A 温偉耀 Sermon Summary After Christ had fed 5000, many wanted to make Him king by force. Instead of using this opportunity to build an earthly empire, Jesus told them not to work for food that spoiled, but for spiritual food that endured to eternal life, and that He was the bread of life for them to eat. Troubled by such teachings, most left. Then Christ asked the twelve disciples if they wanted to leave too. Peter responded Christ had the words of eternal life and was the one from God. Then Christ said one of the twelve was a devil, referring to Judas (John 6:14-71).
Though Peter didn’t fully understand, he trusted Christ, while Judas did not. Perhaps Judas wanted Christ to defeat the Romans but felt disillusioned when many left. Many today follow Christ with the hope of attaining worldly things, such as wealth, power, fame, and health. One day, when they don’t get what they want, will they leave Christ, or accept God’s sovereignty? When Mary anointed Jesus’ feet with expensive perfume, Judas again focused on worldly value, even though Jesus had just raised Lazarus from the dead. Judas complained that the money from the perfume could be given to the poor, even though he hypocritically had been stealing from the money bag. To Mary, God’s grace eclipsed all material things (John 12:1-8). Initially, Judas probably worshipped Christ, but when Judas became convinced that Christ wouldn’t help him reach his goal, he decided that Christ wasn’t useful to him (Luke 22:3-6). Christ warned Judas at least twice. First, Christ indirectly said Judas was unclean when Christ was washing the feet of the disciples. Second, Christ told Judas point-blank he would betray Him (John 13:10-11, 21-30). But Judas ignored Christ’s warnings; Christ wasn’t important to him anymore. Christ traveled with no set routes, and constantly there were many people around Him. Judas betrayed Christ by telling the Jewish leaders where and when to find Christ. When Judas identified Christ by kissing Him, Christ didn’t scold Judas, but rather asked if he was betraying Him with a kiss (Luke 22:47-48). What can we learn from Judas? Summary of a sermon entitled “Judas who betrayed Jesus” by 温偉耀 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMFNqC4wuww 出賣耶穌的猶大 基督喂饱五千人之后,许多人想强迫祂作王。 耶稣没有利用这机会来建立地上的帝国,而是告诉他们不要为会变坏的食物工作,而要为能存到永生的属灵食物工作, 祂是赐给他们的生命之粮。 大多数人因对基督的教导感到困扰而离开了祂。 基督问十二个门徒是否也想离去。 彼得回答说,基督有永生之道,是从上帝来的。 基督说十二个人中间有一个是魔鬼,祂指的是犹大 (约翰福音 6:14-71)。 彼得虽然不完全明白,但他相信基督, 犹大却不信。 犹大也许希望基督打败罗马人,但是当多人离开时,他的希望可能幻灭了。 许多人跟随基督是为了获取世俗的东西,比如财富、权力、名誉和健康。 当有一天得不到想要的东西时,他们是会离开基督,还是会接受上帝的主权? 马利亚用昂贵的香膏抹耶稣的脚时,犹大关注的再次是世俗的价值,尽管耶稣才使拉撒路从死里复活。 犹大抱怨香水的钱可以送给穷人,虽然他虚伪地从钱袋子里偷窃。 对玛利亚来说,上帝的恩典使一切地上的物质黯然失色(约翰福音12:1-8)。 犹大起初可能崇拜基督,但确信祂不会帮助自己实现目标时,基督对他就变得毫无用处 (路加福音 22:3-6)。 基督至少两次警告犹大。 首先,在为门徒洗脚时,祂间接说犹大是不洁净的。 其次,祂直截了当告诉犹大他会出卖祂 (约翰福音 13:10-11, 21-30)。 但犹大忽视基督的警告,基督对他来说不再重要了。 基督的行程没有固定的路线,而且祂周围总是有很多人。 犹大告诉犹太领袖在何时何地找到基督,从而背叛了祂。 当犹大通过亲吻基督来指认祂时,基督并没有责骂犹大,只是问犹大是否用亲吻来背叛祂 (路加福音 22:47-48)。 我们可以从犹大身上学到什么功课呢?
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