A N. T. Wright Sermon Summary As stated in the Lord’s prayer, God wants His Kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as in heaven (Matthew 6:9-10). Note that it focuses on earth, instead of somewhere above.
When Christ returns, He will transform the world back to what it was meant to be, the world God created and considered good (Genesis 1, 2). And we will be raised as Christ was raised (1 Corinthian 15:20-28). What God did for Christ at Easter is what He will do to all creation, utterly renewed, with no more corruption and decay and with God above all (1 Corinthians 15:20-28). But currently, we are living in a transition period. Today, people want to play their own games, worshiping and pursuing pleasure in what the world provides, while ignoring the future. We see chaos and destruction around us. The world is in pain. Creation is groaning (Romans 8:18-26). Fortunately, we are integrated with Christ and have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. We are heaven’s citizens following heaven’s ways. This is like Roman citizens living outside of Rome but following Rome’s ways. Don’t despair. Instead, we should share Christ’s suffering and carry our cross (Romans 8:26-27). Our hope is in things we don’t see. Wait patiently. With the love of God, pray agonizingly. As the Father sent Christ, Christ sent us to the world. Having said that, we shouldn’t try to change the world just with our own intellect and capability. We are weak, but God’s power is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9-10). Only God can build His kingdom. We rely on God to bring order to His creation and make the world flourish. One day, the creation will be liberated. Our work in the Lord will not be in vain, and we will see how our little effort fits into the Kingdom (1 Corinthians 15:58). Because of God’s love, we will reign through Christ and share His glory (Romans 5:17, 8:31-39). Today, we follow His guidance and do our small parts. Be faithful in your calling and cheerful in your service for Him, so that you may be fruitful for His Kingdom. Summary of a sermon by N. T. Wright, titled, “The Future of the World.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWNKp3jYyRo
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