Paul was fully aware of the pain and suffering early Christians were going through, such as being tortured, and losing their home, livelihood, and life. Some were eaten by lions in the Roman Coliseum, as entertainment for the Romans. Some were nailed to death on crosses. But Paul never asked God to alleviate their difficulties and sufferings. Let’s observe how Paul prayed for them in Ephesians 1:15-23. In that passage, the people Paul prayed for had two attributes (Ephesians 1:15). First, their faith was in nothing but Christ. Second, they loved all God’s people, not just those similar to them or those they were attracted to. Though faith in Christ is primary, practice is necessary. If we never forgive others or if we keep cheating them, is our faith genuine? Faith in Christ should lead to a life that is more and more like Christ. Paul prayed that they would know three things (Ephesians 1:18-23). First was to know the hope coming from Christ’s calling to be the children of God. They were nobody when God called them (1 Corinthians 1:26-31). It was by pure grace that they could become God’s children, which should have given them immense hope. Second was to know the wonderful blessings God had promised them—the rich and glorious blessings they inherited as children of the Almighty God. Third was to know God’s great power for them. It was the power that raised Christ from the dead and put Him far above all things and above all authorities, at all times. Just imagine the magnitude of God’s power for His children! To gain such insights, Paul asked God to give them the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so they might know Him better (Ephesians 1:17). Meditate on these verses. To conclude, when we pray for suffering Christians, we should ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten them, to help them see the wonderful hope they have as God’s children, the immense blessings He promised to give to them, and His great power working for them. Summarized from a Tim Keller sermon: 为遭受苦难的基督徒祷告 保罗充分明白早期基督徒经历的艱辛和苦难,他们受尽折磨, 失去家园,断了生计, 舍了生命。有些作为罗马人的娱乐,在罗马竞技馆中被狮子吞噬,有些被钉死在十字架上。 但保罗从来没有祈求上帝减轻他们的艰难和痛苦。从以弗所书 1:15-23可以学习保罗如何为信徒祈祷。 在这段经文中,保罗为之祈祷的那些人具有两个特性 (以弗所书1:15)。首先,他们的信心只在基督里,而非任何其它的人或事物上。 其次,他们爱所有上帝的子民,不仅是与自己相似的人或吸引自己的人。尽管对基督的信心是首要,但实践仍是必要的。如果从不宽恕他人或不断地欺骗别人,这人真的对基督有信心吗?基督里的信心应该使人活出一种越来越像基督的生命。 保罗祈求信徒们知道三件事(以弗所书1:18-23)。 首先,知道他们因基督呼召成为上帝儿女所得的指望。当上帝呼召时,他们既一无所是,亦一无所有(哥林多前书1:26-31)。得以成为上帝的儿女纯属恩典。这样的洞察应带给信徒极大的盼望。 其次,知道上帝应许给他们美好的福气--就是成为全能上帝的儿女所带来的那丰富而荣耀的福份。 第三, 知道上帝在他们身上所显的能力。这大能大力使基督从死里复活,并在任何时候都托住基督,使祂远高于万物,超越一切权柄。思想上帝为了祂儿女的益处而显明的浩大能力! 为了使信徒获得这样的洞察,保罗祈求上帝赐下智慧和启示的灵, 使他们真知道祂,更深刻地认识祂 (以弗所书1:17)。 安静地默想这些经文。 总而言之, 为受苦的基督徒祈祷时,当求圣灵光照他们,帮助他们看到作为上帝儿女的美好盼望,看到上帝所应许的美好福份,以及看到上帝的大能大力在为他们运行作工。
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