A 蘇穎智 Sermon Summary titled “What we must know regarding prayer.” God knows what we want, whether we ask or don’t. If our desires align with His plans, they will happen; if not, they won’t. So why ask for anything?
We don’t pray to tell God things He doesn’t know. We pray to ask for wisdom, to know when and how to use what God has given us. We pray to learn about Him. And we pray to have an intimate fellowship with Him (James 1:5, Matthew 6:6). Some prayers won’t be accepted, such as insincere prayers made openly to receive worldly glory. Lengthy, performative prayers, coupled with bad behavior, may even lead to punishment. In fact, purple prose and mindless repetition may indicate a lack of faith. With faith, we may only need to ask once (Matthew 6:5-8, Luke 20:47). Other requests God dislikes include requests with bad motives, such as asking for things we don’t really need. Another type is requests that assume God is not in control or He is not loving. Also, requests from a clashing constantly-fighting family may encounter difficulty getting granted (Psalms 66:18; James 4:3, 1:6-7; Matthew 5:23-24; 1 Peter 3:7). As to prayers that God favors, the first is humble prayers, like the tax collector’s short but desperate prayer for forgiveness, in contrast to the Pharisee’s arrogant and narcissist prayer (Luke 18:9-14). God favors prayers that sincerely admit fault. God loves repentance, and He will forgive. Earnest prayers in tears lead to results. Other God-favored prayers include whole-hearted requests from at least two believers, and prayers from spiritual leaders on our behalf. Opening ourselves to such leaders can be a healing process. Learn to confess sins to one another and pray for each other (Psalm 51:17, 126: 5-6; 1 john 1:9; Matthew 18:19-20; James 5:13-16). God may not answer our prayers how or when we want, but we must trust His love and sovereignty. Patiently wait for Him, hold onto His words, and follow them (Jeremiah 33:3). Have confidence that whatever He gives will be better than what we ask for. He will show us great things beyond what we can imagine. Summary of a sermon by 蘇穎智 titled “What we must know regarding prayer.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AYOMnoSqtQ
Christ said, “in that day,” Father would give whatever we asked (John 16:23-27). And now is “that day.”
Now we have the Holy Spirit guiding us how and what to pray according to the Father’s will. We are enlightened even more than the disciples. Now Christ, our advocate, intercedes for us. “In that day” we can ask in His name (John 16:23). This is like the king allowing us to use his signature to write checks and endorsing them. If Father refuses us, He is refusing Christ! But Christ’s name must be used properly. Ask God not to grant our prayer if we ask for things Christ won’t ask. Our requests will be granted if they are right and if we believe. Now we can ask because the Father loves us and listens to us. Christ told us we don’t need Him to ask because the Father loves us (John 16:26-27). In His love, the Father sacrificed His Son to cover our sins. There are two categories of love. We can love the undeserving and we can love those who are good to us. Similarly, Father loves us, the undeserving, when we were sinners; and the Father loves us more if we love Christ (John 16:27). Like husband and wife brought together by loving their child, the Father and we are held together by loving Christ. But don’t be mistaken that the Father loves us because we love Christ. We love God because He first loved us (1 John 4:19). Christ tells us to ask (Matthew 7:7-8). It’s never in vain to wait upon the Lord, who delights to give great things to those who ask. So, ask continually. Satan wants you to stop praying. Don’t listen. Don’t give up. Ask simply and sincerely. Also, pray for others. When God wanted to destroy the Israelites, He listened to Moses pleading for them. “In that day” is also the day of persecution. Again, we must pray. Imitate David in declaring how God answered prayers (Psalm 118:5-7). Tell your children so. Declare to your neighbors trusting God far better than trusting man (Isaiah 26:4). Don’t reject God “in that day” because one day the door of mercy will close. “In that day” is the day of mercy. Ask earnestly now and receive from Him abundantly. Summary of a sermon by Charles Spurgeon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcHlM6uTTA4 祈祷,不断地祈祷! 基督说天父上帝会在“那日”赐给我们所求的(约翰福音 16:23-27)。如今就是“那日”了。 现在信徒有圣灵带领按神的旨意怎样祷告和祷告什么, 所以我们甚至比当时的门徒更蒙光照。 现在信徒的中保基督在为我们代求。 “在那日”可以奉祂的名祈求(约翰福音 16:23),好像国王允许用他的签名来开支票。 如果天父拒绝我们,祂就是在拒绝基督!然而要正确地使用基督的名。如果我们祈求基督不会祈求的,求上帝不要应允。如果我们的要求是正当的,并且凭着信心求,祷告就会蒙应允。 更好的是,现在我们祈祷是因为天父的爱和聆听。 基督说我们不需要祂祈求天父,因为天父爱我们(约翰福音 16:26-27)。 天父在爱里赐下基督为我们牺牲,遮盖了我们的罪。 爱有两种类型: 爱不值得爱的人和爱对我们好的人。同样地,当我们还是罪人时,天父就爱我们这些不配的人; 不仅如此,如果我们爱基督,天父会更爱我们(约翰福音 16:27)。 就像丈夫和妻子因爱自己的孩子而团结在一起,天父和我们因爱基督而团结在一起。 谨记不要误以为天父爱我们是因为我们爱基督。 我们爱神,因为祂先爱我们 (约翰一书 4:19)。 基督告诉我们要祈求(马太福音 7:7-8)。 等候主永远不徒然,祂乐意将美好宝贵的东西赐给祈求的人。 所以,当不断地祈祷。 撒但要你停止祷告,不要听从, 不要放弃。 简单而真诚地祈求。 也当为他人代求。 当上帝要毁灭以色列人时,摩西为他们恳求,上帝就应允了他的祷告。 “在那日” 也是受逼迫的日子, 所以我们一定要祷告。 当效法大卫的榜样,宣告上帝将如何回应祷告(诗篇 118:5-7)。 教导你的儿女如此行. 向你的邻居宣告,信靠上帝远胜过倚赖人(以赛亚书 26:4)。 不要“在那日”拒绝上帝,因为有一天怜悯之门会关闭。 “在那日” 是怜悯的日子。现在恳切地祈求吧,从祂那里得到丰盛的领受。 In a trial, the children of God should pray to their heavenly Father with child-like confidence, so that they can bear whatever He decides to lay upon them. But then how should we pray?
