Christ told us to seek first His kingdom (Matthew 6:33). What does it mean? What is God’s kingdom? God’s kingdom isn’t a physical place but rather where God rules, where His name is honored and treasured, and where His will is done perfectly and joyfully (Psalm 103:19). God’s kingdom exists now among those who have passed through His judgment via Christ and live under His dominion (Luke 11:20, 17:21; Colossians 1:13). But God’s kingdom is also coming, to be inherited (Luke 19:11, 1 Corinthians 6:9). When Christ comes back to establish the new heaven and earth, His kingdom will have come, as petitioned in the Lord’s prayer. God’s kingdom is manifested in a life justified through Christ and gradually more conformed to Him, and in a life of peace and joy via the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17). The Holy Spirit bears such fruits, so let the Holy Spirit lead. That is when God is pleased and His kingdom is here (Romans 14:18, Matthew 12:28). We are different from each other, but such differences shouldn’t affect God’s kingdom nor hurt other Christians. Let’s glorify God in our different ways and serve in love, because Christ died for us all, and all stand before His judgment. The Holy Spirit will help us build others up (Romans 14:3-23). God doesn’t need our services; in fact, He provides all things and Christ came to serve (Acts 17:25, Mark 10:45). Our service should bear witness to His kingdom (Romans 14:18) and bring glory to Him, not showing off our abilities (Hebrews 13:21). God loves to see His workmanship shine. Such service glorifies God and pleases Him (1 Peter 4:11, Romans 14:18). If we seek His kingdom and what He considers right, “all these things” shall be given to us. “All these things” doesn’t mean what makes us comfortable. We may endure persecution, war, and famine. “All these things” are the traits and resources we need to follow His will, glorify His name, and live under His rule. Don’t be anxious about survival or appearances because nothing can separate us from His love (Matthew 6:26-30). Instead, seek His kingdom before all else. Summary of three sermons by John Piper. “What is the Kingdom of God”: “Matthew 6:33”: The Kingdom of God is Righteousness and Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit: 什么是上帝的国?
基督教导我们要先求上帝的国(马太福音 6:33)。 这是什么意思呢? 什么是上帝的国? 上帝的国不是一个物质的地方,而是上帝统治的地方, 祂的名在那里被尊敬并珍惜,祂的旨意在那里得到完美和喜乐的成就(诗篇 103:19)。 上帝的国现存于那些藉着基督通过了祂的审判并接受祂统治的人中间(路加福音11:20、17:21;歌罗西书1:13)。 但上帝的国也将来临,将被承受(路加福音 19:11,哥林多前书 6:9)。 当基督再来完成祂的统治并建立新天新地时,祂的国就到来了,正如主祷文中所祈求的那样。 上帝的国显现在因基督而称义并逐渐变得更加像基督的生命中, 显现在那藉着圣灵而有的平安喜乐的生命中(罗马书14:17)。圣灵结出这样的生命果子, 所以让圣灵来引导我们的生命。 这就是上帝喜悦的时候,也是上帝的国降临的时候(罗马书 14:18,马太福音 12:28)。 我们每个人都不一样, 但这种差异不应该影响上帝的国,也不应该伤害其他基督徒。 让我们以不同的方式荣耀上帝, 并凭着爱心来服事,因为基督为所有人而死,并且所有人都要站在祂的审判面前。 圣灵会帮助我们造就人(罗马书 14:3-23)。 上帝不需要我们的事奉。 祂供应万有,并且基督来服侍我们(使徒行传17:25,马可福音10:45)。 我们的服事应该为上帝的国作见证(罗马书14:18),将荣耀归给上帝,而不是炫耀自己的能力(希伯来书13:21)。上帝喜悦看到祂的作品闪耀发光。 这样的服侍荣耀上帝并讨祂喜悦(彼得前书 4:11,罗马书 14:18)。 如果寻求上帝的国和祂以为正的事, “这一切”都会赐给我们。 “这一切”并不意味着让人感到舒适的一切. 信徒可能会经历迫害、战争和饥荒。 “这一切” 乃是遵行祂的旨意,荣耀祂的名,并在祂的统治下生活所需要的品质和资源。 不要为生存或外在之事物而焦虑,因为没有什么能使我们与祂的爱隔绝(马太福音6:26-30)。 相反地在一切之上,让我们先求祂的国。
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