Apologetics is the study of defending fundamental Christian doctrines. Science changes based on contemporary thoughts, but Christian fundamental doctrines are timeless (Ephesian 4:14, Matthew 24:35, Mark 13:31, and Luke 21:33).
Politics examines what means are effective; and if preachers explain politics, they must state them as personal judgment, not from Christ (1 Corinthians 7:32-35). Many trivialize things because they happened thousands of years ago. But remember that your lifetime is just a tiny sliver of a long, ever-expanding history and shouldn’t solely inform your perspective. Many distrust ancient texts. But the science of textual criticism authenticates their accuracy. Many don’t take responsibility of their mistakes, always blaming others and even God. Help them see they are ordinary people, capable of greed, envy, unfairness, and conceit. Learn the language of our audience. Paraphrase Christian terms, such as “atonement” and “church,” with more accessible vernacular. If you can’t translate these ideas into simple words, you don’t really understand them. The Bible teaches what God had done for humans, but it doesn’t cover everything, such as what God has accomplished for other parts of our universe. Earth is insignificant in the universe. Maybe God sought after earth because it had strayed, not because it is special (Matthew 18:12-14, and Luke 15:4-7). It is difficult to argue the existence of God. Some suggest Christ was a great moral teacher deified by His followers. But this is not probable because His followers were Jews who vehemently believed there was only one God. The Gospels cannot be legends because many descriptions seem clumsy and were not properly explained. Also, the genre of realistic fictions didn’t exist before the 18th century. Don’t water down Christianity and ignore the supernatural. Focus on Christianity being true, not being good or moral. If false, it is of no importance, but if true, is of infinite importance. Salvation is through Christ, but we can’t conclude that Christ can’t save those who have not accepted Him in their lifetime. We can’t say all other religions are false. But Christianity has perfected whatever is true in all other religions. In Christianity, a savage is taught to obey enlightened universal ethics, while the well-educated is taught to fast to a mystery and drink the blood of the Lord. Christian apologists must fall back to Christ, not to their own arguments. Summary of an essay by C. S. Lewis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMAjOHGvV2I 基督教护教学 基督教护教学是捍卫基督教基本教义的研究。 科学会根据当代的思想而变化, 但基督教的基本教义却永恒不变(以弗所书 4:14,马太福音 24:35,马可福音 13:31,路加福音 21:33)。 政治要看什么手段有效。 如果讲道的人谈及政治,就必须说这是自己个人的判断,而不是来自基督(哥林多前书 7:32-35)。 因为一些事发生在几千年前,许多人就轻视它们。 但请记住,您的一生只是漫长而不断扩展的历史中极其微小的一部分,不应是塑造您整个观点的唯一推手。 许多人不相信古代文献,但考据学的批判验证了它们的准确性。 许多人不为自己的错误承担责任,总是责怪他人,甚至上帝。 帮助他们看到自己不过也是平凡的人,贪婪、嫉妒、不公平和自负也是自己的亏缺。 要学习听众的语言, 将许多基督教术语用容易理解的话语表达出来,例如“赎罪”和“教会”这些用语。 如果您不能将这些想法转化为简单的文字,您其实还没有真正理解它们的含义。 圣经教导上帝为人类所做的事,但没有涵盖祂一切所行,比如上帝为宇宙其它部分所做的事。 地球在宇宙中微不足道, 也许神专注于地球,可能是因为它的迷失,而不是它的特别(马太福音18:12-14,和路加福音15:4-7)。 人很难争论反驳上帝的存在。 有些人认为基督是一位伟大的道德导师,被祂的追随者神化了。 但这不太可能,因为祂的追随者是坚信只有一位上帝的犹太人。 福音不是传奇,因为其中很多的描写看似笨拙,也没有恰当的解释。 此外,现实主义小说的文体类型在 18 世纪之前并不存在。 不要淡化基督教,忽略里面的超自然性。 当专注于基督教的真实性,而非其道德或善良。 如果基督教是假的,它就无关紧要;但如果基督教是真的,它就具有无限的重要性。 救恩藉着基督而来,但不能断定基督不能拯救那些在一生中没有机会接受祂的人。 不能说所有其他宗教都是错误的, 但是基督教完善了所有其它宗教里所包涵的真理。 在基督教中,野蛮人受教要遵守开明的普世伦理,而受过良好教育的人则受教为神秘的领域去禁食,并且“喝”主的宝血。 基督教护教者必须回归到基督,而不是自己的论点。
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