Faith is essential in prayer. If you pray, “Not what I want but may your will be done,” you don’t have the resolve to persist. Prayers are ineffective without faith. (James 1:6-8). The Holy Spirit helps and strengthens God’s children. He shows them their conditions and brings to them God’s instructions. He is their counselor, calming and teaching them what to seek with faith. He is their advocate, teaching them how to plead their cases and pleading for them. Ask the Holy Spirit to strengthen your faith (Romans 8:26). Let your ears always be open to His voice, so you can follow His suggestions, and confidently pray, “Lord, do what you have said.” Then you can believe without wavering that He who promises is also able to perform (Romans 4:21). The Holy Spirit can even put fire in God’s children, pushing them not to rest till their yearning hearts are fulfilled. But there are times when God’s children are weak and crushed. They cannot even articulate their prayers. When words can’t express their inner grief, they can moan to God. Such groaning, moved by the Holy Spirit, comes deep from their hearts (Psalms 38:8-9, 119:131). Their heavenly Father reads their hearts and knows their needs (Matthew 6:8). The Holy Spirit intercedes for God’s children according to the will of the Father (Romans 8:26-27). The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one. Prayers that are interceded by the Holy Spirit won’t contradict God’s commandments. They are consistent with the divine and eternal will of God. Surely the Father will accept such intercession. Therefore, ask the Holy Spirit for help. Pray in faith. Praise God before your prayer is answered. When God’s children don’t know how to articulate, prayers can simply be groans. These prayers are prompted by the Holy Spirit, who intercedes for God’s children before the Father. Such prayers will succeed. Summary of a sermon by Charles Spurgeon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcnLdcWEsfc 圣灵的代祷 上帝儿女经受考验时,应该像孩子一样满有信心地向天父祈祷,如此就可以承受祂决定发生的任何事。但我们当怎么祷告呢? 祷告一定要有信心。如果你祷告“不是我想要的,但愿您的旨意成就,” 就没有坚持的决心。没有信心的祷告是无效的(雅各书 1:6-8)。 圣灵帮助并坚固上帝的儿女。祂将上帝的指示带给他们, 展现他们的光景。祂作保惠师,使他们心里平安,教导他们凭信心去寻求。祂作辩护人,教导他们如何为自己申辩,并为他们辩护。 祈求圣灵坚固你们的信心(罗马书 8:26)。让你们的耳朵永远聆听祂的声音,如此就可以按照圣灵的意思自信地祈祷,“主啊,成就你所说的.” 这样,你们就可以毫不动摇地相信那应许的也能按祂的应许而行(罗马书4:21)。 圣灵甚至可以在上帝儿女的心中点燃火焰,激励他们不息地追求,直到渴望之心得到满足。 但上帝的儿女也有软弱和被压垮的时候。那时,他们甚至无法表达自己的祈祷。当言语无法表达内心的悲伤时,我们可在上帝面前叹息。这种由圣灵引发的叹息发自我们的内心深处(诗篇 38:8-9, 119:131)。天父了解我们的内心,知道我们的需要(马太福音 6:8)。 圣灵按照天父的旨意为上帝的儿女代求(罗马书 8:26-27)。圣父、圣子和圣灵是合一的。 圣灵的代祷不会违背上帝的诫命,与祂永恒神圣的旨意一致。 天父当然会接受这样的代祷。 所以,请求圣灵帮忙,凭信心祷告。在你的祷告未得到应许之前赞美上帝。 当上帝儿女不知道如何表达时,祈祷可以只是叹息。这些祈祷是圣灵所催促的,祂在天父面前为天父儿女代求. 这样的祈祷必蒙垂听。 In John 15:7, Christ promised: “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”
Prayer should be our habit and our natural outpouring. We can’t live without asking for His favor, and we can ask whatever we wish. Elijah prayed for the rain to stop, and it stopped. We should aspire to be such people of God. To receive such blessing, remain in Him. This is through clinging and depending on Him. The branches must remain in the vine to bear fruit (John 15:4) for the glory of the Father (John 15:8). Anyone not remaining in Him—even those who have been Christians for decades—is like scrap wood left for burning (John 15:6). Everything is because of the vine. So, continuously rest in Christ. Solely rely on Him. But note that God prunes every branch that bears fruit (John 15:2). When we are pruned, cling to Christ even more. In addition to remaining in Him, His words must remain in you. So, we should read His words and memorize them. Then we will receive more from Him and treasure more of Him. He will grant us anything we ask. God, who is full of