We live in a world with all types of people, each with a unique life story. Uniqueness can create barriers, causing separation and intense distress. Christ embraces our uniqueness with grace and truth (John 1:14). He unconditionally loves us, not based on our merit or performance. He hung out with the drunkards and gluttons, drawing them to Him (Luke 19:10). Yet He never compromised truth. God opposes any thoughts or actions that fall short of His will (Romans 3:23). He is against them because He cares for us. He sets boundaries because He knows going beyond will destroy our relationships and ultimately lead to death (Romans 6:23). Scripture, which is inspired by God, teaches us what is true and right (2 Timothy 3:15-17). But sometimes our emphasis on certain mistake is disproportional to its representation in the bible. For example, the Bible focuses significantly more on envy and greed than homosexuality, though many concentrate more on homosexuality. Learn to use Scripture to assess ourselves, not others. God tells us to run from sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 6:18), which give us lots of guilt and shame. Sexual mistakes include pornography and sleeping with someone other than your wife. Christ didn’t touch on LGBTQ issues, though there was homosexuality in His time on earth. Use the entire Bible, not one verse, to see what the Bible affirms as good and corrects—not condemns—what is wrong. The closest Christ taught on LGBTQ was marriage, which He anchored on God’s original design (Matthew 19:3-5). In marriage, man and woman should be in a covenantal and committed relationship. One goal of marriage is to fill the earth with people to spread God’s goodness. Paul discussed the practice of (not just the desire for) homosexuality, along with stealing, greed, drunkenness, slander, and swindle, considering all as practices leading to hell (1 Corinthian 6:9-10). God knows all of us are broken and in need of a savior. We are called to trust Him to save us, forgive our broken past, and be purified (1 Corinthians 6:11). Trust that He knows best. Surrender to His will, even when we don’t understand. This will honor Him and exalt His name. Summary of a sermon by Andy Wood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UM5mSu0BWI 圣经如何看待 LGBTQ+?
我们生活在各种各样的人中间,每个人都有自己独特的故事。 这些不同的特性可以造成隔离,带来强烈的痛苦。 基督用恩典和真理拥抱我们的独特性(约翰福音 1:14)。 祂无条件地爱我们,并不基于我们的优点或表现。 祂与贪食好酒的人在一起,吸引他们归向祂(路加福音 19:10)。 然而,祂从不在真理上妥协。 上帝反对任何不符合祂旨意的思想或行为(罗马书 3:23)。 上帝反对因为祂顾念我们。 祂设定界限,因为祂知道超越这些界限会破坏人与人,人与神之间的关系,最终的结局就是死亡(罗马书 6:23)。 圣经是上帝所默示的,教导人什么是真实和正确的 (提摩太后书 3:15-17)。 但是,有时我们对某些错误的强调与圣经中对其他的表述不成比例。 例如,圣经更多地关注嫉妒和贪婪,而不是同性恋,虽然许多人更关注同性恋。 当学习使用圣经来评估我们自己,而不是其他人。 上帝告诉我们要逃避淫行(哥林多前书 6:18),它会给我们带来很多内疚和羞耻。 淫行包括色情和与妻子以外的人发生性行为。 但基督并没有教导 LGBTQ+, 尽管在祂的时代有同性恋。 要使用整本圣经,而不是一节经文,来看圣经肯定什么是好的,纠正(而不是谴责)什么是错误的。 基督在LGBTQ+上最接近的教导是婚姻。 祂强调婚姻是上帝最初的设计(马太福音 19:3-5),男女双方在婚姻中是立约和承诺的关系。 婚姻的目的之一是让人充满全地,将上帝的良善扩展到整个世界。 保罗谈到同性恋的行为(不仅仅是欲望),把它与偷窃、贪婪、醉酒、诽谤和诈骗同列,认为所有这些罪都会把人带进地狱(哥林多前书 6:9-10)。 上帝知道所有人都是破碎的,都需要救主。 祂呼召人相信祂来得拯救,赦免破碎的过去,并且得洁净(哥林多前书 6:11)。 当信靠祂最了解我们。 要降服在祂的旨意之下,即使我们有时不明白。 如此行就会荣耀祂,高举祂的名。
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