Typically, we go to God because we want things. That may be why Satan challenged God over Job: if God took away the lots of possessions He had given to Job, Job would curse God (Job 1:9-11). But after God allowed Satan to take from Job everything other than his wife (Job 1:12-13), Job still praised God because he knew he could not take anything with him when he died, and everything was in God’s hands (Job 1:21).
The Bible teaches us to rejoice in the Lord always—in health, sickness, wealth, or poverty (Philippians 4:4). For example, David glorified God in the desert of Judah and considered God’s love better than life (Psalm 63:3-5). When Habakkuk had nothing, not even food, he still was joyful in God and considered God his Savior (Habakkuk 3:17-18). Why should we still be joyful in God when externally we are in desperate shape? First, know that God is the Almighty and He loves us. God is the Almighty who created the universe, and He loves us. He sent us His beloved Son so we may live. Christ suffered not to bring us wealth or fame; He suffered to bring us back to God. Hence, we should focus on God, the Creator, not the things He created. All things we enjoy should point us to the Almighty. We should treasure and love God above everything. If we love Him, we should do what He wants us to do (John 14:15), though we know the essence of loving is not in performing tasks. If we love God, we should love our neighbors as fellow image-bearers of God. Paul described the Macedonian Christians as being very generous even when they were in severe trial and probably in poverty (2 Corinthians 8:1-2). Treasuring God over all things means considering Him as the most desirable, giving us the most satisfaction. When we are most satisfied in God, He is most glorified in us. Glorifying Him is the main reason of our existence (Isaiah 26:8, Philippians 1:20-21). Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help you so that God is your ultimate delight and enjoyment. Summarized from a sermon by John Piper: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkSAMTp5leQ 什么是以上帝为乐? 通常人们向上帝祈祷是因为想要索取。这可能就是为什么撒旦挑战上帝:如果上帝拿走赐给约伯的一切所有,约伯就会诅咒祂(约伯记1:9-11)。但当上帝允许撒旦攻击约伯,使他除了妻子一无所剩之后(约伯记1:12-13),约伯仍然赞美上帝,因为明白自己死去之时将无法带走任何东西,也知道一切都掌管在上帝手中(约伯记1:21)。 圣经教导信徒总要因神而欢喜,或健康或疾病,或富裕或贫穷,都当以神为乐(腓立比书4:4)。大卫即使在犹大旷野中也荣耀上帝,认为上帝的慈爱胜过生命(诗篇63:3-5)。先知哈巴谷一无所有,甚至食物都没有的时候,仍然以上帝为乐,认神为救主(哈巴谷书3:17-18)。 一个人身处绝望之境的时候,为什么仍然能以神为乐呢? 首先,应该知道上帝是全能的,而且祂爱我们。 创造宇宙的全能上帝爱我们,差派爱子来使我们得以存活。基督受苦不是为了给人带来财富或名望,而是为了将人带回到上帝面前。 因此,应该专注于上帝这位创造主,而不是任何的被造之物。人在地上的一切享受的都源于上帝的恩典,所以应该视上帝为珍贵,爱上帝超过万物以上。 如果爱上帝,就应该行祂所要我们行的,虽然知道爱的本质并非执行任务(约翰福音14:15)。 如果爱上帝,就应该爱邻舍,他们与我们同样是按上帝的形像被造。保罗形容马其顿基督徒在大试炼之季,很可能同时也在贫困之中,仍然慷慨乐捐(哥林多后书8:1-2)。 视上帝为至宝高于万物,就当以祂为心之最深渴慕和最大满足。 当上帝是信徒最大的满足时,祂就在我们里面得到最大的荣耀。荣耀上帝是人存在的主要原因(以赛亚书26:8;腓立比书1:20-21)。 祷告祈求圣灵帮助,使上帝成为你心中最大的喜乐和享受。
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