Christ said that we are the salt and the light of the world (Matthew 5:13-16). What does that mean?
These days, we worry about salt causing high blood pressure. But historically, salt was pivotal to the development of civilization. Salt could preserve foods. So, salt enables distribution, allowing them to have different types of food all year round from different regions of the world. In addition, salt makes food taste good. Like salt, we should help people flourish and enhance human relationships. Light helps us see. We should put it high up so everyone in the house can see. Like light, we should let our good deeds shine before others. Then they may see them and glorify our Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16). Though we can be salt and light, others will still insult, persecute, and bear false witness against us (Matthew 5:11). Hopefully, these pains are not caused by our bad behavior or our trying to control others. If we suffer because of following Christ, then we should praise God (1 Peter 4:15-16). Christ, following the will of God the Father, came to Earth poor. He died on the cross to take away our curse and punishment. Because of Christ, we can be the blessed children of God, rich and fulfilled. In return, God the Father exalted Christ to the highest place. Billions of knees bow to Christ, and billions of tongues acknowledge Christ as Lord, to glorify God the Father (Philippians 2:9-11). Follow Christ. Be like salt and light. Help others so they may give glory to God. If persecuted because of Christ, rejoice because of your great reward in heaven (Matthew 5:11-12). Summarized from a Tim Keller sermon: 世上的盐和光 基督说我们是世上的盐和光(马太福音5:13-16)。 这是什么意思呢? 现在人们担心盐会导致血压高,但从历史上看盐是人类文明发展的一个重要关键。盐可以保存食物,支持食品分销渠道,使人能够全年享用来自世界不同地区不同类型的食物。 此外盐也使食物味道佳美。 我们应该像盐一样,帮助人类蓬勃发展,增进人际关系。 光使人能看见。屋里的灯应该放在高处,使里面的每个人都能看见。像光一样,我们应将善行显现在人面前,让人看见就荣耀在天上的父(马太福音5:16)。 尽管我们可以是盐和光,但是其他人仍然可以辱骂、逼迫和捏造各样坏话毁谤我们 (马太福音5:11)。 希望这些痛苦不是因为坏行为或试图控制他人的结果。倘若因为跟随基督而受苦,就应该赞美上帝 (彼得前书4:15-16)。 基督遵循父神的旨意,成为贫穷来到地上,死在十字架上,带走诅咒和惩罚。因为基督的缘故,信徒成为上帝蒙福的儿女,生命丰盛。 父神因此将基督升到至高之处,让万膝敬拜,万口承认基督是主, 使父神得荣耀 (腓2:9-11)。 总而言之,跟随基督,做盐做光, 帮助他人, 使荣耀归与父神。如果因为基督受逼迫,就当欣喜,因为在天上有大赏赐为我们存留(马太福音5:11-12)。
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