1. What happens to infants who die?
They are saved. All people should know God and glorify Him as God. We are without excuse not to do so because we have access to lots of things God made and see the power of Him. Instead of glorifying Him, many suppress what they know and the truth by their wickedness. They worship and serve created things rather than the Creator (Romans 1:18-23, 25), resulting in their condemnation. In other words, we are accountable based on whether we have access to the necessary knowledge. If one doesn’t have access, one shouldn’t be held accountable. Since babies and those with profound mental disabilities don’t have access to the necessary knowledge, they should not be condemned. Therefore, somehow and in some way we don’t understand, they are saved. God, through Christ, covers these people, as God honors this principle of accountability. 2. What are the Christian view of suffering? “Rich” in Matthew 19:23, Mark 10:23, and Luke 18:24 implies abundance in wealth, health, popularity, etc. Such people tend to feel contented without God, making them hard to enter God’s kingdom. The “rich” live in a false happiness, which God, in His mercy, may take away to bring them to eternal happiness. 3. Is it our works or God’s grace that earns our salvation? It is God who works in you and brings salvation to you. Yet we need to continue to work out our salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12-13). 4. Is ambition good? Ambition for personal success is bad if the goal is to be better than others. But ambition is good if the goal is to do something well. 5. What about science? Christianity encourages scientific inquiry and knowledge, and all that helps humans. However, scientific knowledge is bad if it becomes the only thing that is of concern to you. 6. Does Christianity make you happy? Worshipping yourself can give you happiness. A bottle of wine can give you more happiness than Christianity for a short duration of time. 7. Benefits of going to church? Going to church can let you see others’ goodness and get you out of your solitary conceit. Summary of “What happens to infants who die?” by John Piper: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCUAi8JfWk0 Summary of a Q&A session by C. S. Lewis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JNIoZGMzsg 关于基督教一些问题的答案 1. 死去的婴儿会得救吗? 死去的婴儿会得救。 所有人都应该认识上帝并把祂当作上帝来荣耀。 人没有理由不这样做,因为他们触手可及许多上帝所造之物,并看到祂的大能大力。 许多人非但没有荣耀祂,反而以自己的邪恶压抑心之所知的真理。 他们敬拜和侍奉受造之物,而不是造物主(罗马书 1:18-23, 25),因此而被定罪。 换句话说,人的责任与可以接触到的知识相关。 如果无法获得必要的知识, 应不被追究。 婴儿和患有严重精神障碍的人无法获得必要的知识,因此不应谴责他们。 他们以某种人们不理解的方式方法得救了。 上帝通过基督保护这些人,因为上帝尊重这一责任原则。 2. 基督教对苦难的看法是什么? 马太福音19:23、马可福音10:23和路加福音18:24中提到的“富足”,指的是财富、健康、声望等方面的丰富。享受这样“富足”的人安于没有神的生活,很难进入上帝的国度。 “富人”生活在一种虚假的快乐中. 上帝可能因祂的怜悯带走这种快乐,使他们获得永恒的喜乐。 3. 我们得救是因为自己的行为还是神的恩典? 人得救是因为神在他心里面动工。 然而,我们需要继续以战兢惧怕的态度,活出得救后应有的生命(腓立比书 2:12-13)。 4. 一个人拥有自己的抱负是好事吗? 如果一个人抱负的目标是比别人更好,这样的抱负是不好的。 但是,如果他的目标是做好某件事,这样的抱负就是好的。 5. 科学是一件好事吗? 基督教鼓励科学探究和知识,以及一切对人类有帮助的事物。 但是,如果科学知识成为您唯一关心的事情,那么它就不是一件好事。 6. 基督教让你快乐吗? 自我崇拜可以带给你快乐。 一瓶酒可给你带来比基督教更多短暂的快乐。 7. 到教会去有什么好处? 到教会去可以让你看到别人的善良,让你摆脱孤独的自负。
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