All four gospels teach us if we focus on ourselves, we will lose everything. But if we forget ourselves for Christ, we will have a real life (Luke 9:24-25).
Our culture encourages generosity up to a certain point. Because of the scarcity mindset, we are inclined to keep things primarily for ourselves. But Christ teaches us not to hoard for ourselves treasures on earth—including our time, ability, and wealth—for we will certainly lose them all one day (Matthew 6:19-21). As God’s children and as citizens of heaven, we should set our hearts and keep our focus on things above, with our feet down on earth (Colossians 3:1-3). Be generous with our things on earth to the needy. Be generous cheerfully. It is the antidote of anxiety. A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. Sow generously and we will reap generously (2 Corinthians 9:6-7, Proverbs 11:25). Our generosity includes spreading our faith, a natural outflow from a grateful heart for what God has given us freely. As ambassadors of Christ on earth, we are His witnesses. Though we naturally evangelize what we love, we should prepare to give the reason for our hope in a gentle and respectful manner (1 Peter 3:15). Don’t focus on outcomes. We don’t know if God will give us the outcome we want, and our joy shouldn’t depend on outcomes anyway. It is the path we walk, the journey we travel, that counts. God is rich in mercy and abundant in grace. He accepts and reassures us. He gives us a new citizenship and a new way to live. We give back because He will keep providing for us. Ask God to help you maintain a healthy regard for your earthly treasures—not just blessings for yourself, but a means to serve others. Summarized from a sermon by Nicole Unice: 回报上帝的赐福 四福音书都教导如果人只专注自己,就将失去一切; 但如果为基督忘记自己,就将拥有真正的生命 (路加福音9:24-25)。 今天的文化在某程度上鼓励慷慨好施。 但由于害怕不足的心态, 我们往往专注于把东西留为己用。但主耶稣教导不要囤积财宝在地上, 包括时间、能力和财富,因为总有一天会失去这一切(马太福音6:19-21)。 作为上帝的儿女和天上的公民,信徒的心应该在基督里。 虽然我们脚踏在地上, 心却应专注上面的事(歌罗西书3:1-3)。 所以,要慷慨乐意地将地上的财宝与有需要的人分享。这是医治焦虑的良药。好施捨的必得豐裕,滋潤人的必得滋潤;少種的少收,多種的多收 (哥林多后书9:6-7,箴言11:25)。 慷慨待人包括宣扬自己的信仰。上帝白白地赐下救恩给我们,分享信仰是感恩之心的自然流露。我们作为基督在世上的使者是基督的见证。尽管我们自然地向人分享自己所爱的,仍应该准备如何以温柔恭敬的态度表达心中盼望的缘由(彼得前书3:15)。 此外, 不要专注结果。我们不知道上帝是否会赐下所盼望的。真正的喜乐并不取决于结果,重要的是走过的道路和行过的旅程。 上帝满有怜悯和恩典,祂接纳我们并让我们放心信靠交托。祂赐下新的公民身份和新的生活方式。我们可以不断地回报上帝帮助他人,因为祂会一直供应。 祈求上帝帮助我们对世俗的财富保持健康尊重的看法--那不仅是上帝对自己的赐福,也是祂要我们服务他人的方式之一。
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