Let’s learn from Matthew Chapter 5.
The Ten Commandments provide a list of do and don’ts. But the Beatitudes focus on the person we should become to be blessed and prosperous (7-9). True blessing is not from wealth, power, or obeying the Law. True blessing is based on who we are, such as being meek, hungry for righteousness, merciful, pure in heart, and peacemaking. As we become blessed, Christ told us we will impact the lives of others—bringing out the good in others, preserving the good, and introducing light to those in darkness, so that others may see our good deeds and glorify our Father in heaven (Matthew 5:13-16). Then Christ emphasized He came to bring the Law to its fullness (17-20). The endgame is not obeying the Law, but to become like God. Christ explained with a few examples. He started with murder and adultery. Christ intensified the Law by considering having evil thoughts to be the same as committing the corresponding acts. The key is not just obeying externally but becoming like our heavenly Father (21-30). Another example is an eye for an eye. Previously, the law included appropriate compensation. If a Jew had ruined a carpenter’s eyes, he had to support his family because the carpenter could not earn a living anymore. But Christ told us to turn the other cheek if one cheek was hit and go two miles if demanded to go for one mile. We not only don’t ask for compensation, but also give to our evil enemies more than they asked (38-42). The last example is to love our enemies (43-47). Perhaps nothing better demonstrates Christ’s character than this. He healed the wound of the soldier who came to arrest Him. On the cross suffering beyond comprehension, He forgave those who caused His intense pain. As we sin, He keeps forgiving, embracing, and helping us on our path of discipleship. Such perfection is impossible without our Savior’s grace. It is a journey to gradually become like our heavenly Father (48). Matthew 5 gives us a glimpse into eternity. As of now, we must keep trying to be a light to those around us; serve, lift them up, and love them. Through Christ’s perfection, we become complete. Summarized from a sermon at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1ABgBRjZ4 理解登山宝训 让我们一起学习马太福音5章。 十诫提供了一份该做和不该做的清单,天国八福聚焦于什么样的人才是蒙福和富足的人 (马太福音 5:7-9)。 真正的福份不是来自财富、权力或遵守法律,而是基于我们是谁,例如是否拥有温柔、饥渴慕义、怜恤、清心、使人和平的品格。 当我们得到祝福时,基督教导我们应该也影响他人—带出他们里面的美好,保存良善的一切,为黑暗中的人带来光明。如此,其他人看到我们的好行为,就会荣耀我们在天上的父 (马太福音 5:13-16)。 基督接着强调祂来是要成全律法(马太福音5:17-20)。最终的目标不是遵守律法,而是变得像上帝。基督用几个例子来解释祂的意思。 基督从杀人和奸淫的例子开始。祂强化了律法, 认为有恶念与做出相应的行为是一样的罪。关键不只是表面的遵循,而是里面的生命要变得像天父一样 (马太福音 5:21-30)。 另一个例子是“以眼还眼”。此前,其目标包括适当的补偿。如果一个犹太人毁了一个木匠的眼睛,这犹太人就需要养活木匠的家人,因为受伤的木匠再也无法谋生。但是基督告诉我们如果有人打我们的右脸,连左脸也转过来由他打; 有人强逼我们走一里路,我们便跟他走二里。不仅不要求赔偿,而且还给出比那邪恶的敌人要求的更多(马太福音 5:38-42)。 最后一个例子是爱我们的仇敌,也许没有什么比这个更能彰显基督的品格(马太福音 5:43-47)。祂医好了前来逮捕祂的兵丁的伤口。在忍受十字架上不能想象的苦难当中,基督宽恕了那些带给祂巨大痛苦的人。当我们继续犯罪低于基督的标准时,祂不断地原谅、拥抱并帮助我们行走在训练门徒的道路上。 如果没有救主的恩典,这样的完美是不可能实现的。这是一个让我们逐渐变得更像天父的旅程 (马太福音 5:48)。 马太福音5 章让我们可以瞥见永恒。现在我们必须不断尝试成为周围人的光,服事、鼓励和爱护他们。 藉着基督的完美,我们变得像祂一样完全。
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