In the first century, the city of Corinth was like Silicon Valley. It was a wealthy city with a heavy focus on glory, status, and power.
Paul, a well-educated, well-traveled Roman citizen, visited Corinth. Typically, amid people who may be “better,” many would puff themselves up to hide their insecurities. Instead, Paul went to Corinth humbly. He did not depend on his ability, but Paul depended on the power of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:3-5). The power of the Spirit is the immense power of God, who brought the universe into reality (Hebrews 11:3). It is the power that enabled the disciples to accomplish phenomenal things (Acts 2:2-4). How wonderful it would be if we could follow God and live our lives with this power! We could be filled by the Holy Spirit through faith in Christ and through His messages richly dwelling in us (John 7:37-39, Colossians 3:16-17, Ephesians 5:18-19). With the Holy Spirit in us, Christ is also in us, and we can be empowered by the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19, Ephesians 3:16-17, Acts 1:8, and Zechariah 4:6). By ourselves, we are weak and incompetent. If we gain status or position, we can be easily tempted away from God. Status or position can erode what gets us there in the first place. For example, power can make us less sensitive to others’ needs, more impulsive, less empathetic, and less compassionate. Instead, we should remain humble and surrender our will to the Holy Spirit, so that the Holy Spirit may guide and lead us (Galatians 5:18). On all occasions, depend on the Holy Spirit in prayer (Ephesians 6:18) so that rivers of living water would flow from us (John 7:38). We will be empowered by the Spirit, develop the fruit of the Spirit, and experience the wonder of the presence of the Spirit. May we live and serve God and others by the Holy Spirit. Summarized from a John Ortberg’s sermon: 圣灵的能力 第一世纪的哥林多城市就像今天的硅谷。它是一个富裕的城市,围绕着荣耀,地位和权力旋转。 保罗这位受过良好教育,经验丰富的罗马公民拜访哥林多。通常在“上等”的那些人中,许多人会看似自视甚高以掩饰内心的不安全感。然而,保罗却谦卑地去导哥林多。他不是依靠自己的能力,乃是依靠圣灵的能力(哥林多前书2:3-5)。 创造宇宙的神,祂的巨大能力就是圣灵的能力。圣灵的能力使门徒能完成非凡的事 (希伯来书11:3;使徒行传2:2-4)。 如果拥有这种能力跟随上帝,活出自己的生命,那将是何等美妙! 籍着对基督的信仰,籍着将祂的道理丰富地藏在心里,我们可以让圣灵充满 (约翰福音7:37-39;歌罗西书3:16-17; 以弗所书5:18-19)。 有圣灵内住,基督也在我们里面, 就可以从圣灵获得能力(哥林多前书6:19;以弗所书3:16-17;使徒行传1:8;撒迦利亚4:6)。 我们自己是软弱无能的。假若拥有身份或财富,我们更容易受诱惑而远离上帝。 身份或财富能使我们失去原来为之奋斗的初衷。例如权力能使我们对他人的需要更麻木,为人更浮躁,更缺乏同理心和同情心。 因此要谦虚,让自己的意志降服于圣灵,让祂引导带领我们(加拉太书5:18)。 随时依靠圣灵祷告 (以弗所书6:18). 让活水的河从我们里面流出 (约翰福音7:38)。 圣灵加添力量给我们, 使我们结出圣灵的果子,经历圣灵同在的奇妙。 让我们依靠圣灵的能力活出每一天,服事上帝,服事其他人。
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