God never created anything without a purpose. That includes you.
We are made by Him and for Him to last forever, with life on earth preparing for our eternity (Ephesians 1:11-12, Colossians 1:16, Revelation 4:11). On Earth, we have five purposes. 1. To know and love Him. God made us for His pleasure, so it is important to know God (Hosea 6:6, 1Timothy 6:21). He gets pleasure in us and loves to love us (Psalm 149:4, Ephesians 1:4). So, don’t worry. Otherwise, we act as God doesn’t exist (Matthew 6:32). 2. To love others. God wants a family and wants us to be in His family (Ephesians 1:5, 1Timothy 3:15b, Romans 12:5). This is the spiritual family, the everlasting church (1Peter 1:3). God made us to love our spiritual family (1Peter 2:17), which trains us how to love others. This includes unlovely people around us. 3. To become more like Christ. God wants us to think and act like Christ, and to bear the fruit of the Spirit (Romans 8:29, Colossians 1:15, Philippians 2:5, Galatians 5:22-23). Our accomplishments are far less important than the person we become, which is the only thing we take to the other side after death. We need to grow spiritually and realize that things are not about us. This requires life-long training, typically through experiencing and patiently learning from difficulties (Mark 4:17, 2Corinthians 3:18). 4. To serve God by serving others. We are designed to serve God by serving others (1Peter 4:10), including the undeserving. Do good work to serve others based on our uniqueness (Ephesian 2:10), including spiritually, in our passion, abilities, personalities, and experiences (Psalm 139:13). 5. To fulfill a mission. God puts us here for a mission (John 17:18, Acts 20:24) based on what He gives us. Don’t follow your own small plan, but follow His big plan for us, a plan for a far better life, for a purpose that will last forever (2Corinthians 5:15, Proverbs 19:21). Open your eyes to see how good God is (Psalm 34:8) and receive the immense love of God. Live for Him and His kingdom. That should be the purpose of your life. Become what God made us to be. Live restfully, freely, and lightly a life that God has created for you (Matthew 11:28-30). This offer is available to all of us (Acts 10:35). Summary of a sermon by Rick Warren, “If I Could Only Teach You One Thing: Why God Made You.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5xyYI9tNV8 上帝为何创造你? 上帝的任何创造都有目的,包括你。 我们被祂而造,也为祂而造,而且存到永远(以弗所书 1:11-12,歌罗西书 1:16)。 我们地上的生命正在为我们的永恒做准备。 我们在地上有五个目的。 1.认识祂并且爱祂 上帝为了祂的喜悦创造我们,所以认识祂很重要(何西阿书 6:6,提摩太前书 6:21)。 祂以我们为乐,并且喜悦爱我们(启示录 4:11,诗篇 149:4,以弗所书 1:4), 所以不要忧虑。否则,我们行事为人就活得像上帝不存在一样(马太福音 6:32)。 2.爱他人 上帝渴望要一个家庭,并希望我们成为其中的成员(以弗所书 1:5,提摩太前书 3:15下,罗马书 12:5)。这是属灵的家庭,那永远存在的教会(彼得前书 1:3)。 上帝创造我们来爱这属灵之家(彼得前书 2:17),要训练我们去爱他人,包括周围那些不可爱的人。 3. 变得更像基督 上帝希望我们的思想行为像基督,结出圣灵的果子(罗马书 8:29,歌罗西书 1:15,腓立比书 2:5,加拉太书 5:22-23)。 成为什么样的人比作出什么样的成就更重要,这是我们离开世界后唯一能带到来世的东西。 我们需要灵命成长,明白自己并非万事万物的中心。这一切需要终生的训练,通常是经历困难并耐心地从中学习(马可福音 4:17,哥林多前书 3:18)。 4. 通过服事他人来服事祂 上帝的设计是要我们通过服事他人来服事祂(彼得前书 4:10),包括服事那些不配的人。 当使用我们在热情、能力、个性和经验上的特性, 包括属灵的恩赐(以弗所书 2:10), 来多做善工,服务他人(诗篇 139:13)。 5.完成使命 上帝把我们放在世上,为要让我们用祂所賜的一切去完成祂的使命(约翰福音 17:18,使徒行传 20:24)。 不要遵循自己的小计划,而要遵循祂为我们制定的大计划,一个更美好生活的计划,去追求一个永远的目标(哥林多前书 5:15, 箴言 19:21)。 睁开我们的眼睛,看看上帝何等美善(诗篇 34:8),接受上帝的大爱,为祂和祂的国度而活,这应该是我们人生的目的。 让自己成为上帝创造我们要成的样式, 过一种上帝为我们创造的安息、自由、轻省的生活(马太福音 11:28-30),这是祂为所有人预备的(使徒行传 10:35)。 Comments are closed.
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