Many Christians live a double life. Spiritually, they enjoy God’s fellowship, praying to Him and learning from the Bible. Secularly, they enjoy world’s affairs, like eating, sleeping, working, and exercising. Some prefer such activities over the spiritual ones. Others consider such activities a waste of time. Many are caught in the middle, finding no peace in either.
We live in a natural world with its limitations and a spiritual world with its unknowns. But we do not have to live separate lives. On earth, Christ had no divided life. Its entirety was pleasing to His Father (John 8:29). Paul did not do certain things for God, and others for himself. He did everything for God’s glory, including eating and drinking (1 Corinthians 10:31). Our bodies are not innately offensive to God. He created them and was not ashamed of His work. On earth, Christ also took on a body. All we do can be sacred if we live according to God’s will, as we understand it from the Bible. Our different acts become acts of worship, totally accepted by God. Every act can glorify Him. Whatever our profession or our calling is, it is not inferior to that of a pastor. Our motives behind our actions are often more important than the actions themselves. Having said that, certain things we do are more important. Some people are more useful to the society because their God-give talents differ. But God accepts with pleasure all of us and our different types of activities. Also, don’t associate certain places (e.g. church building) or certain times (e.g. Good Friday) as more sacred. This is spiritual slavery. The key is to worship Him in the Spirit and in truth (John 4:24). All these may be difficult to accept, as habits are difficult to change. Meditate and pray on them. Ask God to help you enjoy and even excel in your daily activities. Be a witness for Him in them and honor Him. Be as enthusiastic and dependent on Him about the activities as if you were spreading the Gospel in an Amazon jungle. To conclude, our entire life can be good and holy, and every simple task can be an act of worship. Summarized from “The Sacrament of Living,” the last chapter of The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer. 如何在日常生活中敬拜上帝 許多基督徒過著雙重生活。在属灵上他們享受与神相交,向祂祈祷并学习圣经。在属世上他們享受世界的事务,例如吃饭、睡觉、工作和运动。有些基督徒喜欢这种属世的活动多于属灵的操练。有些基督徒则認為這种活动浪费时间。还有許多被困在兩者中间,觉得其中都找不到安宁。 我們活在一個有局限的自然世界和一個有未知领域的属灵世界里,但我們并非必须過兩种不同的生活。 基督在世上沒有过分裂的生活, 祂整个生命都是为取悦父神(約翰福音8:29)。 保羅也没有为上帝做某些事而为自己做些其它事。他做的一切,包括飲食在内,都是為榮耀神(哥林多前书10:31)。 我們的身體不會生来就冒犯上帝。祂創造了我們的身體,也从未為此感到羞恥。基督在世上也取了肉身的样式。 如果從聖經明白上帝的旨意,以之为行事为人的准则而生活,我們做的一切都可以是神聖的。我們每一個舉動都可成为敬拜, 都被神完全接纳。一舉一動都可以榮耀祂。 我们无论从事什么职业, 得到什么呼召,都不比牧师低一等。行动后面的动机往往比行动本身更重要。 話雖如此,有些活动总比其它的更重要,有些人比其他人更有用, 因为上帝赋予我们不同的能力。但上帝快樂地接纳我们每人和各样不同的活动。 此外,不要以某些地方(例如教堂)或某些時間(例如耶穌受難日)為更神聖。這是心灵的奴隸。关键是用心靈和誠實来敬拜祂 (約翰福音4:24)。 以上这些可能一时難以接受,習慣也很難改變。应该经常為此默想和禱告。祈求上帝帮助我们享受不同的日常活动, 甚至在其中表现出色,为祂作见证,尊荣祂。对我们参与的不同的活动充满热情,就好像热情地去亚马逊丛林中宣教一样。 总而言之,我們的一生都可以是美好而神聖的, 每项簡單的工作都可以成为敬拜的举动。
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