Paul urges us to offer ourselves to God as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1). What does it mean, and why should we?
The term “living sacrifice” seems to be an oxymoron. In the Old Testament, once offered, the sacrifice would be reduced to ashes. How could a sacrifice be living? Paul seems to suggest we can give ourselves, as living beings, totally to God. We don’t belong to ourselves anymore. Instead, we belong to God. Some live for their independence. They are the bosses of their own lives, and no one can tell them what to do. Some live for their spouses, children, careers, money, fame, or power. These things become their idols, controlling them. They live for, and sacrifice themselves to, these false gods. But Paul urges us to live for God and sacrifice ourselves to Him. Why should we? First, we should because of God’s love for us (Romans 12:1). Christ voluntarily laid down His life for us; no one forced Him to do it (John 10:17). In Gethsemane, Christ knew of His impending suffering, yet He still followed through. Second, God is infinitely wise. He knows what is best for us, much more than we do. Thus, we should follow His guidance. Sometimes short-term outcomes don’t make sense, but we need to trust Him. In a certain way, this is similar to drawing a flower using the right side of the brain. If we use this approach, when we try to mimic the outlines of the flower, some of the strokes may not make sense at the time of drawing. But if we just keep going, all the strokes eventually will come together to reproduce the picture of the flower. If we follow God’s guidance, He will be responsible for the outcome. We can rest in Him. In conclusion, because of God’s love and His infinite wisdom, we should live as if we belong to God. Follow Him, let Him take charge, and live for Him! Summarized from a Tim Keller’s sermon, titled, “Why Offer Ourselves to God?”: 为什么把自己奉献给上帝并不愚蠢? 保罗敦促信徒将自己如同活祭奉献给上帝 (罗马书12:1)。这是什么意思,为什么要这么做呢? “活祭”似乎是一种矛盾。在旧约中,祭品一旦献上就将化为灰烬,它如何还能活着呢? 保罗的意思可能是将自己, 一个活生生的人, 完全奉献给上帝。我们不再属于自己。 相反地,我们属于上帝。 有些人为自己的独立而活。他们是自己生命的主,没有人能告诉他们应该怎么做。有些人为了配偶、子女、朋友、 职业、金钱、名望或权力而活,这些成为偶像控制他们。他们为这些假神而活, 牺牲了自己。 保罗敦促我们为上帝而活,为祂牺牲自己。 为什么应该如此行呢? 首先,因为上帝的爱 (罗马书12:1)。 基督自愿为我们舍命,没有人强迫祂 (约翰福音10:17)。在客西马尼园,基督知道即将来临的痛苦,仍然献出了自己。 第二,因为上帝无限的智慧。祂比我们更知道什么对我们最好。因此,应该遵循上帝的指导。有时我们不能理解暂时的情况,但依然需要信靠上帝。 在某种程度上,这类似使用右脑来画一朵花。如果使用这种方法绘画, 当尝试模仿花的线条时,或许当时有些笔触会觉得不对。但是,如果继续画下去,最后所有的笔触都将会融合一起, 变成一朵花的图片。 如果遵循神的引导, 祂就会对结果负责,我们可以在祂里面休息。 总而言之,因为上帝的慈爱和无限的智慧,我们应该活出属于上帝的生命。跟随上帝, 让祂掌管,为祂而活!
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