We tend to have our own idea of what God should do. “This is the perfect time for you to show your power, God.” “Why don’t you stop the injustice?” If God does not meet our expectations, we feel disappointed. It turns out God’s top prophet, Elijah, had a similar experience in 1 Kings 19:1-18.
Ahab, Israel’s king, had made Baal to be Israel’s god. Elijah, before the Israelites, challenged the 450 Baal prophets. Through a spectacular miracle, he got all of them killed. The over-confident Elijah ran to Jezreel, the capital of Israel, perhaps expecting Ahab and the Israelites to repent and return to God. Instead, Ahab’s wife threatened to kill him within a day. Elijah ran for his life. He even let his servant go, implying quitting his ministry (v3). Totally demoralized, he asked God to let him die (v4). How did God treat Elijah’s depression? Twice, an angel touched him, fed him, and let him sleep (v5, 7). Strengthened by the food, Elijah travelled for 40 days to Horeb (or Mount Sinai), where Moses had been given the ten commandments. God asked him what he was doing there (v9). Elijah responded that he was the only one zealous for Him, basically asking, “What’s wrong with you, God? Why didn’t you show your power and do what I think you should?” (v10). Elijah assumed God would do certain things in Israel. When God didn’t follow through, Elijah became overly pessimistic: “I am the only one [prophet] left” (v10). Elijah tried to put God in his box, and when God was not there, Elijah grew cynical and depressed. As described above, God treated Elijah with comfort, sustenance, sleep, and time. He also just allowed Elijah to talk without condemning him. Then God responded. First, God showed a glimpse of His strength through powerful wind tearing mountains apart, earthquake, and fire. Then God gently talked to Elijah, telling Elijah His plan. God counseled and healed Elijah with gentle words. God’s ways are beyond us. Don’t try to put God in our box. Instead, have faith in the almighty and brilliant God, and listen to His words. God will do the right thing at the right time. Summarized from a Tim Keller sermon: https://gospelinlife.com/downloads/the-still-small-voice-8969/ 不要把上帝关在我们的小盒子里 人往往有自己的想法认为上帝应该做什么,比如“神啊,这是显示你的大能的最佳时机,” 或 “你为何不制止冤屈?” 如果上帝没有满足自己的期望,就会感到非常失望。上帝最优秀的先知以利亚在列王记上 19章1至18节中有过类似的经历。 以色列王亚哈使巴力成为以色列的偶像。以利亚在以色列人面前挑战四百五十名巴力先知。通过奇妙壮观的神迹,以利亚使他们全部都被杀死。 满有自信的以利亚跑到以色列首都耶斯列 ,或许期望亚哈和以色列人悔改归回上帝面前。相反地,亚哈的妻子扬言要在一天内杀死他。 以利亚逃命了。他甚至让仆人离开,暗示想放弃先知的职责(列王记上19:3)。彻底失望的以利亚甚至要求神让他死去(列王记上19:4)。 上帝如何应对以利亚的忧郁呢? 天使两次触摸以利亚,喂饱他,让他安然入睡(列王记上19:5,7)。靠着这饮食加添的力量,以利亚行走四十天来到神的何烈山(即西乃山),神曾在那里赐给摩西十诫。 上帝问以利亚在那里做什么(列王记上19:9)。以利亚回答说只剩下自己对上帝大发热心。 他实际上在问神:“上帝,为何不显示您的大能, 做点我想您做的事?”(列王记上19:10) 以利亚以为神应当在以色列做某些事。当上帝没有如此行的时候,以利亚变得非常悲观:“我是唯一剩下的先知” (列王记上19:10)。他试图想把上帝关在自己做的小盒子里,强迫上帝遵循他的想法。但当发现上帝不在里面,不听他命令时,以利亚变得偏激且沮丧。 就如上面描述的一样,上帝安抚以利亚,喂养他,使他安睡,给他时间来治疗他,也让他说话而不定他罪。然后,上帝开始回应他了。 首先,神以可摧毁山峰的强风,地震和大火来稍微显示一下祂的能力。接着上帝轻轻地告诉以利亚祂的计划。藉着祂轻柔的话语,上帝劝告和医治了以利亚。 上帝的方式完全超越了我们。不要试图把祂关在自己的小盒子里。相反地,要对全能和全智的神大有信心,聆听祂的话。上帝会在正确的时间做正确的事。
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