grace, will grant us His wealth. Christ gave us such promises because everything is in Christ. He prepared everything we need a long time ago. Also, if we ask God what He promises in His words, we are asking the almighty God to do what He said He would. So know and believe in His promises. Be filled with God’s words and pray accordingly. Beware that we are ignorant. Ask our all-wise Father to teach us what to ask. Ask God not to give us what we wish, but to give us according to His will. And we submit to His will. If so, you will have the desires of the Holy Spirit dwelling in you. You will ask what the Spirit moves you to ask. You will be in God’s love (John 15:9), and He will listen to your prayer. Remain in Christ, with His words remain in you. Then ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. Summarized from a sermon by Charles Spurgeon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMje1vYLjQM&t=3123s 祷告的秘密力量! 基督在约翰福音 15 章 7 节应许:“你们若常在我里面,我的话也常在你们里面,凡你们所愿意的,祈求就给你们成就。” 祷告应该是一种习惯和自然的倾诉。我们的生活离不开不住地祈求上帝的恩惠,凡事都可以带到祂面前求。以利亚祈求雨停,雨就停了。我们应该渴望成为上帝这样的子民。 如果想要得到这样的福份,就必须住在祂里面,紧靠祂,依靠祂。枝子必须在葡萄树上才能结果子荣耀父(约翰福音 15:4,8)。 任何不在祂里面的人——即使那些已经成为基督徒数十年的人——就像废柴一样,迟早要被烧掉(约翰福音 15:6)。枝子的一切都是因为葡萄树。所以,当不断地在基督里安息, 单单依靠祂。 但请注意,上帝会修剪每一枝结果子的枝子(约翰福音 15:2)。当我们被修剪时,要更加紧靠基督。 除了在祂里面,祂的话也必须在你里面。所以,当阅读并记住祂的话。 如此,我们会从祂那里得到更多,更加珍惜祂。祂会赐给我们祈求的任何东西。充满恩典的上帝将赐下祂的祝福。 基督可以这样应许,因为一切都在基督里。祂早就准备好我们需要的一切。 另外,如果祈求上帝话语中的应许,就是在祷告全能的上帝按照祂所说的去做。 所以,要知道并相信祂的应许。让神的话充满我们,以祂的话为祷告的根基。 当留意我们是无知的。祈求全智的天父教我们该求什么。求上帝不要给我们想要的,而是按照祂的旨意回答我们的祷告,我们也当顺服祂的旨意。 如此,你会感受到住在里面的圣灵的渴望, 你会求圣灵感动你祈求的事情。 你会住在上帝的爱中,祂会聆听你的祷告(约翰福音 15:9)。 住在基督里,祂的话住在你里面。这样,只要你愿意,祂就为你成就。 Pray continually, keeping a running conversation with God. Tell Him whatever He puts in your mind and do not give up. God likes it (Ephesians 6:18, 1 Thessalonians 5:17, James 1:6).
Follow the pattern of the Lord’s Prayer as you pray throughout the day (Psalm 119:164, Matthew 6:9-13). First thing in the morning, think about our loving and powerful heavenly Father and pray with gratitude (Matthew 6:9, 1 Corinthians 4:7). At breakfast, honor and adore God’s name in prayer (Matthew 6:9, Psalm 145:2). God’s names reflect His character: Abba means loving; El Dia, all-knowing; Jehovah Rapha, healing; El Shaddai, almighty; Jehovah-jireh, provider; Jehovah-shalom, peace; and Jehovah Tsidkenu, provider of our righteousness. Our prayers depend on our knowledge of God. Knowing God more brings us less worry, more confidence, and a better understanding of ourselves (Psalm 9:10). So reflect on God’s attributes. Later in the morning, pray for what matters most: God’s purpose and plan for your life (Matthew 6:10). Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, His plans and purposes. God will provide everything else (Matthew 6:33). At lunch, pray for everything you need for that day (Matthew 6:11), not tomorrow. Experience God daily and trust in His provision. Just ask. Nothing is off-limits. We have not because we ask not. Let God decide whether to give (John 14:13). Also, pray for what others need (1 Samuel 12:23). Trust God and don’t be anxious (2 Peter 1:3, Philippians 4:6-7). By mid-afternoon, it’s likely we have done something wrong. Pray for forgiveness and hold no guilt (Psalm 32:5). Forgive others and give up your resentment (Matthew 6:12). By dinner, especially if we get tired, we make mistakes. Ask God to help you make wise decisions (Matthew 6:13). We cannot prevent bad thoughts, but we shouldn’t entertain them. Avoid watching bad stuff (Psalm 101:3). We can endure and overcome all temptations because God always provides a way out (1 Corinthians 10:13). By late evening, prayerfully acknowledge that God has all the kingdom, power, and glory (Matthew 6:13). He is in control. He and His family will win in the end. Anyway, pray continually. It even will add hours to our day (Proverbs 10:27). Summary of a sermon by Rick Warren: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDGZZLt_0VE 如何在一天中不住地祷告 不住地祷告,与上帝保持不间断的对话,将祂放在自己心中的一切告诉祂,并且不放弃。 