Typically, we pray when we are in trouble. But the Lord’s Prayer starts with “Hallowed by thy name,” instead of asking for our health, life, or happiness (Matthew 6:6-15). Why?
“Hallowed be thy name” can be interpreted as honoring God’s holy name or adoring Him. In the Lord’s Prayer, honoring God comes before asking for our daily bread or life’s necessities (Matthew 6:11). Typically, our primary focus is on earthly things, such as a job, our children, a girlfriend, or a promotion. We should bring these concerns to God, but not before honoring Him. And we should never be anxious about them (Philippians 4:6). Honoring God also comes before asking for forgiveness (Matthew 6:12). A man was unfaithful to his wife. Even after he had confessed to God and his wife had forgiven him, he still could not forgive himself. This was because he came from a prudish family, which treated sexual sin as an almost unforgivable offense. Such an upbringing suffocated him. If he had honored God as Lord, rather than considering himself the true arbiter of forgiveness, he should be able to forgive himself since even God had forgiven him. Honoring God enhances our relationship with Him. God told Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit from one particular tree. Then Satan deceived them into believing that God was keeping the best from them. They wouldn’t have lost trust in God if they had focused on honoring Him. Why should we honor or adore God? Reasons can be found in the beginning of the Lord’s Prayer: “Our Father in heaven.” “Our Father” implies that He loves us as a father loves his children. “In heaven” signifies His power and holiness. To cover our offenses, Christ sacrificed for us. We honor God because He is loving, powerful, and holy. Such an attitude gives us the right perspective and priority in life and enhances our relationship with Him. Summarized from a Tim Keller sermon: http://www.gospelinlife.com/free-sermon-resource https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfuBKyru-mw “願人都尊你的名為聖” 的重要 通常人都是在遇到麻烦时才祈祷。但主祷文一开始祷告的是“願人都尊你的名為聖,”而不是为个人的健康,生活或幸福祈求 (马太福音6:6-15)。这是为什么呢? 在主祷文中, “願人都尊你的名為聖”就是尊荣上帝的圣名或敬爱上帝。这样的祈求放在为生命必需品祈求之前(马太福音6:11)。 我们祈求的主要重点通常都是一些世俗的事物,例如工作、子女、女朋友或升迁。尊荣上帝应该放在首位,而后告诉上帝我们的需求, 并感谢祂。不要为这些需求担忧(腓立比书4:6)。 尊荣上帝也是在向上帝寻求宽恕之前(马太福音6:12)。 有一个男人对他的妻子不忠。在向上帝承认错误并得到妻子原谅之后,他仍然无法原谅自己。原因是他来自一个将性犯罪视为几乎无法原谅的家庭,这样的教养使他窒息。如果他尊荣上帝为主,而不认为自己是宽恕的真正仲裁者,那他就能原谅自己, 因为连上帝都已经原谅他了。 尊荣上帝会增进自己与祂的关系。 上帝告诉亚当和夏娃不要从一棵特别的树上吃果子。撒但欺骗他们,使两人以为上帝阻止他们拥有最好的东西。如果专注于尊荣上帝, 他们就不会对上帝失去信任。 为什么要尊荣上帝呢?从主祷文的第一句可以找到原因:“我們在天上的父。” - “我们的父” 意味着祂像父亲爱儿女一样爱我们, “在天上”意味着祂的能力和圣洁。为了遮盖我们的罪过,基督为我们牺牲。 我们尊荣上帝,因为祂的慈爱、全能和圣洁。这样的态度带给我们正确的人生观和生命里的优先次序,并增进我们与上帝的关系。
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