After leaving Egypt, the Israelites crossed the Jordan river to claim Canaan through many battles.
Similarly, after being saved, you are called to be God’s vessels to claim “your land.” The world is in turmoil. To face it, first, reflect on our past problems and God’s deliverance. Reflect on God’s wonderful blessings, His love and sacrifice, particularly the salvation He gave us. God told the Israelites to set up monuments to remember His work for them. The more we count God’s blessings, the more we appreciate Him and want to serve Him. Then, we can look forward to our future blessings. God told us to claim the promised land. Like He commanded Joshua, God told us not to be afraid or discouraged, but be strong and courageous because He is with us (Joshua 1:9). Don’t be frightened of your environment. Trust God’s unchanging promise. Steadfastly focus on the mission God put in your life and thank Him (Deuteronomy 8:4-10). Don’t depend or focus on power, fame, wealth, romance, and your friends and family. They seem like dreams and the world is cruel, as described in “好了歌” in “红楼梦” (Dream of the Red Chamber). We are God’s witnesses. Many are watching us, including God Himself (Joshua 4:10-13, 1 Corinthians 4:9). Through our actions and prayer, we pass our faith to our children. One day, they will remember and will be influenced by our thankful heart and steadfast faith to God. Christians executed for not giving up their faith during the Roman empire were God’s witnesses. Their actions converted many. Less than 300 years later, the empire collapsed. Time flies. Use your remaining days effectively. Use difficult time to grow. Build with Christ as our foundation and build with strong materials. Otherwise, though we are still saved, we will fail under trial and waste our lives (1Corinthians 3:11-15). The world and its passions will pass away. But whoever does the will of God lives forever (1 John 2:17). To be God’s vessels and fight the many battles before us, we must trust God’s guidance and depend on His words and the filling of the Holy spirit. Then we can be strong and courageous, accomplishing God’s mission and claiming our promised land. A summary of a sermon by Luke Cheung: from 27 minutes. 起來得地為業 以色列人离开埃及后,渡过约旦河, 经过多次战斗, 终于得迦南地為業。 同样地,我们得救之后,蒙召成为神所使用的器皿,要得应许之地為業。 如何面对今天动荡不安的世界? 首先要反思自己过去的艰难和上帝的拯救。 反思上帝奇妙的赐福, 慈爱和牺牲, 尤其是祂赐下的救恩。 上帝吩咐以色列人立碑纪念祂为他们所行的事。我们越数算上帝的赐福,就越感激祂,越想侍奉祂。 然后,我们可以期待未来的福份。上帝告诉我们要得应许之地為業。 就像祂命令约书亚一样,上帝告诉我们不要灰心害怕,而要勇敢坚强,因为祂与我们同在(约书亚记 1:9)。 不要被环境吓到,要相信上帝不变的应许,坚定不移地专注于上帝赋予的使命,并衷心感谢祂(申命记 8:4-10)。 不要依赖或专注世上的权力、名誉、财富、浪漫和家人朋友。 如《红楼梦》中的“好了歌”所描述的,它们似乎像梦一样,并且世界是残酷无情的。 我们是上帝的见证人,许多人都在注视着我们,包括上帝祂自己(约书亚记 4:10-13,哥林多前书 4:9)。 我们通过行动和祈祷将信仰传递给儿女。 有一天他们将会记得这一切,我们感恩的心和对上帝坚定的信仰也会影响他们的生命。 在罗马帝国时期,有基督徒因不愿放弃信仰而被处决,他们是上帝的见证人。他们的行动使许多人归主,罗马帝国不到 300 年后就崩溃了。 时光如梭,飞逝而去。要有效地利用剩余的日子,利用困难的时期使生命成长。 当以基督为根基,用坚固的材料来建造这工程。否则,我们虽然得救,但会在考验中失败,浪费了自己的生命(哥林多前书 3:11-15)。 世界和它的情欲都要过去, 但那遵行神旨意的却存到永远 (约翰一书 2:17)。 如果我们要成为神所使用的器皿,勇敢面对摆在面前的许多争战,就必须相信神的带领,倚靠神的话,被圣灵充满。如此,我们就可以勇敢坚强,完成上帝的使命,得应许之地為業。
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