In John 15:7, Christ promised: “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”
Prayer should be our habit and our natural outpouring. We can’t live without asking for His favor, and we can ask whatever we wish. Elijah prayed for the rain to stop, and it stopped. We should aspire to be such people of God. To receive such blessing, remain in Him. This is through clinging and depending on Him. The branches must remain in the vine to bear fruit (John 15:4) for the glory of the Father (John 15:8). Anyone not remaining in Him—even those who have been Christians for decades—is like scrap wood left for burning (John 15:6). Everything is because of the vine. So, continuously rest in Christ. Solely rely on Him. But note that God prunes every branch that bears fruit (John 15:2). When we are pruned, cling to Christ even more. In addition to remaining in Him, His words must remain in you. So, we should read His words and memorize them. Then we will receive more from Him and treasure more of Him. He will grant us anything we ask. God, who is full of grace, will grant us His wealth. Christ gave us such promises because everything is in Christ. He prepared everything we need a long time ago. Also, if we ask God what He promises in His words, we are asking the almighty God to do what He said He would. So know and believe in His promises. Be filled with God’s words and pray accordingly. Beware that we are ignorant. Ask our all-wise Father to teach us what to ask. Ask God not to give us what we wish, but to give us according to His will. And we submit to His will. If so, you will have the desires of the Holy Spirit dwelling in you. You will ask what the Spirit moves you to ask. You will be in God’s love (John 15:9), and He will listen to your prayer. Remain in Christ, with His words remain in you. Then ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. Summarized from a sermon by Charles Spurgeon: 祷告的秘密力量! 基督在约翰福音 15 章 7 节应许:“你们若常在我里面,我的话也常在你们里面,凡你们所愿意的,祈求就给你们成就。” 祷告应该是一种习惯和自然的倾诉。我们的生活离不开不住地祈求上帝的恩惠,凡事都可以带到祂面前求。以利亚祈求雨停,雨就停了。我们应该渴望成为上帝这样的子民。 如果想要得到这样的福份,就必须住在祂里面,紧靠祂,依靠祂。枝子必须在葡萄树上才能结果子荣耀父(约翰福音 15:4,8)。 任何不在祂里面的人——即使那些已经成为基督徒数十年的人——就像废柴一样,迟早要被烧掉(约翰福音 15:6)。枝子的一切都是因为葡萄树。所以,当不断地在基督里安息, 单单依靠祂。 但请注意,上帝会修剪每一枝结果子的枝子(约翰福音 15:2)。当我们被修剪时,要更加紧靠基督。 除了在祂里面,祂的话也必须在你里面。所以,当阅读并记住祂的话。 如此,我们会从祂那里得到更多,更加珍惜祂。祂会赐给我们祈求的任何东西。充满恩典的上帝将赐下祂的祝福。 基督可以这样应许,因为一切都在基督里。祂早就准备好我们需要的一切。 另外,如果祈求上帝话语中的应许,就是在祷告全能的上帝按照祂所说的去做。 所以,要知道并相信祂的应许。让神的话充满我们,以祂的话为祷告的根基。 当留意我们是无知的。祈求全智的天父教我们该求什么。求上帝不要给我们想要的,而是按照祂的旨意回答我们的祷告,我们也当顺服祂的旨意。 如此,你会感受到住在里面的圣灵的渴望, 你会求圣灵感动你祈求的事情。 你会住在上帝的爱中,祂会聆听你的祷告(约翰福音 15:9)。 住在基督里,祂的话住在你里面。这样,只要你愿意,祂就为你成就。 Comments are closed.
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