What should we do when our plan does not materialize?
First, choose faith over fear and worry. Do not be anxious. 2 Tim 1:7. Phrases like “Not be afraid” appear 365 times in the Bible. Choose to trust that God is in control (Job 25:2), and He works for the good of those who love him. Romans 8:28. Be patient. We tend to focus on the short term. God told the prophet Habakkuk not to despair though things were terrible. Habakkuk 1:2; 2:3. Like planting, life has seasons. There are winters and there are springs. When we are in winters, wait for springs to come. James 5:7. Think things through. Do not take things at face value and jump to conclusions. Haste makes waste. Get the facts, get the truth, get the insights, and hold tightly onto them. Proverbs 25:8; 14:15; and 23:23. Learn from our failures. During Isaiah’s time, Israel was in shambles. The Israelites should have studied their failures and repented. But they did not. They wasted their failures. Isaiah 42:24-25. Try not to let a good crisis go to waste. Learn to give thanks in all circumstances. This is different from giving thanks for everything. For example, it would be difficult to thank God for COVID. But we could give thanks to God even with COVID among us because this is God’s will for us and we trust Him. 1 Thessalonians 5:18. Finally, focus not on what we can see but on the unseen. Focus on the eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18. Need to remember we are citizens of heaven. Philippians. 3:20. To conclude, if our plan does not materialize, do not be afraid. Instead, trust God’s sovereignty and love, and wait for Him. Think things through to gain insights and learn from our failures. Also, give thanks to God and focus on the eternal. Summarized from a Rick Warren’s sermon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXPyoZ5uBds 当您的计划与上帝的计划相左时 如果我们的计划无法实现时应该怎么办? 首先, 选择信心而不是恐惧和担忧。不要焦虑(提摩太后书1:7)。类似“不要惧怕”的片语在圣经中,出现过365次。选择相信上帝掌控一切(约伯记25:2), 并且萬事都互相效力,叫愛上帝的人得益處(罗马书8:28)。 我们往往短线,错过了忍耐的重要性。上帝告诉哈巴谷先知,尽管事情很糟透,不要绝望(哈巴谷书1:2; 2:3)。如像种植一样,生命是有季节的。有冬天, 有春天。 在冬天时,要等待春天的来临(雅各书5:7)。 要仔细考虑, 不要只看表象,也不要快快下结论。欲速则不达。获取事实,获取真相,获取洞察,并紧紧抓住它们(箴言25:8; 14:15; 23:23)。 要从失败中学习。在以赛亚时期,以色列陷入混乱。以色列人应该研究他们的失败, 并且悔改。然而他们没有如此行。他们浪费了失败后面的教训(以赛亚书42:24-25)。 要在任何情况下都感恩。这跟为所有事情都谢恩不同. 譬如说,我们将很难为冠状病毒感谢上帝。但是,即使冠状病毒在我们中间流行,我们也可以感谢上帝,因为这是上帝对我们的旨意,我们信靠祂(帖撒罗尼迦前书5:18)。 最后,不要把目光专注在所见的,而要集中所不见的。当定睛于永恒(哥林多后书4:18)。记住,我们是天上的国民(腓立比书 3:20)。 总而言之,如果我们的计划没有实现,不要害怕。 相反地,相信上帝的主权和慈爱,耐心等候祂。 仔细思考,获得洞察, 从失败中学习。在一切境况中感谢神,将我们的注意力定睛于永恒。
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