上帝喜欢这样的行为(以弗所书 6:18, 帖撒罗尼迦前书 5:17, 雅各书 1:6)。 按照主祷文的模式全天来祷告(马太福音 6:9-13; 诗篇 119:164)。 早晨的第一件事是思念全能而慈爱的天父, 怀着感恩的心向祂祈祷(马太福音 6:9, 哥林多前书 4:7)。 然后,早餐时在祈祷中尊荣和喜爱上帝的名(马太福音 6:9;诗篇 145:2)。上帝的名反映出祂不同的品格,例如:阿爸的意思是慈爱; 埃尔迪亚, 全知;耶和华拉法, 医治; 伊勒沙代, 全能;耶和华以勒, 供应者;耶和华沙龙, 平安;耶和华齐克努(Tsidkenu), 我们公义的提供者。 我们的祷告基于对上帝的认识。更多地认识上帝会减少忧虑,增加信心,并加深对自己的了解(诗篇 9:10)。所以,要反省上帝的属性。 在上午稍后,为最重要的事情祷告: 上帝的旨意和祂对我们生命的计划(马太福音 6:10)。 先求祂的国和祂的义, 祂的计划和祂的旨意。上帝会提供其它一切(马太福音 6:33)。 午餐时为今天(而不是明天)所需的一切祷告(马太福音 6:11)。每一天都经历祂,依赖祂的供应。向祂祈求吧,没有什么是不能求的。我们得不到,因为我们没有求。让上帝决定是否给予(约翰福音 14:13)。此外,当为他人的需要祷告(撒母耳记上 12:23)。信赖祂,不要忧虑(彼得后书 1:3;腓立比书 4:6-7)。 到下午中旬之时我们很可能已经做错了事。 祈求上帝赦免,不再有内疚(诗篇 32:5)。也要赦免他人,不再心怀怨恨(马太福音 6:12)。 到晚餐特别是当我们疲倦时,我们就会犯错。此时祈求上帝帮助做出明智的决定(马太福音 6:13)。我们无法阻止坏的思想进入脑海, 但不要让那些东西留在那里享受。避免看邪僻的东西(诗篇 101:3)。我们可以忍受并胜过所有的试探,因为上帝总会提供一条出路(林前 10:13)。 在一天结束时,在祷告中承认上帝拥有一切的国度、权能和荣耀(马太福音 6:13)。祂掌控一切,祂和祂的家最终会获胜。 总而言之,要不住地祷告。这甚至会使我们每天的时间加多(箴言 10:27)。 Our God is truly mighty. Unlike impotent idols, He knows we are weak and needy, and He hears and answers our prayer requests (Psalms 65:2, 1 Corinthians 8:4). For example, God granted Jacob safety from Esau (Genesis 32:7-12) and Moses safety from Egypt; He gave Samson water and later strength after he was blinded (Judges 16:25-30); He empowered Joshua to stop the sun (Joshua 10:12-14); and He enabled Elijah to stop the rain (1 King 17-18).
Because of His infinite grace and mercy, we—the worthless—can boldly and confidently go to Him for everything we need. God likes to hear from us, particularly if we are righteous (Hebrew 4:16, Song of Solomon 2:14, James 5:16). Prayer acknowledges our dependance on His power and prepares us to give Him glory. God commands us to pray. He requires prayers to bestow mercy. Though He knows our needs, He wants to appear to be swayed by our prayers, acting in response to them (Proverbs 2:1-5, James 1:5, Acts 8:22). We are instructed to ask the Father through Christ, our mediator at His right hand. Christ’s obedience to Him has atoned for our sins and earned us His ears (Revelation 8:3-4, Luke 1:10). But God doesn’t answer requests with wrong motives, such as those born from pride or selfishness. These requests, if granted, can become our idols, later used to oppose Him. Insincere requests also are ineffective, such as asking God to purge our sins while indulging in them, or or asking humbly while being arrogant inside (James 4:3). And He won’t listen to requests not good for us. He knows what is best and will give much more than our requests (Isaiah 65:24, Habakkuk 2:3, James 1:5-6, Psalm 86:5, Romans 10:12, 1 King 3:10-13, Ephesians 3:20). Ask and it will be given to you. Don’t be anxious about anything. Give God no rest till He answers your requests, like Jacob not letting God go till getting His blessing, or the blind man shouting for Christ till Christ responded (Matthew 7:7; Luke 18:1-8, 35-43; Luke 11:5-8; Philippians 4:6-7). So, alertly, persistently, and earnestly pray at all times, without ceasing. Don’t give up. God answers prayers. Summary of a Jonathan Edwards’ sermon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzoKCj6r4Ig 聆听并应允祷告的神 上帝是全能的主,与一切无能的偶像不同。 祂知道我们的软弱和需要,聆听并应允我们的祈求 (诗篇 65:2, 哥林多前书 8:4)。祂聆听雅各的祷告, 保护他免受以扫的伤害(创世记 32:7-12);祂聆听摩西的祷告, 保护他对抗埃及;祂聆听参孙的祷告, 赐给他泉水和失明后的力量(士师记 16:25-30);祂聆听约书亚的祷告, 停止太阳的转动(约书亚记 10:12-14);祂聆听以利亚的祷告, 使天停止下雨(列王纪上17-18)。 因为上帝无限的恩典和怜悯,我们这些毫无价值的人也可以坦然无惧,大有信心地为一切所需来祈求。上帝喜欢听到信徒祈求的声音,特别当我们行事公义的时候(希伯来书 4:16, 雅歌 2:14, 雅各书 5:16)。 