Since John the Baptist, the good news of the kingdom of God has been preached, and many are “forcing their way into it” (Luke 16:16).
John the Baptist was the forerunner, paving the road and preparing the people for Christ (Matthew 4:17, 11:11; Luke 1:17) and for the disciples (Matthew 10:7). Then, like the morning star before the sun, John diminished (John 3:30), and many wanted to enter the kingdom of God, including Pharisees and Sadducees, tax collectors, and soldiers (Matthew 3:7, Luke 3:12-14). The kingdom of God has been forcefully advancing (Matthew 11:12). Many desire to enter the kingdom of God and run away from their misery and from hell (Luke 10:42, Psalm 27:4). Once the opportunity to enter is gone, those remaining will not be spared from God’s wrath. No one can comprehend the power of God’s anger, so press earnestly, firmly, and steadily to try to get in. The path to get in is difficult to find (Matthew 7:14, Luke 13:24). Like searching for the hidden treasure (Proverbs 2:1-5), we must use our utmost energy (Ecclesiastes 9:10). Such desires depend on God giving our hearts the resolution. “To press” implies there will be barriers, opposition, and difficulty along the way. And devils will continue to distract and discourage us. But with God’s given earnest spirit, we can press on (Philippians 3:10-11). Look up to God and repent. God’s mercy is sufficient to enable us to enter His kingdom (Acts 8:22, 2 Timothy 2:25, Jonah 3:8-9). Be willing to sacrifice everything for His kingdom. Crucify our possessions, pride, and worldly wishes for the sake of your soul and salvation (Galatians 5:24; Luke 3:19; Matthew 14:3, 19:16-22). Forget your accomplishments. If we want to reminisce, we should reflect on our past mistakes (Jeremiah 2:23). Forge ahead for our salvation (Philippians 3:13-14). Persevere to the end. Don’t arouse God’s anger (1 Corinthians 10:22, Ezekiel 22:14). Since no one knows when He will return, use this time to press on towards the kingdom of God. A summary of a sermon by Jonathan Edwards: 努力进入神的国 自施洗约翰以来,神国的好消息一直在被传扬,许多人努力要进去(路加福音 16:16)。 施洗约翰是先锋. 他为基督(马太福音 4:17、11:11; 路加福音 1:17)和门徒(马太福音 10:7)铺平道路, 做好准备。然后,约翰就像太阳出来之前的晨星一样消失了(约翰福音 3:30),而许多人因为他的事工想要进入神的国,包括法利赛人、撒都该人、税吏和士兵(马太福音 3:7,路加福音 3:12-14)。上帝的国一直在大力地推进(马太福音 11:12)。 许多人迫切渴望进入上帝的国,逃离苦难和地狱(路加福音 10:42,诗篇 27:4)。因为一旦进去的机会消失,剩下的人不会免于上帝的忿怒。没有人理解上帝愤怒的力量。所以要认真、坚定、稳定地努力进去。 进上帝之国的路很难找(马太福音7:14,路加福音13:24). 要用最大的力量去寻找(传道书 9:10)像在搜索隐藏的宝藏(箴言 2:1-5)一样。 只有上帝将决心赐下,才会有这样的渴望。 努力意味着一路上定会有障碍、反对和困难。魔鬼会继续阻碍和分散我们的注意力。但凭着上帝所赐的恳切精神,要奋力前行(腓立比书 3:10-11)。 仰望上帝并悔改,祂的怜悯足以使我们进入上帝的国(使徒行传 8:22、2 提摩太后书 2:25、约拿书 3:8-9)。 要愿意为上帝的国牺牲一切。为了灵魂和救恩,将个人的财产、今生的骄傲、世俗的愿望都钉在十字架上(加拉太书 5:24; 路加福音 3:19; 马太福音 14:3,19:16-22)。 忘记过去的成就。如果我们想回忆往事,请记住过去的错误(耶利米书 2:23)。为了救恩向前迈进(腓立比书 3:13-14)。 竭尽全力坚持到底。 不要惹怒上帝(哥林多前书 10:22,以西结书 22:14)。 无人知道主何时再来,那就趁着今天向上帝的国度奋进吧。 Comments are closed.
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