“I was afraid…so I hid” are among the first words in the Bible uttered by a human (Genesis 3:10). Fear drives many of our behaviors and can manifest as anxiety, worry, sleeplessness, and anger. We can be afraid of many things, including rejection, failure, inadequacy, loneliness, losing job, losing control, sickness, and death. Typically, such feelings—particularly when excessive—are unhealthy.
Let us learn how Christ’s resurrection can drive out fear (2Corinthians 5:15, Romans 8:15). Try to understand why “Don’t be afraid” is a command that has showed up 365 times in the Bible. First, because of Christ’s death, being buried for three days, and resurrection, we can trust His words (Romans 1:4). Second, His resurrection shows we also will be raised from the dead (Hebrews 2:14-15). Death is not the end and is not to be feared. So, even when we are deteriorating outwardly, we must not lose heart nor ever give up. Inwardly we can be renewed day by day (2Corinthians 4:14,16-17). Third, His resurrection demonstrates God’s immense love for us. He would rather suffer and die in our place than live without us (Romans 5:8). This love lasts forever, is everywhere, can handle all circumstances, and covers all our iniquities (Ephesians 3:18-19). We can even lose our minds but nothing can separate us from God’s love (Romans 8:38-39). Such love drives out all fear (1John 4:18). Fourth, through His resurrection, He has taken care of our greatest need: our salvation. Surely, our heavenly Father will take care of all our other smaller needs. Fifth, our living God has a plan for us. By His plan, our past mistakes are forgiven, our lives have purpose, and our future home in heaven is guaranteed (1Peter 1:3-4). In all things, God works for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28). Now Christ seating at Father’s right hand is praying for us (Romans 8:34). If we still worry, we act as orphans, and we make God look bad (Matthew 6:25-34). Therefore, we should not worry about our lives, but let God’s love fill our hearts and live fearless lives. “Because He lives, all fear is gone.” (From the song, “Because He lives.”) Summarized from a Rick Warren sermon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFCkP3JBr0E 无所畏惧地生活 「我就害怕 … 我便藏了」是人类在圣经中所说的最初几句话 (创世记3:10)。 我们许多行为的根源都是恐惧,比如焦虑,担忧,失眠和愤怒。 我们可以害怕很多事情,就像被拒绝,失败,不足,孤独,失业, 失控, 生病和死亡。通常这样的感觉都是不健康的,特别是过度之时尤其如此。 让我们学习如何让基督的复活来驱除自己的恐惧 (哥林多前书5:15; 罗马书8:15)。 让我们尝试了解为什么“不要害怕”的命令在圣经中出现了365次。 首先,由于祂的受死,埋葬和复活,基督的话是可信的 (罗马书1:4)。 其次,祂的复活表明我们也会从死里复活 (希伯来书2:14-15)。 死亡不是终点,不需为之恐惧。因此,即使外面的肉體在不断退化,不要沮喪, 也不要放弃。 我们內心可以一天新似一天 (哥林多后书4:14,16-17)。 第三,祂的复活表明了上帝对我们的大爱。在我们还是祂仇敌的时候,祂就宁愿为我们受苦牺牲,也不愿我们沉沦 (罗马书5:8)。 祂的爱永远长存,无处不在, 能够应付所有的情况 ,遮掩我们所有的罪孽(以弗所书3:18-19)。 我们可以失去理智,但不会失去上帝的爱。没有什么能使我们与祂的爱隔绝 (罗马书8:38-39)。 如此的爱驱散所有恐惧 (约翰壹书4:18)。 第四,祂的复活解决了我们最大的需要--个人的救赎。当然,我们的天父也会解决我们所有其它相比较小的需求。 第五,永生的上帝为我们制定了美好的计划。在祂的计划中,我们过去的错误得到原谅,当前的生活有了目标,并且未来的天家得到保证 (彼得前书1:3-4)。 祂在万事上都为那些爱祂的人造福 (罗马书8:28)。现在,基督坐在天父的右边, 为我们祈祷 (罗马书8:34)。如果我们依然担忧,活起来好像孤儿,就会使上帝蒙羞(马太福音6:25-34)。 因此,不要为生命忧虑。让上帝的爱充满我们的心,无所畏惧地生活。 「因祂活着,不再惧怕」( 取自“因为祂活着”的歌词)。
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