祷告承认信徒依赖上帝的能力,预备将荣耀归给祂。 上帝命令我们祷告。祂要求信徒祈祷,好使自己赐下怜悯。虽然上帝知道人的需要,但祂希望看起来似乎被祈祷所影响,因祈祷而行动 (箴言 2:1-5, 雅各书 1:5, 使徒行传 8:22)。 此外,当籍着基督祈求天父。 基督在上帝的右边作中保。祂顺从天父为世人舍命赎罪,使天父的耳能垂听我们的祈祷 (启示录 8:3-4, 路加福音 1:10)。 但上帝不会应允怀着错误动机的祈求,例如那些出于骄傲和自私的祷告。如果祂满足这样的请求,这些蒙应允的事可以成为偶像,以后被用来敌对祂。 上帝也不听虚伪的祈求,例如在沉迷于罪中的同时祈求上帝清除自己的罪,或者虽然外面的祷告谦卑,内心是狂妄自大 (雅各书 4:3). 如果所求的对人不利,祂也不会应允。上帝知道什么是最好的,祂赐下的超过我们所求所想 (以赛亚书 65:24, 哈巴谷书 2:3, 雅各书 1:5-6, 诗篇 86:5, 罗马书 10:12, 列王纪上 3:10-13, 以弗所书 3:20)。 祈求就给你们。应当一无挂虑,不住地祷告,不让神休息,直到祂回达祈求,就像雅各不让神离开,直至得到祂的祝福;又好像那瞎子不断呼叫基督,直到祂回应自己 (马太福音 7:7; 路加福音 18:1-8,35-43; 路加福音 11:5-8, 腓立比书 4:6-7)。 总而言之,当时常警醒, 坚持不懈, 并认真恳切地不住祷告。 不要放弃,上帝是聆听并应允祷告的主。 Prayers can be powerful, particularly a righteous person’s earnest prayer (James 5:16). Let’s understand some attributes of prayers.
Prayers are not for informing God what we or other people need. God knows what we need even before we ask (Matthew 6:8, 31-32). Prayers are not primarily for making requests. Parents do not like their children to talk to them only when they have needs. Prayers should not be artificial, and they’re not for impressing or influencing others (Matthew 6:5). Prayers are to God. Prayers should not be meaningless repetitions to fill time (Matthew 6:7). We should be conscious of what we say. Prayers can be long if we are alert and genuine. Typically, a long prayer starts with a burden. In prayers, we must communicate sincerely and open our hearts to Him. God wants to have fellowship with us and wants us to speak freely and intimately to Him, like children talking to their warm and loving father. Pray alone often. Christ often withdrew to the wilderness to pray alone, sometimes praying all night (Matthew 6:6; Luke 5:16, 6:12). Asking for things in our prayer is fine, particularly valuable things, such as the forgiveness of sins (Matthew 7:11, Luke 11:13, James 4:2). Though God knows what we need before we ask, God wants us to express our needs and experience the joy of Him filling it. In asking, we should be persistent. We can even ask with shameless audacity. (Luke 11:5-13, 18:1-8). We should learn from the Lord’s prayer. It is not self-centered. It uses the word our but not words like my, I, or me. The Lord’s prayer starts with “Our Father in heaven.” The Old Testament never addresses God as “Father.” We can because through Christ’s death and resurrection, we can be God’s children (Romans 8:16). Addressing Him as our Father implies that He loves us and wants to help and bless us (Romans 8:32). The term “in heaven” implies at least power, wisdom, and glory. After all, God is the Creator of heaven and earth. Know the significance of praying to our Heavenly Father. This is the foundation of our faith and the basis of our prayer. Summary of a sermon by Zac Poonen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WP5R-ZSms-U 正确的祈祷方式 祷告可以很有威力的,特别是义人的恳切祈祷 (雅各书5:16)。 让我们了解祷告的一些属性。 祷告不是告诉上帝我们或其他人的需要。在我们祷求之前, 上帝已经知道我们需要什么 (马太福音6:8、31和32)。 祈祷不应该主要是为了索求东西。父母不喜欢孩子只在有需要的时候才和他们说话。 祷告不该是造作的,如像对上帝演说。我们正在和爱我们的天父交谈。 祷告不是为了给他人留下深刻印象或用来影响人 (马太福音6:5)。祈祷的对象是上帝。 祷告不应是毫无意义的重复来填补时间 (马太福音6:7)。要知道我们正在与可畏的上帝说话。要注意我们所说的话。只要我们保持警惕及真诚,祈祷是可以漫长的。通常漫长的祷告是始于负重担。 在祷告时, 要与上帝真诚沟通, 向上帝敞开心扉。上帝希望与我们相交, 与我们自由而亲切地交谈, 就像孩子与仁慈的父母交谈一样。 经常独自祈祷。基督常常撤回旷野独自祷告。有时祂甚至整夜地祈祷(马太福音6:6;路加福音5:16; 6:12)。 请求在祈祷中是没关系的,特别是对有价值的事情,例如请求赦免罪孽(马太福音7:11; 路加福音11:13; 雅各书4:2)。尽管上帝在我们问之前已经知道我们需要什么,但上帝仍然希望我们表达我们的需求,并经历得到祷告实现后的喜乐。 在请求时, 要坚持不懈,不要放弃。甚至无耻地大胆请求 (路加福音11:5-13; 18:1-8)。 我们应向主祷文学习。 主祷文不是以自我为中心的。 主祷文只有“我们”而没有独自“我” 这个字。 主祷文始于“我们在天上的父”。 旧约从未将上帝称为“父亲”。 通过基督的死与复活,我们可以成为上帝的儿女 (罗马书8:16)。 称呼祂为我们的父亲意味着祂爱我们,想帮助和祝福我们 ( 罗马书8:32)。 使用“在天上” 这个词语至少意味着充满能力, 智慧和荣耀。 毕竟祂是天地的创造者。 了解祈祷是向天父的重要性。 这是我们信仰和我们祈祷的基础。 This is the sequel of another sermon entitled, “The Right Way to Pray.”
