The Bible talks about Christians having the fruit of the Spirit. What is it? Let’s learn from Galatians 5:16-18 and 22-25.
It is a fruit; growing it requires time and patience, and the means of growing this fruit are not always obvious. Moving mountains, giving to the poor, and speaking in tongues do not guarantee that one has the fruit of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 13). It is the fruit of the Spirit, implying it is from the Spirit, from faith in Christ. It is a multifaceted fruit and includes the attributes of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Having one attribute but lacking another is not the fruit of the Spirit. For example, peace requires gentleness. This peace comes from knowing that God is in control, and we put ourselves in His hands. Worry and anxiety could sprout from our desire to control the future, which is born from arrogance. Peace attained through power isn’t the fruit. Love requires being faithful, and faithfulness requires loyalty and courage. A partner who leaves you when you are in danger, or a friend who quits when you are attacked, doesn’t have love with faithfulness. Self-control requires love and gentleness. Otherwise, we can become downright cruel. But self-control also should not be based in pride. Some say that boys shouldn’t cry because only girls cry. Such self-control distorts us. Joy could help us make friends but to keep the good ones requires faithfulness. Kindness and love require self-control. Without self-control, love could lead to indulgence, and tolerance could lead to lacking discipline and breaking promises. This isn’t the fruit. Those who belong to Christ live by and walk with the Spirit, with their natural evil desires crucified. Then the fruit of the Spirit will gradually grow and create lasting change within us. Summarized from a Tim Keller’s sermon, titled, “What Is the Fruit of the Spirit?”: 为什么称为圣灵的果子? 圣经讲到基督徒有圣灵所结的果子。它是什么样的果子呢?让我们从加拉太书5:16-18和22-25中学习。 圣灵的果子首先是一种水果,栽培它由幼苗至收成需要很多时间, 耐心和等待。使这种水果生长的方法也非显而易见。移山开路、周济穷人或说方言都不保证能得到圣灵所结的果子(哥林多前书13)。 既是圣灵所结的果子,它就来自圣灵,也来自信仰基督。 这果子有多方面的特性:仁爱、喜悦、和平、忍耐、恩慈、良善、忠诚、温柔、和节制。这九个特性缺一不可,否则就不是圣灵所结出的果子! 例如和平需要温柔。这种平安来自知道上帝掌权,把自己交托在祂手里。担心和忧虑可能起源于傲慢,以为可以掌控未来。通过权力而得的平安不是圣灵所结的果子。 爱需要忠诚,忠诚有忠心和勇气。如伙伴在危急之时离弃你,亦或好友在你受到攻击时远离,这些都不是有忠诚的爱。 节制需要爱和温柔,否则就可能变成彻底的残忍。节制也不应以骄傲为基础。俗语说“男儿有泪不轻弹,”以为只有女孩才哭泣。这种节制扭曲我们的人性。 喜乐可以帮助结交朋友,但忠诚才能保存美好的友谊。 善良和爱需要节制。如果没有节制,爱可能导致放纵,容忍可会促成缺乏纪律,违背承诺。这都不是圣灵结的果子。 属基督的人活在圣灵里, 与圣灵同行,将天生的邪恶私欲钉在十字架上。如此,圣灵所结的果子将逐渐成长,在我们里面带来持久的更新改变。
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