After Christ had completed the redeeming work, He was glorified and ascended. Then the Holy Spirit came to be in fellowship with us (John 7:38-39, 16:7).
Non-believers of Christ can worship many idols, but Christians may ignore the Holy Spirit and worship God less. Our goodness comes from the Holy Spirit. Being convicted of our sins and repenting are through the Holy Spirit. Yet many don’t hold the Holy Spirit in high esteem. Believing in Christ has quenched our thirst. But do rivers of living water flow from us (John 7:38)? Many believers don’t have abundant life. Let’s understand the work of the Holy Spirit. First, it is intimately intertwined with Christ’s work. For example, unless we are born of the Spirit, we can’t enter God’s kingdom. But whoever believes in Christ shall have eternal life (John 3:5, John 3:16). In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit did many extraordinary works through the prophets. But during that time, the Holy Spirit came and left, not living in them. After Christ’s departure, the Holy Spirit came to stay with us forever. The Holy Spirit takes what is from Christ to teach us (John 16:14). The Holy Spirit leads us to Christ, conforming us to His likeness and glorifying Him. The work of the Holy Spirit is of incomparable value. Christ on earth was just with a handful of disciples, but the Holy Spirit has dwelt within believers over the many centuries! The Holy Spirit generates rivers (not just a single river) of living water in believers, to flow from within them (John 7:38), like divine light enabling others to see. The flow is spontaneous and perpetual. Whatever they do prosper (Psalm 1:3). Wherever they are, there is blessing. The church is glorified, and they are glorified. We can easily obtain such work of the Holy Spirit. First, believe in Christ; by faith we will receive the Holy Spirit. Second, pray and ask, and our loving heavenly Father will give us the Holy Spirit (Matthew 7:7-11). Ask God to make us all the Spirit can make us to be. Rivers of living water will flow from us, blessing the people around us. Summary of a sermon by Charles Spurgeon: 圣灵的内住与流溢 基督完成救赎大工以后,得着荣耀, 升上高天。此后,圣灵就来与我们相交(约翰福音 7:38-39,约翰福音 16:7)。 诚然非基督徒会崇拜许多虚假的偶像,但基督徒可能因忽略圣灵而少了更多地敬拜上帝。 我们的良善来自圣灵。对自己罪的承认和悔改也是圣灵的工作。然而,许多人并没有把圣灵放在崇高的地位上。 虽然对基督的相信可以缓解口渴,但活水的江河从我们里面流出来了吗(约翰福音 7:38)?许多信徒并没有得到丰盛的生命。 让我们一起来了解圣灵的工作。 首先,它与基督的工作密切相关。 例如,除非从圣灵而生,否则不能进入神的国(约翰福音 3:5)。但凡相信基督的,必得到永生(约翰福音 3:16)。 在旧约中,圣灵藉着先知行了许多非凡的事。但在旧约的时代,圣灵来了又去,并没有住在先知里面。新约时代,当基督离开以后,圣灵却永远与我们同在。 圣灵将从基督那里所领受的教导我们。 祂引导我们归向基督,使我们效法基督的样式并荣耀基督(约翰福音 16:14)。 圣灵的工作具有无可比拟的价值。基督在世的时候,祂只有屈指可数的少量门徒;而祂离开以后,许多世纪以来圣灵住在无数的信徒里面,与他们同在! 圣灵在信徒里面产生众多活水的江河(不仅仅是一条河流而已),从信徒里面流出来(约翰福音 7:38), 好像神圣的光让别人能看见。这活水江河的流出是自发的,也是永恒的。信徒凡事亨通(诗篇 1:3)。他们在哪里,哪里就有福。教会得荣耀,他们也得荣耀。 我们很容易领受圣灵这样的工作。首先,当相信基督。凭着信心,我们将接受圣灵。其次, 祷告祈求,慈爱的天父就会赐下圣灵(马太福音 7:7-11)。祈求上帝使我们成为圣灵可以使自己成为的人。活水的江河将从我们里面流溢而出,祝福周围的人。
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