The Lord’s prayer has six requests, the first three focusing on God and the last three on us (Matthew 6:9-13). These should be earnest requests from our heart. The first and foremost request is that God’s name be honored and glorified. The primary focus is not on His kingdom or will, clearly not on our health, wealth, or happiness. The second request is for God’s kingdom coming to earth. Evil is strong on earth. The ultimate solution is Christ coming back, establishing His kingdom, and bringing peace to earth. The third request is that His will be done on earth as in heaven. In heaven, angels wait on God. Whatever God wants, they will do immediately, joyfully, and completely. This request is that we, our families, and all countries do the same. The fourth request asks for bread, our basic daily needs. It asks for bread, not steak; basic, not luxurious. Also, when I need food (or a job, or essential things), others need them too. In this request, we ask God to give such to others, not just ourselves. The fifth request asks for forgiveness of sins. Note that this request is after we ask for bread because we need food to live. Again, this is for others, not just for ourselves. Likewise, Christ emphasized the importance of forgiving others for the Father to forgive us, by immediately re-stating this point after the Lord’s prayer (Matthew 6:14-15). The last request asks God to protect us from being tempted and from evil. God would help us endure all temptations (1 Corinthians 10:13), but we should not purposefully put ourselves in the way of temptation. Then some versions of the Lord’s prayer acknowledge God owning all kingdom, power, and glory; and end with Amen. We do not take power and glory for ourselves because all power and glory belong to God. Amen means we believe God will listen to our prayer. In summary, the Lord’s prayer centers on God—His name, kingdom, and will. It also prays for all (not just ourselves) regarding our basic needs, forgiveness of sins, and protection from being tempted and from evil. Summary of a sermon by Zac Poonen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIosPBrnNX0 以上帝为中心的祷告 这是“正确的祈祷方式” 这篇讲道的续集。 主祷文有六个祈求,前三个集中于上帝,后三个集中于祷告的人自己 (马太福音6:9-13)。这些祈求应该来自内心深处。 首要的祈求是上帝的名得到荣耀,而不是为祂的国度或旨意,显然也不是为个人的健康、财富或幸福来祷告。 第二个祈求是上帝的国降临人间。邪恶在地上是强大的,最终的解决方法是基督再来,在地上建立祂的国度,为世界带来和平。 第三个祈求是上帝的旨意行在地上如同行在天上。天使在天上服侍着上帝,无论上帝要求什么都立即快乐彻底地去执行。这个祈求是愿地上每个人、每个家庭、每个国家都如此行。 第四个祈求是向上帝求面包, 为着生活上的基本需要来祷告。这里求的是基本的面包,不是奢侈的牛排。如果我需要食物 (或工作或其它基本的用品), 其他人也需要。我们在此请求上帝把这些东西也赐给其他人,而不仅仅是自己。 第五个祈求是恳求赦免罪恶。注意此祈求位于求面包之后,因为人首先需要食物生存。同样这也是为其他人而求,而不仅仅是为自己。此外,基督强调要先赦免他人,天父才赦免我们这一真理的重要性。祂在主祷文后立即重复了这一点 (马太福音6:14-15)。 最后的祈求是请求上帝保护不受试探和免受邪恶的侵害。上帝会帮助信徒忍受所有的试探(哥林多前书10:13),但也不应该将自己放在容易受诱惑之处。 一些主祷文版本附加承认上帝拥有一切的国度、权柄和荣耀,并且以阿们结束。不要为自己祈求荣耀和权柄,因为所有的荣耀和权柄都属于上帝。阿们的意思是相信上帝会垂听自己的祷告。 总而言之,主祷文以上帝为中心--着重上帝的名、上帝的国和上帝的旨意。它也为所有的人(不仅仅是我们自己)祈求, 为基本需求、罪的赦免以及免受试探和邪恶侵害而祈求。 When we do well, typically we credit our ability and personality, when in fact, our success is more likely due to outside factors. We think we are capable and self-sufficient. We believe we are captains of our ships, masters of our fate—until catastrophe strikes.
