When we do well, typically we credit our ability and personality, when in fact, our success is more likely due to outside factors. We think we are capable and self-sufficient. We believe we are captains of our ships, masters of our fate—until catastrophe strikes.
We tend to neglect prayer until we are desperate. But when we don’t get the answers we want, we think prayers don’t work. Prayer is conversation with God, not trying to exercise a force. Prayer should focus on “May His will be done.” It should ask God to let us know His will for us and give us the power to obey. When Jesus prayed, He looked up towards heaven (John 11:41; 17:1). He might have been sensing His Father’s power. But when we pray, typically we face down. Are we focusing on our problems and our inadequacy? Instead of focusing on our weakness, when we pray, look up to God’s power, His greatness and abundance. Look up to the throne of grace for us all. Because of Christ, we can look up to the Almighty with confidence so that we may receive mercy and grace to help us anytime (Hebrew 4:16). We might have many problems facing us, but we can ask God with confidence for what we need—for what we need today. With God’s help, we can solve each problem if we face it—one step at a time, one moment at a time. Again, in prayer, ask God to reveal His will to you, and ask God to give you the power to carry it out. Be still and quietly listen. Allow thoughts to come into your mind; they may be from God. Take prayer breaks in the beginning of the day, throughout the day, and at the end of the day. Keep approaching the throne of grace (Psalm 119:55). We are not that capable, and life is unpredictable. But our redeemer lives (Job 19:25). He is just a prayer away. Summarized from a John Ortberg’s sermon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBLG7oQmKBM https://menlo.church/series/the-way#/modal/message/5559/mlo 祷告 通常如果一件事做得好,人们往往会把原因归功于自己的能力和个性,而实际上成功更多取决于一些外在的因素。 我们会认为自己很有能力, 可以自给自足,相信自己是帆船的船长,命运的主人,直至到灾难突然来临。 除非在艰难的情况时,我们往往忽略祷告。但当没有得到想要的答案时,就会觉得祈祷没有用。 祷告是与上帝交谈, 不是使用某种力量使事情如己所愿。 祷告应该集中在“願你的旨意行在地上, 如同行在天上。” 当求上帝显明祂对我们的旨意,并赐给我们顺服的能力。 耶稣祈祷时举目望天 ,可能感受到天父的能力(约翰福音11:41, 17:1)。但我们祈祷时通常会低头以面朝下,是否在关注自己的问题和不足? 祈祷时不要专注于自己的软弱, 当仰望上帝的能力、伟大和丰富。仰望上帝施恩给众人的宝座。因为基督,我们可以满怀信心地仰望上帝, 得憐恤,蒙恩惠,作隨時的幫助 (希伯来书4:16)。 我们可能面临许多问题,但是可以充满信心地向上帝祈求今天的需要。在上帝的帮助下,逐步来面对每一个问题, 一步一步地解决。 求神在祷告中显明祂的旨意, 赐下顺服执行祂旨意的能力。安静下来,静静地聆听。允许安静中的思想进入脑海,它们可能从上帝而来。 每天开始之时,贯穿整天之中,每天结束之时,都当不住地祷告,就近祂的恩典宝座(诗篇119:55)。 我们的能力有限,而生命无法预测。但记住我们的救赎主活着(约伯记19:25),只要祷告就可以就近祂。
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