Acts describes the filling by the Holy Spirit several times. Let’s see some common characteristics.
Acts 2 describes the sudden arrival of the Holy Spirit, filling at least the Apostles. People from different countries heard in their own languages the Apostles declaring the wonders of God. Three thousand were converted to Christ on that day. Acts 4:8, 31 describe Christ’s disciples filled by the Spirit. The place shook and they spoke the word of God boldly. Acts 10:44-48 describes how Peter was astonished when those listening to him suddenly received the Spirit. They spoke in tongues and praised God, so Peter ordered they be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. In the above examples, being filled with the Holy Spirit is illustrated as an unpredictable event that astonishes people. Not even the Apostles could initiate it. Though there may not be specific feelings or emotions, something special will happen as God’s words are proclaimed, God is glorified, and people are changed. Furthermore, a person filled by the Holy Spirit could be mistaken for being drunk (Ephesians 5:18; Acts 2:4,15; Luke 1:15). Since the Holy Spirit is a being, we cannot be filled by a part of the Holy Spirit, but the degree of influence by the Holy Spirit varies. The Holy Spirit can guide us into the truth, tell us what’s to come, and testify about and glorify Christ (John 16:13-14, 15:26). A person filled by the Spirit can give thanks to God for everything and in all circumstances. This can be due to trusting in God’s sovereignty and accepting whatever happens to be His will (Ephesians 5:18-20, 1 Thessalonians 5:18). Other attributes can include bearing the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), submitting to others due to reverence for Christ (Ephesians 5:21), and constantly singing songs glorifying God (Ephesians 5:18-19). So how can we be filled? Christ said that the Holy Spirit would flow from a person who trusts in Him (John 7:37-39). In the manner that water needs to fill a cup before flowing from it, so trusting in Christ leads to the filling of the Spirit. Also, having Christ’s message richly dwell in us has similar effects as being filled by the Spirit. See the similarity between Colossians 3:16-17 and Ephesians 5:18-19, both books written around the same time by Paul. So, if we would like to be filled by the Spirit, we should trust in Christ and richly keep His message in us. Summarized a sermon by Stanley Toussaint: together with a sermon by 溫偉耀 圣灵充满 使徒行传多次描述圣灵充满。 让我们看看它们有那些共同的特征。 使徒行传第二章描述圣灵突然降临,至少充满了门徒。 然后,来自不同国家的人听到了门徒使用他们国家的语言宣称上帝的奇妙。 那天三千人歸信了基督。 使徒行传4:8 和31描述使徒被圣灵充满。 聚会的地方也震动起來,他们放膽地傳講神的道。 使徒行传10:44-48描述彼得惊奇地发现,那些听他说话的人突然接受了圣灵,并说方言,赞美上帝。 因此彼得指令奉耶稣基督的名为他们施洗。 在上面的例子中,被圣灵充满有几个共同的特点。圣灵充满的时间是不可预测的,周围的人都会感到惊讶。甚至门徒也无法启发圣灵充满。 尽管可能没有特殊的感觉或情感,但一些非凡的事情会发生。在那段时间内,上帝的话会被宣扬,上帝得到荣耀,并且人们会被改变。 另外, 当被圣灵充满时,可能会出现类似醉酒者的迹象。在被充满时,一个人会受到圣灵的影响或受其控制(以弗所书5:18; 使徒行传2:4,15; 路加福音1:15)。 既然圣灵是一个个体,我们就不能只被一部分的圣灵所充满。但是,圣灵对不同的人有不相同的影响程度。 圣灵可以引导我们明白真理,为基督作见证和荣耀基督, 以及告诉我们将要发生什么事情(约翰福音 16:13-14; 15:26)。 被充满的人可能在任何情况下都感谢神(以弗所书5:18-20和帖撒罗尼迦前书5:18)。这可能是因为他们相信神的主权,并接受任何发生在他们身上都是祂的旨意。其他属性包括佣有圣灵所结的果子(加拉太书5:22-23); 因敬畏基督而屈服于他人(以弗所书5:21); 及经常唱歌赞美神(以弗所书5:18-19)。 但怎么才可被圣灵充满呢? 基督说过圣灵会从信靠祂的人那里流出来(约翰福音7:37-39)。如要水从杯中流出,当然需要水先填满那杯。同样地,圣灵从一个人身上流出之前,需要先充满此人。所以,信靠基督会令至圣灵充满。 此外,让基督的信息充充足足地留在心中,似乎会与被圣灵充满有相似的效果。参考歌罗西书 3:16-17和以弗所书5:18-19之间的相似性,它们是保罗大约同时写的两本姊妹书。 因此,如果我们想被圣灵充满,要信靠基督及充实地保全祂的信息在我们心里。
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