We tend to neglect prayer until we are desperate. But when we don’t get the answers we want, we think prayers don’t work. Prayer is conversation with God, not trying to exercise a force. Prayer should focus on “May His will be done.” It should ask God to let us know His will for us and give us the power to obey. When Jesus prayed, He looked up towards heaven (John 11:41; 17:1). He might have been sensing His Father’s power. But when we pray, typically we face down. Are we focusing on our problems and our inadequacy? Instead of focusing on our weakness, when we pray, look up to God’s power, His greatness and abundance. Look up to the throne of grace for us all. Because of Christ, we can look up to the Almighty with confidence so that we may receive mercy and grace to help us anytime (Hebrew 4:16). We might have many problems facing us, but we can ask God with confidence for what we need—for what we need today. With God’s help, we can solve each problem if we face it—one step at a time, one moment at a time. Again, in prayer, ask God to reveal His will to you, and ask God to give you the power to carry it out. Be still and quietly listen. Allow thoughts to come into your mind; they may be from God. Take prayer breaks in the beginning of the day, throughout the day, and at the end of the day. Keep approaching the throne of grace (Psalm 119:55). We are not that capable, and life is unpredictable. But our redeemer lives (Job 19:25). He is just a prayer away. Summarized from a John Ortberg’s sermon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBLG7oQmKBM https://menlo.church/series/the-way#/modal/message/5559/mlo 祷告 通常如果一件事做得好,人们往往会把原因归功于自己的能力和个性,而实际上成功更多取决于一些外在的因素。 我们会认为自己很有能力, 可以自给自足,相信自己是帆船的船长,命运的主人,直至到灾难突然来临。 除非在艰难的情况时,我们往往忽略祷告。但当没有得到想要的答案时,就会觉得祈祷没有用。 祷告是与上帝交谈, 不是使用某种力量使事情如己所愿。 祷告应该集中在“願你的旨意行在地上, 如同行在天上。” 当求上帝显明祂对我们的旨意,并赐给我们顺服的能力。 耶稣祈祷时举目望天 ,可能感受到天父的能力(约翰福音11:41, 17:1)。但我们祈祷时通常会低头以面朝下,是否在关注自己的问题和不足? 祈祷时不要专注于自己的软弱, 当仰望上帝的能力、伟大和丰富。仰望上帝施恩给众人的宝座。因为基督,我们可以满怀信心地仰望上帝, 得憐恤,蒙恩惠,作隨時的幫助 (希伯来书4:16)。 我们可能面临许多问题,但是可以充满信心地向上帝祈求今天的需要。在上帝的帮助下,逐步来面对每一个问题, 一步一步地解决。 求神在祷告中显明祂的旨意, 赐下顺服执行祂旨意的能力。安静下来,静静地聆听。允许安静中的思想进入脑海,它们可能从上帝而来。 每天开始之时,贯穿整天之中,每天结束之时,都当不住地祷告,就近祂的恩典宝座(诗篇119:55)。 我们的能力有限,而生命无法预测。但记住我们的救赎主活着(约伯记19:25),只要祷告就可以就近祂。 Christ tells us not to pray by keeping on babbling (Matthew 6:7). Let’s learn from the Lord’s Prayer on how to pray (Matthew 6:9-14).
The Lord’s Prayer starts with wishing God’s name be honored (Matthew 6:9). This is important. For example, God brought the dispersed Israelites back into Israel to demonstrate the holiness of His great name (Ezekiel 36:16-25). Then the Prayer wishes God’s kingdom to come on earth; and His will be done on earth as in heaven—perfectly, immediately, and joyfully (Matthew 6:10). The next verses ask God for our daily needs and for forgiving us as we forgive others. (Matthew 6:11-12). This forgiveness is not on salvation because Christ was talking to the disciples. But it suggests not holding onto grudges, which is important if we want to walk with others. The final verse asks God not to lead us into temptation but get us out from evil (Matthew 6:13). It asks God to keep us from straying into bad situations because God doesn’t tempt us. All the above are requests for God for very specific things. Other prayers in the Bible include asking for rain (James 5:17-18), for wisdom (James 1:5), sending workers to do God’s work (Matthew 9:37-38), removing some annoyance (Matthew 15:23), taking away certain pain, or for someone else (Hebrews 7:25). We thank (Philippians 4:6), adore, and praise God. But those aren’t prayers. Prayer is asking God for something specific, something not self-centered but for glorifying God (John 14:13). God is glorified by anything that reveals what God is like. How about prayer? How God responds to our prayer shows His love, wisdom, and glory. Through our prayer, we know Him better (Jeremiah 9:24, Philippians 3:8). This leads to us worshipping Him. For example, Abraham’s servant asked God to help him find a wife for Isaac. When God answered his prayer, the servant bowed down and worshiped God (Genesis 24:26). To conclude, pray to ask God for something specific, something for glorifying Him. Through this process, we will know Him better and worship Him, so that He may be glorified. Summarized from a Stanley Toussaint’s sermon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjZOQOsk8O4&t=1254s 我们当如何祈祷? 