Habakkuk, an Old Testament prophet, experienced violence, injustice, and destruction. He cried out to God. Habakkuk1:2-4.
Satan wants us to believe if our Heavenly Father loves us, He will protect us against all harm; if bad things happen to us, God must have forsaken us. Luke 4:9-12. OT’s Joseph suffered for decades. Later, he explained God’s intent was to save many lives. Genesis 50:20. In the short term, things could be terrible. Unfortunately, we tend to focus on the negatives, and what is in front of us. What to do? Habakkuk was honest with his feelings. Seeing bad things as what they were, he complained to God. Habakkuk1:2-4. His turning point was when he stood on the ramparts to look far, and he listened to God. Habakkuk 2:1-2. God told him: The righteous would live by faith; be patient; and waited for the destruction of their arrogant, wicked, and idolatrous enemies. Habakkuk 2:3-19. Then Habakkuk remembered and saw God’s power, glory, holiness, and salvation. He trembled and waited patiently for God. Even with nothing left—no figs, grapes, olives, food from fields, sheep, and cattle—he still rejoiced in the Lord, his Savior. He knew the Sovereign Lord was his strength. Habakkuk 2:20-3:19. Christ told His disciples some of their closest relatives and friends would hate, betray, and kill them. Then Christ reassured them not one hair on their heads would perish. Luke 21:16-19. What could death do other than putting them into their heavenly Father’s arms. All things work together for His glory and the good of those who love Him. Romans 8:28. In addition, we should identify and strengthen our weaknesses, and fight. Learn from Nehemiah in re-building the Jerusalem walls. When the walls were half-built, with so much rubble and their enemies’ constant threats, the Jews were tired and afraid. Nehemiah told them to remember God. Nehemiah also established extensive defense systems to fight. Nehemiah4:6-23. In conclusion, be good. Be honest with what is confronting us and our feelings. Do not just see the negatives. See the positives also. Look far. Look long term. Remember God—His power, glory, holiness, and mercy. Listen to the Lord. John 1:14. Trust and patiently wait for Him. Rejoice in Him, our Savior. Identify and strengthen our weaknesses, and fight. Know that our Sovereign Lord is our strength. Then we will really live. Luke 21:19. Summarized from Tim Keller https://gospelinlife.com/trusting-god-in-difficult-times/ 蘇穎智 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yHCkWT0-Dc&t=126s Rick Warren https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WU-EAfIN7WM 在艰难的时期仰望上帝 哈巴谷先知看到暴力,不公正和毁坏。他向上帝呼求 (哈巴谷书1:2-3)。 撒但希望我们相信如果神爱我们,就会保护我们免受一切伤害; 如果坏事发生在我们身上, 神一定已经离弃了我们。 旧约的约瑟经受苦楚几十年之久。后来,他解释上帝的旨意乃是通过这些艰苦挽救许多生命 (创世记50:20)。 从短期来看,情况可能会很糟糕。不幸的是,我们往往专注眼前的事物和负面的事情,而忽略长久而正面的方面。 我们应该怎么办呢? 哈巴谷坦诚面对自己的感受。 他正视眼前的伤害,痛苦,饥饿和悲剧,向上帝抱怨。 先知的转折点是他站在城墙守望樓上远看, 在那里听主话语 (哈巴谷书2:1-2)。 主告诉他,義人因信得生。主也告诉他要有耐心, 要等待那些傲慢,邪恶和崇拜偶像的敌人遭到覆灭 (哈巴谷书2:3-19)。 然后,哈巴谷记起并看到神的大能,荣耀,圣洁和救赎。他身体战兢,耐心地等待神。 即使一无所有,没有无花果,葡萄,橄榄或农作物,也没有绵羊, 没有牛,他仍然因为他的救主而喜乐。他知道拥有主耶和华是他的力量 (哈巴谷书2:20-3:19)。 基督告诉他的门徒,有些最亲密的亲友会恨恶,背叛并杀死他们。但令人惊讶的是,基督随即保证他們連一根頭髮也必不受損壞。除了使他们投入天父的怀抱里,死亡还能做什么呢?万事互相效力,为了祂的荣耀,也为了那些爱祂之人得益( 罗马书8:28)。 此外,我们应该找出自己的弱点, 坚固它们,并进行争战。 向尼希米重建耶路撒冷城墙学习。 当城墙建到一半时,瓦砾遍地,仇敌威胁不断,犹太人又疲惫,又害怕。 尼希米告诉他们要记住上帝。 尼希米还建立了广泛的防御系统与仇敌战斗(尼希米记 4:6-23)。 总括来说,要做个良善的人。 诚实地面对事实, 面对我们的感受。不要只看负面, 同样要看正面。 也要放眼未来,从长计议。 记住上帝——祂的能力、荣耀、圣洁和怜悯。 听主的话(约翰福音 1:14)。 信靠主并耐心等候。 以上帝我们的救主为乐。 找出我们的弱点. 使其坚固,并且勇敢争战。 知道我们至高的主是我们的力量, 如此,我们将必得生命( 路加福音 21:19)。
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