A David Jeremiah Sermon Summary Sometimes our invisible God seems powerless or apathetic in our day-to-day life. And we don’t even know how to pray about it (Romans 8:26).
Romans 8:28 starts with “we know.” We know God is in control of all aspects of our life, to manifest His glory and bless us. Don’t let circumstances control you. Instead, learn about God. The more we know Him, the better prepared we are to deal with our confusing world. God promises that all things work together according to His plan. He is always working behind the scenes to fulfill this plan. In everything, God works for good. In the short term, things can look terrible. But life events are synergistic. God weaves them together for good. This promise is to those who love Him (Deuteronomy 7:9, Psalm 145:20, 1 Corinthians 2:9, 1 Corinthians 8:3, James 1:12). They are also those called by God. These are two sides of a coin, one side from us loving God and the other side from God calling us to Himself for His purposes. Let’s look at a few heroes in the Bible. Job suffered terribly. He lost everything. Even his friends said he deserved it. Though Job didn’t understand why, he trusted God’s sovereignty and stood strong during all his life’s disasters (Job 1:1, 1:21, 23:10). Joseph was sold to Egypt and suffered for years. But he followed God. Later, as the second most powerful man in Egypt, he succinctly said everything was woven together under God’s plan for good (Genesis 50:20). Jeremiah told the Jewish people in exile and destruction that, weaving everything together, God had a plan to give them hope and a future (Jeremiah 24:5-7, 29:11). Finally, look at Christ. God, the Father, turned all Satan’s evil plots against Christ into humanity’s greatest blessing (Acts 2:23, 4:27-28). So, trust God. Believe that all things are under His control (Isaiah 46:9-11). If we walk with God every day, there is nothing to fear. All things work together for their good of those who love God. So, count your blessings in gratitude. And live grittily. Hold fast to your goals. If you fall, get back up and fight again. Serve God in faith and without fear, because He is our safety net. Summary of a sermon by David Jeremiah, titled “A Great Promise.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=shared&v=DLl3VeCEODQ
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