Pray continually, keeping a running conversation with God. Tell Him whatever He puts in your mind and do not give up. God likes it (Ephesians 6:18, 1 Thessalonians 5:17, James 1:6).
Follow the pattern of the Lord’s Prayer as you pray throughout the day (Psalm 119:164, Matthew 6:9-13). First thing in the morning, think about our loving and powerful heavenly Father and pray with gratitude (Matthew 6:9, 1 Corinthians 4:7). At breakfast, honor and adore God’s name in prayer (Matthew 6:9, Psalm 145:2). God’s names reflect His character: Abba means loving; El Dia, all-knowing; Jehovah Rapha, healing; El Shaddai, almighty; Jehovah-jireh, provider; Jehovah-shalom, peace; and Jehovah Tsidkenu, provider of our righteousness. Our prayers depend on our knowledge of God. Knowing God more brings us less worry, more confidence, and a better understanding of ourselves (Psalm 9:10). So reflect on God’s attributes. Later in the morning, pray for what matters most: God’s purpose and plan for your life (Matthew 6:10). Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, His plans and purposes. God will provide everything else (Matthew 6:33). At lunch, pray for everything you need for that day (Matthew 6:11), not tomorrow. Experience God daily and trust in His provision. Just ask. Nothing is off-limits. We have not because we ask not. Let God decide whether to give (John 14:13). Also, pray for what others need (1 Samuel 12:23). Trust God and don’t be anxious (2 Peter 1:3, Philippians 4:6-7). By mid-afternoon, it’s likely we have done something wrong. Pray for forgiveness and hold no guilt (Psalm 32:5). Forgive others and give up your resentment (Matthew 6:12). By dinner, especially if we get tired, we make mistakes. Ask God to help you make wise decisions (Matthew 6:13). We cannot prevent bad thoughts, but we shouldn’t entertain them. Avoid watching bad stuff (Psalm 101:3). We can endure and overcome all temptations because God always provides a way out (1 Corinthians 10:13). By late evening, prayerfully acknowledge that God has all the kingdom, power, and glory (Matthew 6:13). He is in control. He and His family will win in the end. Anyway, pray continually. It even will add hours to our day (Proverbs 10:27). Summary of a sermon by Rick Warren: 如何在一天中不住地祷告 不住地祷告,与上帝保持不间断的对话,将祂放在自己心中的一切告诉祂,并且不放弃。 上帝喜欢这样的行为(以弗所书 6:18, 帖撒罗尼迦前书 5:17, 雅各书 1:6)。 按照主祷文的模式全天来祷告(马太福音 6:9-13; 诗篇 119:164)。 早晨的第一件事是思念全能而慈爱的天父, 怀着感恩的心向祂祈祷(马太福音 6:9, 哥林多前书 4:7)。 然后,早餐时在祈祷中尊荣和喜爱上帝的名(马太福音 6:9;诗篇 145:2)。上帝的名反映出祂不同的品格,例如:阿爸的意思是慈爱; 埃尔迪亚, 全知;耶和华拉法, 医治; 伊勒沙代, 全能;耶和华以勒, 供应者;耶和华沙龙, 平安;耶和华齐克努(Tsidkenu), 我们公义的提供者。 我们的祷告基于对上帝的认识。更多地认识上帝会减少忧虑,增加信心,并加深对自己的了解(诗篇 9:10)。所以,要反省上帝的属性。 在上午稍后,为最重要的事情祷告: 上帝的旨意和祂对我们生命的计划(马太福音 6:10)。 先求祂的国和祂的义, 祂的计划和祂的旨意。上帝会提供其它一切(马太福音 6:33)。 午餐时为今天(而不是明天)所需的一切祷告(马太福音 6:11)。每一天都经历祂,依赖祂的供应。向祂祈求吧,没有什么是不能求的。我们得不到,因为我们没有求。让上帝决定是否给予(约翰福音 14:13)。此外,当为他人的需要祷告(撒母耳记上 12:23)。信赖祂,不要忧虑(彼得后书 1:3;腓立比书 4:6-7)。 到下午中旬之时我们很可能已经做错了事。 祈求上帝赦免,不再有内疚(诗篇 32:5)。也要赦免他人,不再心怀怨恨(马太福音 6:12)。 到晚餐特别是当我们疲倦时,我们就会犯错。此时祈求上帝帮助做出明智的决定(马太福音 6:13)。我们无法阻止坏的思想进入脑海, 但不要让那些东西留在那里享受。避免看邪僻的东西(诗篇 101:3)。我们可以忍受并胜过所有的试探,因为上帝总会提供一条出路(林前 10:13)。 在一天结束时,在祷告中承认上帝拥有一切的国度、权能和荣耀(马太福音 6:13)。祂掌控一切,祂和祂的家最终会获胜。 总而言之,要不住地祷告。这甚至会使我们每天的时间加多(箴言 10:27)。 Comments are closed.
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