Our God is truly mighty. Unlike impotent idols, He knows we are weak and needy, and He hears and answers our prayer requests (Psalms 65:2, 1 Corinthians 8:4). For example, God granted Jacob safety from Esau (Genesis 32:7-12) and Moses safety from Egypt; He gave Samson water and later strength after he was blinded (Judges 16:25-30); He empowered Joshua to stop the sun (Joshua 10:12-14); and He enabled Elijah to stop the rain (1 King 17-18).
Because of His infinite grace and mercy, we—the worthless—can boldly and confidently go to Him for everything we need. God likes to hear from us, particularly if we are righteous (Hebrew 4:16, Song of Solomon 2:14, James 5:16). Prayer acknowledges our dependance on His power and prepares us to give Him glory. God commands us to pray. He requires prayers to bestow mercy. Though He knows our needs, He wants to appear to be swayed by our prayers, acting in response to them (Proverbs 2:1-5, James 1:5, Acts 8:22). We are instructed to ask the Father through Christ, our mediator at His right hand. Christ’s obedience to Him has atoned for our sins and earned us His ears (Revelation 8:3-4, Luke 1:10). But God doesn’t answer requests with wrong motives, such as those born from pride or selfishness. These requests, if granted, can become our idols, later used to oppose Him. Insincere requests also are ineffective, such as asking God to purge our sins while indulging in them, or or asking humbly while being arrogant inside (James 4:3). And He won’t listen to requests not good for us. He knows what is best and will give much more than our requests (Isaiah 65:24, Habakkuk 2:3, James 1:5-6, Psalm 86:5, Romans 10:12, 1 King 3:10-13, Ephesians 3:20). Ask and it will be given to you. Don’t be anxious about anything. Give God no rest till He answers your requests, like Jacob not letting God go till getting His blessing, or the blind man shouting for Christ till Christ responded (Matthew 7:7; Luke 18:1-8, 35-43; Luke 11:5-8; Philippians 4:6-7). So, alertly, persistently, and earnestly pray at all times, without ceasing. Don’t give up. God answers prayers. Summary of a Jonathan Edwards’ sermon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzoKCj6r4Ig 聆听并应允祷告的神 上帝是全能的主,与一切无能的偶像不同。 祂知道我们的软弱和需要,聆听并应允我们的祈求 (诗篇 65:2, 哥林多前书 8:4)。祂聆听雅各的祷告, 保护他免受以扫的伤害(创世记 32:7-12);祂聆听摩西的祷告, 保护他对抗埃及;祂聆听参孙的祷告, 赐给他泉水和失明后的力量(士师记 16:25-30);祂聆听约书亚的祷告, 停止太阳的转动(约书亚记 10:12-14);祂聆听以利亚的祷告, 使天停止下雨(列王纪上17-18)。 因为上帝无限的恩典和怜悯,我们这些毫无价值的人也可以坦然无惧,大有信心地为一切所需来祈求。上帝喜欢听到信徒祈求的声音,特别当我们行事公义的时候(希伯来书 4:16, 雅歌 2:14, 雅各书 5:16)。 祷告承认信徒依赖上帝的能力,预备将荣耀归给祂。 上帝命令我们祷告。祂要求信徒祈祷,好使自己赐下怜悯。虽然上帝知道人的需要,但祂希望看起来似乎被祈祷所影响,因祈祷而行动 (箴言 2:1-5, 雅各书 1:5, 使徒行传 8:22)。 此外,当籍着基督祈求天父。 基督在上帝的右边作中保。祂顺从天父为世人舍命赎罪,使天父的耳能垂听我们的祈祷 (启示录 8:3-4, 路加福音 1:10)。 但上帝不会应允怀着错误动机的祈求,例如那些出于骄傲和自私的祷告。如果祂满足这样的请求,这些蒙应允的事可以成为偶像,以后被用来敌对祂。 上帝也不听虚伪的祈求,例如在沉迷于罪中的同时祈求上帝清除自己的罪,或者虽然外面的祷告谦卑,内心是狂妄自大 (雅各书 4:3). 如果所求的对人不利,祂也不会应允。上帝知道什么是最好的,祂赐下的超过我们所求所想 (以赛亚书 65:24, 哈巴谷书 2:3, 雅各书 1:5-6, 诗篇 86:5, 罗马书 10:12, 列王纪上 3:10-13, 以弗所书 3:20)。 祈求就给你们。应当一无挂虑,不住地祷告,不让神休息,直到祂回达祈求,就像雅各不让神离开,直至得到祂的祝福;又好像那瞎子不断呼叫基督,直到祂回应自己 (马太福音 7:7; 路加福音 18:1-8,35-43; 路加福音 11:5-8, 腓立比书 4:6-7)。 总而言之,当时常警醒, 坚持不懈, 并认真恳切地不住祷告。 不要放弃,上帝是聆听并应允祷告的主。 Comments are closed.
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