为什么? 基督告诉门徒不要用許多重複話来祈祷, 以為話多了必蒙垂聽 (马太福音6:7)。让我们从主祷文中学习如何祷告 (马太福音6:9-14)。 主祷文始于祈求上帝的名被尊为圣 (马太福音6:9)。这是何等重要的一件事。当年上帝将分散的以色列人带回以色列,以显示祂伟名的圣洁(以西结书36:16-25)。 主祷文接着盼望上帝的国度降临人间; 祂的旨意在地上如同在天上一样地成就--完全、立刻和快乐地通行无阻(马太福音6:10)。 接下来的经文才祈求上帝满足日用所需,并且宽恕我们如同我们宽恕别人(马太福音6:11-12)。这种宽恕不是赦免而使之得救的那一类,因为当时基督正在与祂的门徒交谈。这里的意思是不要一直心怀怨恨,这对于与其他人继续相处非常重要。 最后一节经文祈求上帝不要使我们遇见试探,救我们脱离凶恶 (马太福音6:13)。它祷告上帝保护我们不要陷入不好的境遇,因为上帝不会诱惑我们。 以上所有的祈祷都是对上帝非常具体的请求。圣经中的其它祈祷包括祈求降雨(雅各书5:17-18)、智慧(雅各书1:5)、派遣工人做上帝的工(马太福音9:37-38)、消除烦恼(马太福音15:23)、带走痛苦(哥林多后书12:8),或为其他人代求(希伯来书7:25)。 信徒感谢(腓4:6)、崇拜并赞美上帝。但这些都不是祈祷。祈祷是向上帝具体的祈求,不是以自我为中心,而是为了荣耀上帝 (约翰福音14:13)。 任何启示上帝的事物都会使上帝得到荣耀。祈祷怎样启示上帝呢? 天父如何回应祷告就显明祂的慈爱,智慧和荣耀。通过祷告我们更认识祂 (耶利米书9:24,腓立比书3:8)。这些都引领人去敬拜上帝。亚伯拉罕的仆人祈求上帝帮助他为以 撒寻找妻子。当神回应他的祷告时,仆人便跪下敬拜上帝 (创世纪24:26)。 总而言之,当具体地向上帝祈祷,祈求那些荣耀祂的事物。在祷告等候的过程,我们将更多地认识祂和敬拜祂,使祂得到荣耀。 Paul was fully aware of the pain and suffering early Christians were going through, such as being tortured, and losing their home, livelihood, and life. Some were eaten by lions in the Roman Coliseum, as entertainment for the Romans. Some were nailed to death on crosses. But Paul never asked God to alleviate their difficulties and sufferings. Let’s observe how Paul prayed for them in Ephesians 1:15-23. In that passage, the people Paul prayed for had two attributes (Ephesians 1:15). First, their faith was in nothing but Christ. Second, they loved all God’s people, not just those similar to them or those they were attracted to. Though faith in Christ is primary, practice is necessary. If we never forgive others or if we keep cheating them, is our faith genuine? Faith in Christ should lead to a life that is more and more like Christ. Paul prayed that they would know three things (Ephesians 1:18-23). First was to know the hope coming from Christ’s calling to be the children of God. They were nobody when God called them (1 Corinthians 1:26-31). It was by pure grace that they could become God’s children, which should have given them immense hope. Second was to know the wonderful blessings God had promised them—the rich and glorious blessings they inherited as children of the Almighty God. Third was to know God’s great power for them. It was the power that raised Christ from the dead and put Him far above all things and above all authorities, at all times. Just imagine the magnitude of God’s power for His children! To gain such insights, Paul asked God to give them the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so they might know Him better (Ephesians 1:17). Meditate on these verses. To conclude, when we pray for suffering Christians, we should ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten them, to help them see the wonderful hope they have as God’s children, the immense blessings He promised to give to them, and His great power working for them. Summarized from a Tim Keller sermon: http://www.gospelinlife.com/free-sermon-resource 为遭受苦难的基督徒祷告 保罗充分明白早期基督徒经历的艱辛和苦难,他们受尽折磨, 失去家园,断了生计, 舍了生命。有些作为罗马人的娱乐,在罗马竞技馆中被狮子吞噬,有些被钉死在十字架上。 但保罗从来没有祈求上帝减轻他们的艰难和痛苦。从以弗所书 1:15-23可以学习保罗如何为信徒祈祷。 在这段经文中,保罗为之祈祷的那些人具有两个特性 (以弗所书1:15)。首先,他们的信心只在基督里,而非任何其它的人或事物上。 其次,他们爱所有上帝的子民,不仅是与自己相似的人或吸引自己的人。尽管对基督的信心是首要,但实践仍是必要的。如果从不宽恕他人或不断地欺骗别人,这人真的对基督有信心吗?基督里的信心应该使人活出一种越来越像基督的生命。 保罗祈求信徒们知道三件事(以弗所书1:18-23)。 首先,知道他们因基督呼召成为上帝儿女所得的指望。当上帝呼召时,他们既一无所是,亦一无所有(哥林多前书1:26-31)。得以成为上帝的儿女纯属恩典。这样的洞察应带给信徒极大的盼望。 其次,知道上帝应许给他们美好的福气--就是成为全能上帝的儿女所带来的那丰富而荣耀的福份。 第三, 知道上帝在他们身上所显的能力。这大能大力使基督从死里复活,并在任何时候都托住基督,使祂远高于万物,超越一切权柄。思想上帝为了祂儿女的益处而显明的浩大能力! 为了使信徒获得这样的洞察,保罗祈求上帝赐下智慧和启示的灵, 使他们真知道祂,更深刻地认识祂 (以弗所书1:17)。 安静地默想这些经文。 总而言之, 为受苦的基督徒祈祷时,当求圣灵光照他们,帮助他们看到作为上帝儿女的美好盼望,看到上帝所应许的美好福份,以及看到上帝的大能大力在为他们运行作工。 |
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