Our natural environment, such as the stars, cosmos, and atoms, witnesses God and His glory (Psalm 19:1, Romans 1:19-21). But God is beyond us.
Christ is the image of God, full of grace and truth (John 1:14, 14:8-9; 2 Corinthians 4:4). He shows us our amazing God. He became a man, humbly teaching, serving, and suffering till death for us. It is difficult not to believe Christ based on what He said and did. Many of Christ’s disciples died for Him. Given Christ’s life, death, and resurrection as depicted in the Gospel and corresponding evidence, we can understand those disciples’ behavior. Their behaviors endorse Christ. The character of the New Testament’s writers, as illustrated in their writings, is further endorsement of Christ, such as John and Paul, the latter of whom wrote 13 letters in the NT. Their writings preclude us from considering them liars or lunatics, as they demonstrate a character supporting the truthfulness of their writings. We assume that we and our work have some significance, and we aren’t just talking nonsense. Such assumptions require accepting certain fundamental laws of logic, causality, and existence. These laws can’t have any bearing of significance unless they are rooted in God. For example, when you write poetry, you don’t want others to consider it like a dog barking. You want others to take you seriously and understand the messages you are trying to convey. Therefore, you are assuming something important as the basis of what you’re doing, which is only possible with this Christian construction of God. But despite these logic-based arguments, we can only see God and His glory if we are enlightened by Him (Ephesians 1:18). Based on our nature and ability, we are blind to God and can’t understand Him (1 Corinthians 2:14). When Christ raised Lazarus from the dead, instead of seeing God’s power and glory, the Pharisees plotted to kill Christ (John 11:40-53). Without a miracle, without God shining into our hearts, no one can see God and His glory in Christ (2 Corinthians 4:6). May God open our eyes and hearts to know and accept Christ. Summarized from two talks by John Piper: “Why do you think Christianity is true?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLi6UkYG8H0 “God’s Peculiar Glory: How We Can Know the Bible Is True” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9B7169_1NC4 我们怎么知道基督教是真的? 我们的自然环境,如浩瀚的星辰、无边的宇宙和微小原子世界,无不见证上帝和祂的荣耀(诗篇 19:1,罗马书 1:19-21)。 但上帝是远远超越我们的。 基督是上帝的像,充满恩典和真理(约翰福音 1:14、14:8-9;哥林多后书 4:4)。 基督向我们展示奇妙的上帝。 祂成为一个人,谦卑地教导我们,服侍我们,为我们受苦以至于死。 基于基督的言行,很难不相信祂。 许多基督的门徒为祂而死。根据福音书所描述基督在地上的生活、祂的受死、祂的复活,以及相应的证据,我们可以理解那些门徒的行为。他们的行为是对基督的认可. 从新约的著作中可以看出作者的性格。 他们的性格是对基督的进一步认可,例如约翰和保罗。保罗在新约中写了 13 封书信。 他们的作品使我们无法将他们视为骗子或疯子,因为他们展示了支持其作品真实性的性格。 我们假设自我和自己的工作具有一定的意义,而不是在胡言乱语。 此类假设需要接受某些逻辑、因果律和存在性的法则为真实的。如果不是根植于上帝,这些法则就没有任何份量。例如当你写诗时,你不想让别人认为这首诗像狗叫一样。 你希望其他人认真对待你,并理解你试图传达的信息。 因此,你假设一些重要的东西作为你所做事情的基础,这只有在基督教对上帝的建构下才有可能。 但是尽管有这些基于逻辑的论点,我们只有被上帝光照才能看见祂和祂的荣耀(以弗所书 1:18)。 按照本性和能力,人是看不见上帝, 且无法理解祂的(哥林多前书 2:14)。 当基督使拉撒路从死里复活时,法利赛人没有看见上帝的大能和荣耀,反而密谋杀害基督(约翰福音 11:40-53)。 如果没有神迹,没有上帝照耀在心中,就没有人能看见上帝或祂在基督里的荣耀(哥林多后书 4:6)。 愿上帝开启我们的眼睛和心灵,让我们认识并接受基督。
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