Christ taught us the two biggest commandments are to love God and our neighbors. (Matthew 22:36-40). If so, why should we care about our environment or animals?
One reason is because God loves them. After God had created the universe, He considered the creation very good (Genesis 1:31). Moreover, He loved them. In the famous verse, John 3:16, “For God so loved the world,” the word world in the original Hebrew means the cosmos, which include our world, our environment. If our boss loves something and considers it very good, shouldn’t we care for it also? Another reason we should care for our environment is because that was the original job God assigned humans to do. When God created man in His image, God commanded him to rule over the creatures (Genesis 1:26). The word rule in the original Hebrew means being a viceroy, or a person representing the king when the king is away. So, on behalf of God, humans should take care of the creatures on earth, which God also had expressed His concern for (Jonah 4:11). Furthermore, God’s creation is full of wonders. There are numerous passages in the Bible admiring them. One example is the six verses in Psalms19, where David was in awe of God’s physical creation, including the heavens, the skies, and the sun. If we truly marvel our environment as the incredible work of the Creator, naturally we will take care of it. In conclusion, we live in a world created and cherished by God, who has entrusted it to humans. Learn to meditate on, cherish, and take care of the environment. Summarized from a John Ortberg sermon: 为什么要照顾自然环境? 主耶稣教导最大的两条诫命是爱上帝和爱邻舍 (马太福音22:36-40)。如果是这样,为什么还要关心自然环境或动物呢? 原因之一是上帝对它们的爱。上帝创造宇宙之后,认为这被造万物都很好 (创世记1:31)。 不仅如此,上帝还爱它们。在著名的约翰福音3:16中“上帝爱世人…”,“世人”一词在其原文意为宇宙, 其中包括人所在的世界和所处的环境。 如果上司认为某件事非常好并且喜欢它,下属关心这件事也应该是明智的。 保护环境的另一个原因是这乃为人原本的职责。当上帝按照自己的形象造人时,就命令人管理所有动物 (创世记1:26)。管理一词原文的意思是总督,就是国王不在时代表国王的人。换句话说,人类应该代表上帝照顾地上的动物。 祂也在圣经里表达过对动物的关心 (约拿书4:11)。 除此以外,上帝的创造充满了奇妙, 圣经中有许多段落赞美它。 诗篇19章前六节经文中,诗人大卫敬畏上帝的创造,包括天空,穹蒼和太阳。如果真的惊叹世界是造物主不可思议的杰作,自然就会照顾它。 总而言之,我们生活在一个上帝创造和爱惜的世界中。 上帝把它托付给我们,应当学会默想,珍惜并照顾我们生活的环境。
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