A Tim Keller Sermon Summary Should I join this company, go for this operation, or ask this girl out? Life is full of decisions. How do we know our decision is right?
First, are outcomes in life predetermined by God, or are they determined by us, by our actions? The Bible teaches that God decides the outcome. Prov 16:33, 16:1, 16:9. After decades of suffering, Joseph was put in charge of Egypt. Then he said many plotted evil against him, but God turned them into good, to save many lives during the time of famine. Gen 50:20. Even the wicked is planned by God for a day of disaster! Prov 16:4. If outcomes are predetermined by God, why should we plan? The Bible also teaches us to plan and work diligently, and haste makes waste. Prov 16:3, 21:5. Accept that outcomes in life are determined by us and but are also predetermined by God. So, make our plans and act accordingly. But trust that God is in control. This is good. If we totally control our future, we could be paralyzed because we know we make bad decisions. Since planning is important, how to get God’s guidance? Typically, God does not tell us specifically or directly what to do. But God teaches us who we are and the person we should be, such as being upright and being fair. Prov 11:3, 12:5. Then our character would guide us. So, focus on learning from God and asking Him to build us up. Be bold and plan. Seek advice from others. Prov 12:15, 15:22. Then execute accordingly and commit what we do to Him. Prov 16:3. Note that the right decisions may not give us peace. Christ did not seem to have peace when He prayed to the Father before crucifixion. Also, outcomes in the short term can be full of failure. In conclusion, boldly plan, execute, and entrust everything to our heavenly Father. He is the loving God who controls the future. Though we have little faith and we do not listen to Him, because of His immense love for us, He would link our choices to the destiny He presets. Summarized from a Tim Keller sermon. https://gospelinlife.com/downloads/your-plans-god-s-plans-5390/ 你的决定会破坏上帝的计划吗? 我应不应该加入这家公司,进行这项手术, 或邀请这位女孩出去約會呢?生活充满决策。怎么知道我们的决定是正确的? 首先, 人生的结局是上帝预定的,还是由我们自己和我们的行动来决定? 圣经告诉我们,神决定结局(箴言 16:1, 16:9, 16:33)。 经过数十年的苦难,约瑟掌管了埃及。他告诉曾经害过他的哥哥们, 虽然很多人恶谋要害他,但上帝却把这些变成了好事, 在饥荒时期拯救了许多人的性命 (创世纪50:20)。甚至恶人也是為灾难的日子而造!(箴言16:4)。 如果结局是神事先安排的,我们为什么还要计划呢? 我们发现,圣经也教导我们做事要有计划,工作要勤奋; 行事急躁的,都必缺乏 (箴言16:3, 21:5)。 诚然生命中很多结局视乎由我们决定, 但它们其实也是神先预定的。 所以我们应当制定计划并采取相应行动,但同时也相信上帝掌管一切。 这其实是一件好事。如果我们的未来完全由自己掌控,我们就会犹豫不决,因为知道我们可能会作出错误的决定。 既然计划仍然很重要,那我们如何获得上帝的引导呢? 通常上帝不会特别或者直接地告诉我们该做什么,但是祂会教导我们了解自己是谁,行事为人的原则有哪些,比如成为正直和公平的人 (箴言11:3, 12:5)。这样,我们的品格会指引我们行在正路上。 因此,专注于向上帝学习,并求祂建立坚固我们。 我们应该寻求他人的建议 ,勇敢地制定计划。(箴言12:15, 15:22)。然后相应地执行,并将我们所做的事交託给祂 (箴言16:3)。 请注意,正确的决定不一定会带给我们平安。 基督在被钉十字架之前向天父祷告时,祂似乎并没有平安。而且,短期的结果也可能会充满失败。 总而言之, 大胆地计划,跟进执行,交托一切给天父。祂是那位掌管未来,也爱我们的上帝。尽管我们的信心很小,也不听祂的话, 但因为祂对我们长阔高深的爱, 祂会将我们的选择与祂预先设定的命运联系起来。
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