In a trial, the children of God should pray to their heavenly Father with child-like confidence, so that they can bear whatever He decides to lay upon them. But then how should we pray?
Faith is essential in prayer. If you pray, “Not what I want but may your will be done,” you don’t have the resolve to persist. Prayers are ineffective without faith. (James 1:6-8). The Holy Spirit helps and strengthens God’s children. He shows them their conditions and brings to them God’s instructions. He is their counselor, calming and teaching them what to seek with faith. He is their advocate, teaching them how to plead their cases and pleading for them. Ask the Holy Spirit to strengthen your faith (Romans 8:26). Let your ears always be open to His voice, so you can follow His suggestions, and confidently pray, “Lord, do what you have said.” Then you can believe without wavering that He who promises is also able to perform (Romans 4:21). The Holy Spirit can even put fire in God’s children, pushing them not to rest till their yearning hearts are fulfilled. But there are times when God’s children are weak and crushed. They cannot even articulate their prayers. When words can’t express their inner grief, they can moan to God. Such groaning, moved by the Holy Spirit, comes deep from their hearts (Psalms 38:8-9, 119:131). Their heavenly Father reads their hearts and knows their needs (Matthew 6:8). The Holy Spirit intercedes for God’s children according to the will of the Father (Romans 8:26-27). The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one. Prayers that are interceded by the Holy Spirit won’t contradict God’s commandments. They are consistent with the divine and eternal will of God. Surely the Father will accept such intercession. Therefore, ask the Holy Spirit for help. Pray in faith. Praise God before your prayer is answered. When God’s children don’t know how to articulate, prayers can simply be groans. These prayers are prompted by the Holy Spirit, who intercedes for God’s children before the Father. Such prayers will succeed. Summary of a sermon by Charles Spurgeon: 圣灵的代祷 上帝儿女经受考验时,应该像孩子一样满有信心地向天父祈祷,如此就可以承受祂决定发生的任何事。但我们当怎么祷告呢? 祷告一定要有信心。如果你祷告“不是我想要的,但愿您的旨意成就,” 就没有坚持的决心。没有信心的祷告是无效的(雅各书 1:6-8)。 圣灵帮助并坚固上帝的儿女。祂将上帝的指示带给他们, 展现他们的光景。祂作保惠师,使他们心里平安,教导他们凭信心去寻求。祂作辩护人,教导他们如何为自己申辩,并为他们辩护。 祈求圣灵坚固你们的信心(罗马书 8:26)。让你们的耳朵永远聆听祂的声音,如此就可以按照圣灵的意思自信地祈祷,“主啊,成就你所说的.” 这样,你们就可以毫不动摇地相信那应许的也能按祂的应许而行(罗马书4:21)。 圣灵甚至可以在上帝儿女的心中点燃火焰,激励他们不息地追求,直到渴望之心得到满足。 但上帝的儿女也有软弱和被压垮的时候。那时,他们甚至无法表达自己的祈祷。当言语无法表达内心的悲伤时,我们可在上帝面前叹息。这种由圣灵引发的叹息发自我们的内心深处(诗篇 38:8-9, 119:131)。天父了解我们的内心,知道我们的需要(马太福音 6:8)。 圣灵按照天父的旨意为上帝的儿女代求(罗马书 8:26-27)。圣父、圣子和圣灵是合一的。 圣灵的代祷不会违背上帝的诫命,与祂永恒神圣的旨意一致。 天父当然会接受这样的代祷。 所以,请求圣灵帮忙,凭信心祷告。在你的祷告未得到应许之前赞美上帝。 当上帝儿女不知道如何表达时,祈祷可以只是叹息。这些祈祷是圣灵所催促的,祂在天父面前为天父儿女代求. 这样的祈祷必蒙垂听。
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