated as an unpredictable event that astonishes people. Not even the Apostles could initiate it. Though there may not be specific feelings or emotions, something special will happen as God’s words are proclaimed, God is glorified, and people are changed. Furthermore, a person filled by the Holy Spirit could be mistaken for being drunk (Ephesians 5:18; Acts 2:4,15; Luke 1:15). Since the Holy Spirit is a being, we cannot be filled by a part of the Holy Spirit, but the degree of influence by the Holy Spirit varies. The Holy Spirit can guide us into the truth, tell us what’s to come, and testify about and glorify Christ (John 16:13-14, 15:26). A person filled by the Spirit can give thanks to God for everything and in all circumstances. This can be due to trusting in God’s sovereignty and accepting whatever happens to be His will (Ephesians 5:18-20, 1 Thessalonians 5:18). Other attributes can include bearing the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), submitting to others due to reverence for Christ (Ephesians 5:21), and constantly singing songs glorifying God (Ephesians 5:18-19). So how can we be filled? Christ said that the Holy Spirit would flow from a person who trusts in Him (John 7:37-39). In the manner that water needs to fill a cup before flowing from it, so trusting in Christ leads to the filling of the Spirit. Also, having Christ’s message richly dwell in us has similar effects as being filled by the Spirit. See the similarity between Colossians 3:16-17 and Ephesians 5:18-19, both books written around the same time by Paul. So, if we would like to be filled by the Spirit, we should trust in Christ and richly keep His message in us. Summarized a sermon by Stanley Toussaint: together with a sermon by 溫偉耀 圣灵充满 使徒行传多次描述圣灵充满。 让我们看看它们有那些共同的特征。 使徒行传第二章描述圣灵突然降临,至少充满了门徒。 然后,来自不同国家的人听到了门徒使用他们国家的语言宣称上帝的奇妙。 那天三千人歸信了基督。 使徒行传4:8 和31描述使徒被圣灵充满。 聚会的地方也震动起來,他们放膽地傳講神的道。 使徒行传10:44-48描述彼得惊奇地发现,那些听他说话的人突然接受了圣灵,并说方言,赞美上帝。 因此彼得指令奉耶稣基督的名为他们施洗。 在上面的例子中,被圣灵充满有几个共同的特点。圣灵充满的时间是不可预测的,周围的人都会感到惊讶。甚至门徒也无法启发圣灵充满。 尽管可能没有特殊的感觉或情感,但一些非凡的事情会发生。在那段时间内,上帝的话会被宣扬,上帝得到荣耀,并且人们会被改变。 另外, 当被圣灵充满时,可能会出现类似醉酒者的迹象。在被充满时,一个人会受到圣灵的影响或受其控制(以弗所书5:18; 使徒行传2:4,15; 路加福音1:15)。 既然圣灵是一个个体,我们就不能只被一部分的圣灵所充满。但是,圣灵对不同的人有不相同的影响程度。 圣灵可以引导我们明白真理,为基督作见证和荣耀基督, 以及告诉我们将要发生什么事情(约翰福音 16:13-14; 15:26)。 被充满的人可能在任何情况下都感谢神(以弗所书5:18-20和帖撒罗尼迦前书5:18)。这可能是因为他们相信神的主权,并接受任何发生在他们身上都是祂的旨意。其他属性包括佣有圣灵所结的果子(加拉太书5:22-23); 因敬畏基督而屈服于他人(以弗所书5:21); 及经常唱歌赞美神(以弗所书5:18-19)。 但怎么才可被圣灵充满呢? 基督说过圣灵会从信靠祂的人那里流出来(约翰福音7:37-39)。如要水从杯中流出,当然需要水先填满那杯。同样地,圣灵从一个人身上流出之前,需要先充满此人。所以,信靠基督会令至圣灵充满。 此外,让基督的信息充充足足地留在心中,似乎会与被圣灵充满有相似的效果。参考歌罗西书 3:16-17和以弗所书5:18-19之间的相似性,它们是保罗大约同时写的两本姊妹书。 因此,如果我们想被圣灵充满,要信靠基督及充实地保全祂的信息在我们心里。 The Bible talks about Christians having the fruit of the Spirit. What is it? Let’s learn from Galatians 5:16-18 and 22-25.
It is a fruit; growing it requires time and patience, and the means of growing this fruit are not always obvious. Moving mountains, giving to the poor, and speaking in tongues do not guarantee that one has the fruit of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 13). It is the fruit of the Spirit, implying it is from the Spirit, from faith in Christ. It is a multifaceted fruit and includes the attributes of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Having one attribute but lacking another is not the fruit of the Spirit. For example, peace requires gentleness. This peace comes from knowing that God is in control, and we put ourselves in His hands. Worry and anxiety could sprout from our desire to control the future, which is born from arrogance. Peace attained through power isn’t the fruit. Love requires being faithful, and faithfulness requires loyalty and courage. A partner who leaves you when you are in danger, or a friend who quits when you are attacked, doesn’t have love with faithfulness. Self-control requires love and gentleness. Otherwise, we can become downright cruel. But self-control also should not be based in pride. Some say that boys shouldn’t cry because only girls cry. Such self-control distorts us. Joy could help us make friends but to keep the good ones requires faithfulness. Kindness and love require self-control. Without self-control, love could lead to indulgence, and tolerance could lead to lacking discipline and breaking promises. This isn’t the fruit. Those who belong to Christ live by and walk with the Spirit, with their natural evil desires crucified. Then the fruit of the Spirit will gradually grow and create lasting change within us. Summarized from a Tim Keller’s sermon, titled, “What Is the Fruit of the Spirit?”: 为什么称为圣灵的果子? 圣经讲到基督徒有圣灵所结的果子。它是什么样的果子呢?让我们从加拉太书5:16-18和22-25中学习。 圣灵的果子首先是一种水果,栽培它由幼苗至收成需要很多时间, 耐心和等待。使这种水果生长的方法也非显而易见。移山开路、周济穷人或说方言都不保证能得到圣灵所结的果子(哥林多前书13)。 既是圣灵所结的果子,它就来自圣灵,也来自信仰基督。 这果子有多方面的特性:仁爱、喜悦、和平、忍耐、恩慈、良善、忠诚、温柔、和节制。这九个特性缺一不可,否则就不是圣灵所结出的果子! 例如和平需要温柔。这种平安来自知道上帝掌权,把自己交托在祂手里。担心和忧虑可能起源于傲慢,以为可以掌控未来。通过权力而得的平安不是圣灵所结的果子。 爱需要忠诚,忠诚有忠心和勇气。如伙伴在危急之时离弃你,亦或好友在你受到攻击时远离,这些都不是有忠诚的爱。 节制需要爱和温柔,否则就可能变成彻底的残忍。节制也不应以骄傲为基础。俗语说“男儿有泪不轻弹,”以为只有女孩才哭泣。这种节制扭曲我们的人性。 喜乐可以帮助结交朋友,但忠诚才能保存美好的友谊。 善良和爱需要节制。如果没有节制,爱可能导致放纵,容忍可会促成缺乏纪律,违背承诺。这都不是圣灵结的果子。 属基督的人活在圣灵里, 与圣灵同行,将天生的邪恶私欲钉在十字架上。如此,圣灵所结的果子将逐渐成长,在我们里面带来持久的更新改变。 |
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