A John Piper Sermon Summary What does it mean for God to be our refuge, Lord, treasure, and counselor? How does He bring us into everlasting pleasure? Let’s learn from Psalm 16, a psalm by David.
This psalm begins with David taking refuge in God by asking for his protection. God provided David the safest place (v1). To David, God was his Lord and his supreme treasure over everything. David wouldn’t even mention the names of other gods, though he would find delight in other righteous people. David chose God over everything else, and God was all David needed to give him the greatest joy. Also, God would protect David’s lot, and set his boundary to position him at the best place, bringing him delight and a wonderful future (v2-6). To David, God was his trusted counselor. God gave David refuge when he was in danger. God enlightened him on what to do and where to go, ensuring David to have everything he needed and to be very well-positioned. So, David was confident and would not be shaken (v7-8). To David, God would not leave him among the dead, but instead let David enjoy Him forever (v9-10). This assurance is peculiar because the prophet Samuel told David he would die and rest with his ancestors. Samuel also predicted that the kingdom of one of David’s descendants would last forever (2 Samuel 7:12-13). So would David die and rest with his ancestors, or would he be coming back from the dead? David didn’t really know, but we do now. The Apostle Peter explained that in Psalm 16, though David didn’t fully understand, he was referring to the resurrection of Christ (Acts 2:30-32, 1 Peter 1:10-12). All who trust Christ are united with Him in His triumph over death. The Holy Spirit who raised Christ from the dead will give all believers everlasting life (Romans 8:11). God will teach them the path of life and will eternally fill them with joy (Psalm 16:11). That’s how God becomes our safest refuge, sovereign Lord, supreme treasure, and trusted counselor, who brings us into everlasting pleasure! Summary of a sermon titled “God guides you to places and situations that will better your life” by John Piper: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQn3wNkZEoQ 上帝带领我们进入永远的喜乐 圣经里写到上帝是我们的避难所、我们的主、我们的珍宝和谋士, 这是什么意思呢?祂怎样带领我们进入永远的喜乐? 让我们从大卫的诗篇 16 篇学习。 大卫在诗篇一开始就请求上帝保护他,以上帝为自己的避难所。上帝是最安全的地方(v1)。 对大卫来说, 上帝是他的主,超越一切之上的至宝。 他漠视所有其他神灵,甚至不提及它们的名字,但其他圣人使大卫感到高兴。 大卫选择上帝胜过万有,上帝是他一切所需要的,赐给他最大的快乐。 他知道上帝会保护属于他的, 为他设定疆界,把他安置在最美之地,给他带来喜乐和美好的未来(v2-6)。 对大卫来说, 上帝是他信赖的谋士。 祂为大卫提供危难时的避难所;祂光照大卫该做什么、该往哪里去,确保大卫拥有需要的一切,处于非常有利的位置。因此大卫信心十足,毫不动摇(v8)。 对大卫来说, 上帝不会把他留在死人之中, 而是让他永远享受祂(v9-10)。 这个保证异乎寻常,因为先知撒母耳告诉大卫他会死去,与他的列祖一起安息。 撒母耳还预言大卫后裔的国将永存(撒母耳记下 7:12-13)。 大卫会死去, 永远与列祖同在,还是会死而复活呢? 大卫并不知道,但是我们知道。 使徒彼得解释说,在诗篇 16 篇中尽管大卫不完全明白, 他其实是在预言基督的复活(使徒行传 2:30-32,彼得前书 1:10-12)。 所有信靠基督的人都与基督联合,在祂战胜死亡时一同得胜。 使基督从死里复活的圣灵将赐永生给信靠基督的人(罗马书8:11)。 上帝将教导他们生命的道路,使他们充满永恒的喜乐(诗篇16:11)。 上帝就是这样成为我们最安全的避难所、至高无上的主、最好的珍宝和值得信赖的谋士, 带领我们进入永远的喜乐!
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