Have a mindset shaped by the following five realities (Colossians 3:1-4).
First is the existence of God (Colossians 3:1, 3). He is not an imaginary idea to encourage you to be good. He is self-existing. He created all things and holds creation together (Colossians 1:15-17). Second, Christ, above all creation, sits at the Father’s right hand after accomplishing the salvation work (1 Peter 3:22, Hebrews 1:3, Colossians 3:1). Christ is God and also works for the Father. Furthermore, Christ intercedes for us before God (Romans 8:34). Third, the worst is over. United with Christ, we have passed from death to life. Baptism signifies our death, burial, and resurrection with Christ through faith (Colossians 2:12, 1 John 3:14). But our glorious life is hidden with Christ in God (Colossians 3:1,3). We can’t see and taste our true life (2 Corinthians 4:4). Currently, we live in pain, frustration, and uncertainty. We need to walk by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). Fourth, Christ is going to appear (Colossians 3:4). Though currently hidden, He controls this world. One day, Christ will return gloriously (Titus 2:13-14). Fifth, one day, our hiddenness will be over. We will appear with Christ in glory (Colossians 3:4). Few will see our good deeds and give glory to our Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16), as few saw Christ’s during His time on earth. But one day, we will come out from hiding; we will look like God, shining like the sun! These five realities are of things above, and we should shape our mindsets and desires by them (Colossians 3:2, Philippians 2:4-5). To be shaped by these realities, we need to actively seek them, though we already have them! You are already dead, but you still seek to die. You are already risen, but you still seek to be raised (Colossians 3:1, 3). The seeking that succeeds is by those who already have them. Don’t waste your life. These five realities are found in God’s word, the Bible. Meditate on them and treasure them. May the Holy Spirit help us so that we are shaped by these five realities. Summary of a sermon by John Piper: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nRYyl6V4uk 寻求天上的事 信徒当拥有被以下五个现实来塑造的心态(歌罗西书 3:1-4)。 第一个现实是上帝的存在(歌罗西书 3:1, 3)。 祂不是一个虚构出来的理念使你做一个好人。 祂是自有永有的。 祂创造了万有,并且万有都是靠祂而立(歌罗西书 1:15-17)。 其次,基督在所有受造物之上,完成拯救大工之后,坐在父神的右边(彼得前书 3:22,希伯来书 1:3,歌罗西书 3:1)。 基督是神,也为父神作工, 并且在父神面前为人代求(罗马书 8:34)。 第三,最坏的时间已经过去。 与基督联合的人已经出死入生。 洗礼象征因信与祂一同受死、埋葬和复活(歌罗西书 2:12,约翰一书 3:14)。 但信徒荣耀的生命与基督一同隐藏在上帝里面(歌罗西书 3:1,3)。 不信之人看不到,也尝不到真正的生命(哥林多后书 4:4)。 我们现在生活在痛苦、沮丧和对未来的不确定之中。 行事为人需要凭信心,而不是凭眼见(哥林多后书 5:7)。 第四,基督将要显现(歌罗西书 3:4)。 祂虽然目前是隐藏的,却掌控着这世界。 基督有一天将在荣耀中再来(提多书 2:13-14)。 第五,信徒的隐藏有一天会结束, 将在荣耀中与基督一同显现(歌罗西书 3:4)。 今天很少有人因为看到信徒的善行就将荣耀归给他们在天上的父(马太福音 5:16),就像当年很少有人看到基督在世时的善行一样。 但有一天,他们会从隐藏中走出来; 那时他们将像上帝,如同太阳一样闪耀发光! 以上这五个现实都是关乎天上的事,信徒的心态和心愿都应该藉着这五个现实来塑造(歌罗西书 3:2,腓立比书 2:4-5)。 要被这些现实塑造 ,需要积极主动地寻求它们。 但要意识到信徒已经有了它们。 你已经死了,但你仍然要寻求死; 你已经复活了,但你仍然要寻求复活(歌罗西书 3:1,3)。 唯一成功的寻求是那些已经拥有它们的人。 不要浪费你的生命。 这五个现实都在上帝的圣言里, 都在圣经中可以 找到。 默想它们,并珍藏它们。 愿圣灵帮助你,使你被这五个现实所塑造。
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